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Silly Doppelganger Tricks: Guild Edition!

The Zinc Lich

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Alright, so, I have a thing for models with cool synergy abilities, and you don't get much more cool or synergistic than the Doppelganger's Mimic. Now, thanks to Lucius' Neverborn posse, we Guild players get a chance to play with it. What ideas does everyone have?


-Flaming Bullets: Thanks to Useless Duplication, the Doppelganger is unable to be shot as she moves into position. With that, and the faster movespeed than ol' Samael, she can apply the Mark of Incineration and let him do what he does best: shoot the ever-loving crap out of people.


-"Te Llevare al Inferno Conmigo!": Once again, having Useless Duplications means you have a copy of Papa who is almost impossible to get rid of except in melee. Sounds good to me.


-Empty the Magazine: An attack that causes slow, which has a trigger that deals extra damage to a model that is already slow. I can really see why they specified that it can only be used once per turn... except now it can't.


-Dispel Magic: My vote for the best, most accessible condition clearing in the game. There isn't a reason why you shouldn't have access to this, especially considering how much Lucius likes Witchlings, anyway.

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Doppelganger says no triggers. But i like the train of thought.


Correct. Still, Doppelganger can use it first, which makes the trigger on Sidir's follow-up really nasty.


Also, when copying Samael's gun, the extra damage to burning enemies is built in, not a trigger. Thus, a really good gun to copy. Same for his mallet, although she doesn't get Crit Strike.


She can copy the Executioner's heal, which is nice.


If she copies the Pathfinder's weapons, she still gets the bonus for traps, as it's built in.

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Doppelganger could copy Samael's "Burn Them Out" for a few extra attempts at spreading the fiery love. I doubt many people fancy seeing 3, 4 or maybe even 5 (2 from Sam, 2 from Doppelganger + 1 from Trigger on Mimic) of those coming their way a turn! Just imagine... Burning +20 *drools* Say you say EXTRA crispy!  :D

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Pretty sure the burning rules in the rule book disagree with you. 1 interact per burning +1 till 0.

"Any model within 2" (including the burning model) may take a (1) Interact Action with the burning model to remove 1 from its Burning value. If the value reaches 0, the Condition is removed. The Burning Condition is considered to read:..."

But if a Witchling stalker or other condition removal removed burning then it takes all the stacks.

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Godlyness is correct. That's how it works.


Yup. condition removal would make you cry but thankfully not every crew takes it and not every crew has Obey either. To remove Burning +20 by interact actions you'd need 10 models interacting with the model twice. This is just not going to happen because most crews are lucky if they can get 10 models and they just wont be in range to remove all the Burning, bottom line... somethng is gonna die horribly. Burning +20 is a bit of over kill, it'll be fun to try out one day though. Still... Once plastic Kaeris is out I'm going to be trying to stack up that sort of burning on things in my dumb fun games just to see how crispy I can make things.  :D

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I thought of one a while back but I'm not sure if it is legal. Hans' tactical action "smile you son of a..." removes an upgrade from a model (not on a trigger mind you) and does no damage, this is balanced because his front card ability "to the highest bidder" means they always have the option of discarding two cards. Sounds pretty nasty to me. So can the doppelganger mimic this and if so what can I say to the friend I have talked to about this discovery to convince them that M2E is balanced as they have been quite apprehensive about M2E and this sadly hasn't helped.

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I thought of one a while back but I'm not sure if it is legal. Hans' tactical action "smile you son of a..." removes an upgrade from a model (not on a trigger mind you) and does no damage, this is balanced because his front card ability "to the highest bidder" means they always have the option of discarding two cards. Sounds pretty nasty to me. So can the doppelganger mimic this and if so what can I say to the friend I have talked to about this discovery to convince them that M2E is balanced as they have been quite apprehensive about M2E and this sadly hasn't helped.


Well sure the Doppelganger can copy "Smile, you Son of a..." but the condition says "This Model's Sh Actions deal no damage" The Doppelganger has no natural Shooting action so it would have to find a way to copy the action from Hans and then copy a shooting action in the same activation to pull this off.  I cannot think of anything that gives the Doppelganger right now the ability to do the same (0) action twice so you are pretty safe from them ever pulling this trick off.

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It does not matter.  The Doppelganger's Mimic action is a (0) and it has nothing that lets it take that (0) action again.  So it can only Mimic 1 thing, so if it Mimic "Smile, You Son of ..." then it cannot Mimic a Shooting action.  And "Smile, You Son of..." only works with shooting actions of which the Doppelganger lacks naturally.  Also Mimic only lasts for the Activation so even if you got reactivation somehow the first would fade before you could use it again.  So Fast and more actions will not help it unless you somehow give it the ability to take the same (0) action twice which there is currently no way.  So you will never be able to pull off the Doppelganger using this trick.


So far I think the only person that can pull off using Han's tactical action, besides Hans, is Tara.  She can Bury Hans and use a tactical action from one of her upgrades to take the "Smile, you Son of..." action and then use her Peacebringer to shoot upgrades off.  Not a bad tactic if you can set it up right. 

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