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Collodi man is he fun/a dick.

The Godlyness

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Why would you play Lucius without bringing ranged attacks from Guild? That's like playing Perdita without Enslaved Nephilim and Family models.

I meant it simply as, having a minion control style master for Neverborn, unless I just really wanted/needed ranged attacks (thus Riflemen or Austringers), I prefer Collodi as an overall best master for controlling my minions. 

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I meant it simply as, having a minion control style master for Neverborn, unless I just really wanted/needed ranged attacks (thus Riflemen or Austringers), I prefer Collodi as an overall best master for controlling my minions.

OK, that makes sense.
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How many Stitched did you run with? :D

Do you think Vasilisa is paramount to the crew, or can you see yourself take other models instead?

Only 1 stitched since I only own 1. He died turn 1. If he didn't get izamued he would have gambled Izamu 6-9 times. Hopefully killing him. And scoring me my hidden murder protege.

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Ranged is a decent defense until those models are engaged in melee and shut down. Collodi's crew isn't exactly slow or immobile. Even Guild Rfilemen with their Stand and Fire aren't a sure fire counter, especially if playing with any where near the higher end of recommended terrain amounts.

Collodi (and Vasilisa) is pretty good at moving Puppets fast up the board, so they can tie up enemy gunners. Stitched can provide with some neat Soft-Cover too. So shooting isn't too bad :)

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Only 1 stitched since I only own 1. He died turn 1. If he didn't get izamued he would have gambled Izamu 6-9 times. Hopefully killing him. And scoring me my hidden murder protege.


Its never fun to get Izamued, and I really hope 6-9 gambles should be enough to bring the big fella down.

I feel bad for you that you only have one. I only got two... (sad face).

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I had at one point 6 stitched due to winning an Ebay auction and already having some.  Ended up giving two away to one player but still got 4 *Something people hated in the Beta when I was making a point of using Dreamer*. 


I hate it when Dreamer is "making a point" ^^.

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I hate it when Dreamer is "making a point" ^^.


When you summon two teddies in a single game with the Dreamer and in another summon a bunch of other stuff, then in the game after one teddy again it is bad.  I was arguing about his Dreams of Pain being to good with a Cast of 7.


That being said I might have to go back and convert two of them at some point just to add some variation.  I gave the two that were still unassembled away so I ended up with two matching sets of poses.  I should at some point maybe bend limbs or something to change them up more.

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Generally if I needed all four it was because I started with 2 and when I got my hands I had a 10 to spare for them *and not need a Insidious Madness*.  But yes, I suspect generally I will need 3 but having the fourth makes the option possible.


But back to Collodi.  I am curious how many people have been running him regularly.  Also about Effigies.  From the sounds of it the Brutal and Arcane are the most popular so far for ones to take with him which can be understandable.  Have people been taking any others for specific purposes or just these two and using the rest of your SS for other models?

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I ran him and Lilith concurrently in a league, though I was mostly rocking fluffy lists- With the addition of the widow weaver, because throwing around a -wp aura near a model you want to pull strings on... Why wouldn't you? Never with the summoning upgrade, though... Too resource intensive, I think.


I used Arcane effigy and brutal effigy- and I didn't just pass out brutal, there were times when the burning and the potential card destruction seemed really good across all the puppets and minions. I also loved bringing waldgeists, they helped with SH defense, and if you gave them a 4" range and then started giving them extra attacks at a plus flip seemed pretty devastating. 


Loved me some Collodi. Only once did I do the uber obey list: Collodi, Vasalisa, and Lazarus. Vasalisa gets two obeys, Collodi gives three obeys with a positive twist, and Laz steals Heed, Makes Collodi Heed Vasa, who gets an obey at a positive twist. Dirty.



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You're right- My Will is what I meant, but "Heed my Voice" was what I was remembering, which is Hungering Darkness' thing...


It's corner case, but I had a couple times where it was the best option: Papa Loco surrounded by family. A perfectly placed Sniper Tower Trapper (Shoot. Shoot again. Fall off the ledge.) Also, you're at a plus flip to the cast, so you've got a decent chance (something a little less than 1/4) and if you've got the stones for it you can burn those for suits. Food for thought.


And it's not like Laz wasn't doing what he was good at doing anyways- shooting all of the things, and staying very much alive. Just gives him a juicy target for his (0) action. In fact, if you wanted to, it would give Collodi the ability to take 5 "basic" attacks per turn- 3 natural, 4 from strum, and 5 from Laz stealing "My Will" off of him, and making him do a 1 action at a plus flip.



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You can also use Seduce off the Performer's card to give out negative twists, which would do all kinds of terrible things, and with a widow weaver (or other models that can drop WP) make it more sure to go off. 


Marionettes are fantastic 4 point model. Three armor makes it hard to kill if there's no bypass in their crew, Mechanical adorations is sweet if you're bringing a Coryphee, as it makes it so they don't have to walk. Their attack inherrently gives out slow, and Magician's Assistant works on "Friendly models within 2", so a mannequin in pack of marionettes is scheme marker city. 


For 10 points, you can have a Mannequin and a performer pop out two scheme markers up to 6" away on their turn, then have Collodi "My Will" Perfmoer (as a minion) to Seduce twice getting loooots of  :-fate :-fate to DF and WP. That's a death sentence.


Screw it, next time I do a collodi crew, I'm playing a showgirls Collodi. It's gonna be fabulous. (Jazz Hands).


Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap

Collodi -- 6 Pool
+Bag of Props [1]
+Strum the Threads [1]

Marionette X 4 [12]
Coryphee [7]
Coryphee [7]
Mannequin [4]
Performer [6]
Widow Weaver [8]
+Fears Given Form [1]


Great at Scheme Marker rich pools, and Single Target Elimination, probably... murder protege, vendetta, bodyguard denial. (Vendetta with collodi... buh. Try to kill it. First attack, points. Second attack. Collodi gives third attack. Fourth attack. fifth attack. Sixth attack. With aw 7 point coryphee, you can choose a lot of different models, and ML6 with a double positive to attack, and a chance to give a single negative on DF and WP duels? Guh....)



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"Mannequin" is always good. It needs other showgirls to use its all ability, but Magician's Assistant and  :melee  Triggers are very useful without them. 

I think Mannequin is better than Collodi's other Scheme Marker Thrower, Shadow Effigy.


Coryphee is Beatstick "&" Scheme Runner. But Neverborn have The Illuminated(Beatstick) and Silurid(Scheme Runner) and they all are same costs.

It means if you need only Beatstick "or" Scheme Runner, other 7ss models can be better. So Coryphee's points are versatility and "showgirl" type. 

It is not bad, but its rivals are good, too. 


And Watch out "Ignore Armor" attack, It can kill Mannequin and Coryphee very easily.   

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It seems that nobody is aware of the fact, that Collodi's card has been recently errata'd. He is now known as... Collodick.


Just kidding. I played against Collodi few days ago and I really enjoyed the game. On the other hand, I am fairly new to Malifaux and have never faced him before. I just liked all those tricks my opponent was doing and awesome theme of the crew. Well... most of the tricks. When Pere Ravage got obeyed and casted Oopsie!, that was the part where I was fighting back tears.

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I would like to personally curse each and every one of you for opening up so much rich tactical discussion on Collodi. You are making everyone else who plays him that much dick-ier, and making me really, really, want to start playing him.


Life was a lot simpler when I just thought Neverborn were filth...

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