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McMourning Totem


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Has anyone had any success using the graveyard spirit in place of the Chihuahua in a crew with a lot of with a lot of flesh constructs and autopsies to take advantage of his discard ability to get a bunch of reactivated models?

It has crossed my mind, but no, not yet. I always end up with another Expunge team.

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Have tried, but had more success with Seamus and copycat spamming "discard or die" abilities. One card just won't do the trick (at least for me) without other abilities to back it up. That said, might be successful against some masters/crews who use their hand more actively, as they're doing half the work for you at that point. Graveyard spirit might be the proverbial straw at that point...


Long story short: my experience is unless they are dumping cards anyway, spirit by itself is unlikely to have enough impact to accomplish your goal.

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I haven't used him with McMorning, but I've used the Graveyard Spirit with great success with Tara and Molly. Horror Molly uses the Graveyard spirit to protect the Valedictorian, or to jump up very fast to attach to killjoy once he makes his appearance. Spirit Molly uses him to make Izamu armor 4, or make Jakuuna manipulative, Incorporeal, and armor 2.


I tend to find that he just works better on 50mm bases as it usually takes a ML model a full activation to kill him as they usually need to move to get him in LoS because of his hiding behind the larger base size. 

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I've used graveyard spirit in a list with 2 flesh constructs and 3 guild autopsies a couple times now. I honestly don't remember what master I used, maybe Nico?, but it doesn't really matter. Whether it works or not is completely dependent on how strict your opponent is with card management and remembering to save 2 cards instead of 1. You may catch someone off guard on like turn 2 if they're new or just not paying attention, and after that it's really just up to if they momentarily slip and forget to save cards in the heat of battle. It's not something I'd want to run a lot, but an interesting change.


However, seeing Rusty Alice in the middle of an open field with 3 autopsies surrounding her on different sides, and gunned down after the reactivate kicked in, even with bulletproof, that.. that was a special moment I'll hold dear for a while.

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I thought about the same thing but usually end up just getting the discard trigger of the belles a few more times on purpose


You can help that even further with Belles. With the discard a trigger.


Must resist comment about zFiend being ninja'd....

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Corrupted you with Rezzer filth? YES. YES.


Well... no. I jumped into Nicodem's crew willingly... It was the Prison Shower treatment you gave my Misaki crew with McMourning that truly turned me over to the Dark Side. I've always had fun with the Chihuahua a 2nd chance at Expunge is always fun and if combined with Rafkin using Transfusion you can potentially P-Bomb 2 enemy models per turn for extra killy goodness!  :D

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Well... no. I jumped into Nicodem's crew willingly... It was the Prison Shower treatment you gave my Misaki crew with McMourning that truly turned me over to the Dark Side. I've always had fun with the Chihuahua a 2nd chance at Expunge is always fun and if combined with Rafkin using Transfusion you can potentially P-Bomb 2 enemy models per turn for extra killy goodness!  :D


Yeah exactly. So much fun for everyone!

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The chihuahua is pretty hard for me to pass up. So far he has kills for Misaki and Lilith for me. I need to come up with some way to keep track of that. Maybe a nice doggie biscuit added to the base for each master killed.


And the next time I try the Reactivate crew, I'll have to try some Belles. I was in my "don't always rely on Belles" phase when I ran them before.

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