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Expanding Sonnia's crew


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Hi people

I'd expand the torch and the blade crew and I'm looking for advices.
I've read that Freikorps Specialists are a good choice (but they are not avaible yet on webstore) and adding a couple to the crew wouldn't be bad; I've considered also a couple of Executioners to have a solution in close combat.

Any suggestions?

Thanks all

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Executioners are quite rubbish really. :P What you might want to look into, which won't you get any friends, but then again you went Guild so that's already a given. Is the Perdita boxset, you get a borderline broken Henchman in Francisco and a good Enforcer Papa Loco who is also borderline broken with Sonnia as he gives him :+fate to damage. :P


What you really want is the Death Marshals. They are really good with any Guild master. Might want to consider the Lady J boxset as then you would get another really good Henchman in the form of a Judge. 

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Something like this?

Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap

Sonnia -- 3 Pool
 +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
 +Reincarnation [1]
 +The Mask [1]

Purfying Flame [3]
Death Marshal [6]
Death Marshal [6]
Death Marshal [6]
Samael Hopkins [9]
 +Witch Hunt [2]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Witchling Stalker [5]

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Well probably not. You might want a bit bigger pool than 3. :D


Around 5 at least if you are planning to use Reincarnation, granted it's a lot tougher now with the new faq.


But models you might implement there are Francisco from the Perdita box instead of an Executioner. Judge is really good too, he is just pretty much solid in every game, he doesn't do anything super well but he does little things, like push Sonnia around which is pretty huge with her wk 4. 


A friend of mine just played a pretty mean game against my Ramos with something like this: 


Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap
Sonnia -- 7 Pool
 +Counterspell Aura [1]
 +Reincarnation [1]
Purfying Flame [3]
Death Marshal [6]
Francisco Ortega [8]
 +Wade In [1]
Papa Loco [7]
The Judge [9]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Witchling Stalker [5]
It's a pretty good all around list in my opinion. At some point you really want to look into the Witchling Handler but as she isn't out in plastic and probably won't be for a while, she is tough to find. But brings good synergy to the crew and could replace Papa Loco for example. 
EDIT: Good line in your signature. You could instill Abuela to your list and add Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast in there :P
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Oh? A fair Guild player? This is unusual. You could then think about Sidir from the McCabe box, then again that box brings nothing else of use to Sonnia but McCabe himself is super fun. 


But you do really want the Death Marshals and might as well pay up a little more to get the Lady J box as you get another master and a really good Henchman. Bodyguard and protect territory in the pool? Judge will deliver those both with 6 VP's almost guaranteed. :P 

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Why do people think Perdita and friends are op? Ehh thoughts for a different thread.

On topic. Sonnia has the flexibility to use any model in the guild arsenal. She most definitely is not pigeon holed in to just stalkers and burning. Or making stalkers or etc. She is actually quite self sufficient in her own right. So the real question is what do you need for the strategy and schemes at hand. Guild hounds and watchers and guild guard are good for objectives. Executioner is good at hitting things as is the resilient peacekeeper. Death marshals are good models who have a sweet box. Exorcists are great vs well lots of things. Etc etc. Etc. Etc.

So you want to expand Sonnia. Buy the whole guild line. She can use all of it when warranted. Also get. A Malifaux child. He is a nice addition for extra flame walls or flamebursts.

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I've been taking crew like this to great effect with my local group. Guild hounds work well too and sometimes I drop a stalker for a 2nd Pathfinder. I've also played with the Riflemen and the Handler with mixed results.

Sonnia -- 6 Pool
 +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
 +Reincarnation [1]
Guild Austringer [6]
Guild Pathfinder [6]
Watcher [4]
Watcher [4]
Witchling Handler [8]
 +Disrupt Magic [2]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Witchling Stalker [5]

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'Cisco is not borderline broken......he's just solid but works well with any master thus you see him in many crews giving the impression that he is "broken". Apparently Death Marshals are also broken since they show up in every list.....and Austringers. (two models I rarely use by the way)


Sonnia's pitiful Df makes 'Cisco a good add.....also, his El Mayor ability can help get her out of being engaged.


If you plan on running Stalkers with her then the Witchling Handler is an auto-include for me.....and honestly, you could run two if you wanted......something like this:

Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap
Sonnia -- 7 Pool
+Cherufe's Imprint [1]
+Counterspell Aura [1]
+Reincarnation [1]
  • Watcher [4]
  • Witchling Handler [8]
+Disrupt Magic [2]
  • Witchling Handler [8]
+Plant Evidence [1]
  • Witchling Stalker [5]
  • Witchling Stalker [5]
  • Witchling Stalker [5]
  • Witchling Stalker [5]

