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What happened to the Viktorias box?

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 Happy New Year! May all you duels have :+fate  :+fate  :+fate ! Now on the matter at hand: I really want to start outcasts, but I am only interested in Von Schil and the Viktorias. The problem is that the Hired Swords is out of stock everywhere I check, apart from few scalpers (2000GPB for the box! Really?!). I know that there has been some scaling issues, but I believe that those were fixed. Element Games says on their page that the mold is broken. So, do you know anything about this? Any rumors when this will be released again? Sadly, it seems that the Viktorias are stuck in limbo with Lady J to keep them company. 

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I don't there's been much said about this, other than the rumor about the mold.

It might also be that Wyrd are busy with the new releases and hasn't had the time to do second runs on the earlier waves. Production can only do so much at the same time...

They will be printed anew, but when is uncertain...

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I heard somewhere along the grapevine there was issues with the Viktoria's mold. Something to do with a crack or split in it and it's caused delays. I couldn't provide any solid proof or evidence on this though. Just the usual rumors like everybody else.


As to the scale issues with the Viks I believe that was originally a problem with the early sets released via GenCon 2013 and was swiftly rectified shortly after their general release the following November. I happen to have a GenCon version of the box and I quite like my Amazonian Ronin. The Viks are fine but one of the Ronin (pig tails) and the Student of Conflict is also pretty big to boot. Still these issues never really bothered me so I never bothered requesting replacements. 

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I've also got a box of the wrongly scaled viks and got replacements for the models that were out of scale. I believe it was the three ronin and one of the viks. The rest are fine.

But this is an old matter, it was the first batch that came along with the Gencon preorder, 2 gencons ago. All the newer boxes are corrected.

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I too am also waiting on the re release of these along with the Lady J box set, Its frustrating because as a newcomer to the game, these two crews are by far the two i am most interested in fielding from everything that I  have see available in 2E thus far... i wish Wyrd would release some info on when we can expect to be able to purchase these again... 

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This is something that concerns me a lot. I have a good haul of minis to be getting on with so I don't mind from a personal perspective but Wyrd being out of stock on so many lines and for such an extended period over the busy Christmas period is a worry. In my local shop in London Rasputina, Some'r, Lady J, Mccabe, Viktorias, Mcmourning, Nicodem and Mizaki are all out of stock and several of these have been out of stock for some time over Christmas. 


P.S. some of these lines are available from other retailers here in the UK but I'm still concerned on Wyrd's behalf over the stock flow of some of their lines. 

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My guess, and I emphasize this is only a guess, is that Wyrd is struggling with growing pains on several fronts simultaneously.


Switching from metal to plastic.  Not sure how long it takes to go from concept art to sculpt to mold, but even if the timeline is fairly short, there are a lot of models to redesign and the Wyrd staff is still pretty small. 


Inventory/production management.  If all the molds for all the models were done and sitting in a warehouse somewhere Wyrd still needs to figure out the size of production runs needed to satisfy demand until the next time the mold is used--how much inventory is needed to ensure that demand is met without filling the warehouse with boxes gathering dust.  My rather dated memory of molding machines is that it takes several hours to switch molds so you want to do it as seldom as possible.


I would be surprised if Wyrd has good estimates of demand at this stage in their development making production planning more of a problem.  A situation that is likely worse now than a year ago since my perception is that the game is attracting new followers--probably more than Wyrd was planning for.  Growth is a nice problem to have, but if you are small and can't ramp up production quickly it is very much a problem.


Rumors suggest  that Wyrd is having some of the molds redesigned based on customer complaints about the number of small fiddly parts and breaks that don't always seem to make sense.  More time--more production delays.  


Excessive early acquisition by players.  If you are hanging out here or are a regular on the AWP facebook group, you already know that model availability can be hit-or-miss depending on production cycles.  If you have the cash you might well buy models because of the fear that they could be sold out in 6-8 months when you will actually want to build/play that model.  I have a couple of models where I am debating this with myself right now--buy a model I know isn't going to be assembled for at least two months to make sure I have one or wait two months and hope I can still get it?  If I buy it now, do I help to create the scarcity I dread?


I've gone on a bit, but the simple point is that I think Wyrd is still suffering a lot of confusion on their production/inventory management side for multiple reasons.  If it were just one thing it should be easy for them to fix, but multiple problems often makes it difficult to solve even one of them.  And even if you do solve one of the problems, it may not translate into something the customer sees.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I ordered the Viks box from Arcane Minis in early December.  I'm in the USA so I had to give them a full 25 working days from time of dispatch to report it as non-delivered.  I had to report it to them two days ago and asked for a refund.  They sent an email asking if the shipping address was right which it is and I confirmed.   I didn't receive another reply yet.  I sent a follow up asking them to confirm that they will issue a refund.  If I don't get it soon, I guess I'll go the Credit Card chargeback route.


I did read bad things about this company but it was my last resort.  They were litterally the last place on the internet with stock at least from what I could dig up over several hours.  


It's a pity because it was to be my very first Wyrd purchase!

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 Yes, I didn't dare to order from them. Leisure games had fantastic customer service, but they didn't have it in stock. I have faith that Wyrd will reprint it soon. Same for one of their most iconic characters Lady J. They seems to be a small company and their output of new kits is amazing. I guess that with such schedule, production problems are a true nightmare and take a while to resolve.

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