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Started Ramos- How many Arachnid Swarms?


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 Two weeks ago I started Arcanists to take a short break from Neverborn (nothing more than a shoddy excuse to play Raspy :D). Today I couldn't resist and bought the Ramos box + the Steam Arachnids one. This leaves me with 12 arachnids. The thing is that I am not sure how many Arachnid Swarms to build out of them. Your input is greatly appreciated! 

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Mirroring what everyone else says, it's not very often I even make one swarm, let alone two. I tend to leave them as single spiders for the mobility and activation control.

For now a single swarm is best, but play a few games and see how you go since everyone has their own playstyles; you might like using more swarms over single bases.

You can always buy more later on :)

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With 12 spiders, and lack of interest in playing with Magnets I would go for 8 spiders and 2 swarms, each with 2 spiders on some kind of junk yard scrap.

2 of the old metal spiders can fill a 40mm Scenic base with out it looking empty.

They sure can. I did this and I think it looks good with 2 around.

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Personally I'm thinking of magnetizing three Spiders for maximum flexibility. Once I get around to my Ramos crew, that is, which will likely take quite a while.

Oh here he is talking about spiders and all that!

Anyway that's a good idea. I have no idea how to magnetize though and the spiders were dirt cheap at the sale so I'm gladly done already. :D

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A little off topic here but do spiders drop scrap when "sacraficed" to create a swarm? If not how do people generate scrap makers in turn 2 for summoning (assuming you used Ramos pull on electric creation to get 1 first turn). Thanks.


No, they don't. Sacrifice doesn't produce counters. And you get scrap the same way you get it in the first turn: By trickery or by things dying. (If you only get one Scrap in turn 1, you don't use Joss's full potential. Also, you should get at least two Spiders per Scrap.)

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played my first game last week with Ramos. I took: Ramos w/ Arcane Reservoir, Joss w/ Imbued Energies & Open Current, Howard w/ Bleeding Edge Tech, 1 metal gamin, 4 steam arachnids. The strat was turf war and i picked protect territory and plant explosives. It was a fantastic game that went down to the very last flip and ended 10 to 9. I'm sure I could have done some things better but I had no problem summoning spiders off scrap. Turn 1 I used magnetism from the gamin and Ramos and then the rest of the game my opponent obliged me by providing scrap. One of the primary questions I walked away with was whether or not taking both Joss and Howard is the best use of soulstones? They're both fantastic beaters but do i need that much beatstick? I lean more toward taking Howard in general due to his speed and then using the stones from Joss to perhaps try Oxfordian Mages or Johan (depending on opponent's crew/strat scheme pool). 


With the Oxford Mages, if you take three of them can two triggers be done off the extra books in the same AP?

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With the Oxford Mages, if you take three of them can two triggers be done off the extra books in the same AP?


Nope, you can only declare one trigger per action (M2E big rulebook page 29).


As for Howard and Joss, I always try to take them both. They are both beatsticks, true, and rather expensive but together they can easily dissolve the opposition. If I could only pick one, I'd choose based on what I need to achieve my schemes and strats: Joss for tanking and Hank for killing power. Using your list as a base, I'd probably remove 3 arachnids and add the Brass arachnid (reactivating Hank is just too good) and use the 8 stones left to specialize my crew.

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Johan does something different in the crew - condition removal, which is sometimes incredibly important, and also his impressive area-heal for MS&U models. 


His beat-stickery is a bit of a bonus really.


Given his support role, I suspect that he may well be the better model for Combat Mechanic as well, as he is less likely to be fighting early doors, and less likely to be killed as a result.


If you do as above and have 8 left... well, that makes the core crew very, very hard to kill. 

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