Disrupt Magic is a must, but you could switch Plant Evidence for something else.....I just threw it in for the point. Deploy Sonnia central with two flanking squads of Handler and 2 Stalkers. The Watcher is an awesome objective/scheme runner and people tend to ignore it so you can catch them by surprise when you use it as LoS for Sonnia. Other than Sonnia herself, there is a ton of mobility in this crew.
(I know Handlers are hard to find.......proxy until they come out.)
Personally I like Sam....though a lot of people don't. I usually don't move him too far from Sonnia. Everyone knows that the best way to stop Sonnia is to engage her........well, Sam is one of the most deadly Melee models in the game....so if they come in on Sonnia, Sam charges in and destroys them (killed a full health Rail Golem in one charge once.....with two Weak damage hits).
Some other good suggestions were made.....Papa is fun to give her the plus flip for damage.......a lot of people will also take a Death Marshal to Pine Box Papa to keep the plus flips going....personally I don't like the idea of putting a 7ss model out of the game just for plus flips.
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Haha! One of life's little annoyances, being told that a crew that you've really struggled with is overpowered and 'broken'!  used to get the same thing when I played Cryx! 


I'd agree that Freikorps specialists would be good to add yet more burning and Francisco to boost Sonnia's terrible Df (although he isn't an auto include, having to bunch your models together can be a weakness in certain schemes and strategies). 

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List of models i like with Sonnia is


Witchling Stalkers - Remove conditions, hand out burning, great melee attack. Our best minion overall imo.

Malifaux Child - (Double Flame Pillars is a thing)

Watcher(s) - These are our best scheme models by far.

Francisco - Just all around superstar with El Mayor and usually becomes the focus of my opponents attention :D

Pathfinder - For Squatters rights and generally i feel this a model an opponent must remove or the game will start going downhill for them in the later turns/

Judge - Another all round henchmen, this guy is just a work horse.

Samuel - I like him, he does one thing only, but hes just so good at that (not many things in the game with weak dmg 4 at range that can ignore los and cover) plus hes even more deadly upclose.

Death Marshall - All round model, a little uninspiring sometimes but occasionally pinebox will win you a game. 

Pale Rider - Criminally underated, probably the 2nd best Rider overall. The (0) action is easily the 2nd best out of the riders and mid to late game he can really mix it up and usually survive.

Guild Hounds - Cheap fast models for use in various strats and scheme. Quite pokey for 3 ss in combat to. 

Austringer - Deliver Orders, the discard cards trigger and the ability to terrorize enemy totems/scheme runners.


Theres more but those models are probably the bread and butter for me. I still havent really got round to trying everything yet so no doubt that list will change over time (next up is hunters/abuela/exorcists)

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I would suggest get the Lady Justice box, Perdita Box, and Hoffman Box . All models are viable in those boxes and gives you more masters to play! Those should keep you plenty occupied. Then wait for plastic Witchling Handler, Guild Austringer, and Freikorp Specialist.

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Brutal Effigy makes a nice addition, especially if your opponents tend to send models out to engage her. The healing and cards you get of her hitting things, particularly with her sword, can keep her looking healthy.

Once again, another model not yet out in plastic but Sonnia's my favourite for the plucky little fella.

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Some other good suggestions were made.....Papa is fun to give her the plus flip for damage.......a lot of people will also take a Death Marshal to Pine Box Papa to keep the plus flips going....personally I don't like the idea of putting a 7ss model out of the game just for plus flips.



Yesterday I have tried this combo, but I do not believe this is a good investment.  You are down 7ss for at least two turns and maybe on the third you release Papa. Till then you should return your investment. I believe in some cases this might work, but you need to really milk this combo, the Judge with the movement will complement. Otherwise as already said, box of Death Marshals, box of Witchling Stalkers, maybe the Breach Multipart kits for proxies. Executioners with Death Marshal Taxi maybe. Malifaux Child is available as a promo this month when you support your FLGS.


Lady J has an ability: Impossible to find.

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I've read that Freikorps Specialists are a good choice (but they are not avaible yet on webstore) and adding a couple to the crew wouldn't be bad;

If you can't find the old metal ones it's unlikely that these guys are going to be available separately from the Freikorps crew box.


Mainly commenting for some advice though as just picked up Sonnia and some other Guild stuff myself.

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I've used Papa in a box for Sonnia before and it's worked wonders for me, Urgol. If you're targetting things within 10" and you have the Witchling Handler's extra Burning applying as well, that's lots of Burning she can dish out. She'll also get Papa's :+fate  on her Df/Wp trigger too, meaning you can cheat down blasts.


I cannot recommend taking the Brutal Effigy with this enough if you give it another go, as healing off of models damaged by your blasts and drawing cards means that you'll get some good card cycling going on at times.

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Yesterday I have tried this combo, but I do not believe this is a good investment.  You are down 7ss for at least two turns and maybe on the third you release Papa. Till then you should return your investment.

I feel that being inside a box does not hinder Papa's ability to work outside of giving the :+fate , but actually increases it. Sure, you will lose his activations, but he would have had to spend those for hiding or moving forward. Being inside a box allows him to do both of those things, while also keeping Hold This on your favorite master.

The only downside I see for putting him inside the box, is losing an activation which will likely let your opponent out-activate you. This can be remedied by using Hold This to kill opponent's models so that he loses the activation advantage. :P

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