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Collodi man is he fun/a dick.

The Godlyness

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Played Collodi vs Kirai recently and must say stealing all the ap is much fun. Making Ikiryo sacrifice her self with "Idle hands" was much to my amusement. My opponent disliked this greatly. I can see why to be honest. Strum the threads on Collodi to give him fast is quite inconsequential when a brutal effigy uses it 0 action. Ca7 to wp is quite powerful. And at 10" with no downside.

And marionettes are so tarpitty it is almost absurd. I walk my doll into Izamu. Ok feel free to kill it. But now you can't charge my important things.

Vasalisa is ok only 6 wounds but highly mobile and with "a friend to talk to" she can move things around.

Stitched are stitched.

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Yep, my vs. Neverborn lists have turned into "how can I cram as much anti-Collodi tech into a list without being dead in the water to the rest of the faction". I think I need to play against him a few dozen more times; cracking through his massive AP denial and infinite tarpit always feels like luck, and rarely nets me a win, but I don't know how to beat that crew without taking out Collodi.


At least he's terrible at Reckoning and Make Them Suffer...

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Oh good, are we talking about the eight hundred pound puppet in the room?

During the avatar play test my roommate played him and I was just floored.

Our conversations went :

You have Three stone significant hard to kill models?

All of them. Literally all of them.

And you can heal them?

Re summon them too.

His mobility went out the window though?

Yeah, but Vasilia lets his threat range be about twenty two inches.

Yeah, that will be toned down.


As outcasts/gremlins I have five stone insignificants kicking around.

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Whirlwind ignoring armor, hard to kill, and min damage 5? That's a marionette's nightmare.

Provided you can still move after Collodi steals one of your AP and grants Slow.

My favorite comment about Collodi:

Next time I play against [Collodi] I'll just hand over my crew and say, "You play"

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Provided you can still move after Collodi steals one of your AP and grants Slow.

My favorite comment about Collodi:

Next time I play against [Collodi] I'll just hand over my crew and say, "You play"


that is if you get the Vik first, with their slingshot they have a long range too.  If Collodi gets the Viks first you can shut it down hard, he just has to make sure the Viks don't get their perfect Whirlwind first *Not as hard if you are willing to spread out more or can find ways to tie up key models first*

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 Collodi is probably one of the few that can even compete with the out activation Viks+rats list. I've heard tell of the, "Rat Goes, Rat passes"x3 "Rat goes, makes a rat king" "Rat King goes sacs for a rat catcher", "Rat Catcher goes" stall out list that makes it almost a given that Student of Conflict, Vik of Ashes and Vik of Blood will be the last three things to activate, all in a row.



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My favorite Collodi moment. Last activation of the game: Use the My Bidding Trigger on a Death Marshal. Force him to remove a Scheme Marker. Win Game.


I hate to ruin that memory but I think you might have played it wrong *As I suspect you had him remove a scheme marker friendly to his crew*.  Page 39 under Placing Scheme Markers, fourth Paragraph.  "A Model may take a (1) interact Action to remove all enemy scheme markers in base conatact with it."  And on page 31 defines Friendly and Enemy.  Basically the Death Marshal cannot remove friendly scheme markers and is still friendly to his own crew despite you controlling the action.


So people like Zoraida and the like cannot obey enemy models to destroy their own scheme markers.

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I have said it multiple times already on my local group, and I was the very first to play it in M2E.


After the very first 2-3 games where I played Collodi more centered about passing Conditions and summon/buff the Dolls, I quickly realized that that stuff had no meaning when you have an Attack like "Pull the Strings" with:


  • Ca 7 :mask vs Wp
  • Rg: 10 (No ranged so can be used while engaged and ignores cover)
  • 2/3/4 Dg, which is not high, but's got an innate :+fate to Dg Flip
  • 3 Triggers:
    • :mask Twist Threads: Built-in Slow after damaging!
    • :mask:crow My Bidding: enemy performs an Action after being damaged if still alive (like an Obey who also damages!!)
    • :mask :mask Idle Hands: when the enemy model next Activates, it performs an Action controlled by Collodi  (like an Obey who also damages and also steals on the model's AP!!!)

The thing is Collodi doesn't even need to move to reach the enemy, as he has Vasilisa to taxi him around, and she even debuffs -1 Wp around her!


Collodi himself (and all other Dolls around him or Vasilisa, whoever has the Strum the Threads Upgrade) can easily earn Fast when activates by suffering 2 Dg, damage who him doesn't really care to take when you add to the equation all the benefits his own Effigies hand to Collodi (heal after Dg, draw after killing, heal when Activate, apply Burning when damaging, earn a SS after killing...), and he has a high number of literally Hard to Kill and elusive models (who will probably be also able to be healed themselves thanks to said Effigies) meaning his opponent is most times than not outnumbered.


It is most of the times trivial for Collodi to put 9-12+ Dg on any model he wishes on his activation, stealing some of his APs in the process, and probably even using his target to hurt itself or its own friendly models somehow, but Dg is not the key here (although it is still a lot of damage for an attack who was created more for control), it's the impunity and easyness of how he does it. You can also not do much to stop him, as he is really hard to take down, specially by anything who targets Df thanks to Collodi's Built in Df Trigger that allows him to Push 3" in any direction independently if you hit him or not (note that Vasilisa also has it, althought not with the Built-in suit for it, but she has Df 7), as well as his own (0) for another 3" Push. Furthermore, Collodi can also kill one of his Dolls (Personal Puppet) when he gets hit hard to ignore the damage.


Ok, there are at least 2 other Masters with Attacks similar to Pull the Strings: Molly's Revelations and Jack Daw's Suppressed Memories, but while those are also great Attacks, those don't have the Dg output, Range, Control and AP-denial of Collodi's in any way, and remember that those other Masters also can have all the other benefits Collodi's Crew put on him.



... and you can then spice it all with auto-Obeys for Puppets (who also get a :+fate for the Action!), summons, Conditon sharing, Accomplice...



So yeah, when anyone asks me about who should be the definition of OP in this game, I can freely say Collodi (although Markus should be a close contender...)

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Vasalisa is ok only 6 wounds but highly mobile and with "a friend to talk to" she can move things around.

Stitched are stitched.


How many Stitched did you run with? :D

Do you think Vasilisa is paramount to the crew, or can you see yourself take other models instead?

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Agreed. Colodi is the pandora of this edition. I'm not at this point sayin he is as strong as she was, but I've not had one fun game against Colodi. I've not had fun playing against him when I win, and I've not had fun losing. Control masters are all hard to balance fun play with. Even if they aren't super powerful.

I think this is a lot coming from you.

This thread has also really opened up a lot on Collodi. He sure seems like a dick.

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You think it's bad with puppets? I use Stitched and Illuminated in my Collodi lists. His ability to control his own guys says "friendly puppets and minions", same for his bonuses from Effigies that he can pass out. My local opponents really hate (and rarely do now that I've moved on to other masters) seeing an Illuminated have Armor +2, Regenerate +1, 0 action Regenerate for 1/2/3, AND the ability to heal 1 wound when they do damage from the Brutal Effigy bonus. If you thought they were tanks before...

Barring the inclusion of ranged attacks from Guild, I prefer Collodi over Lucius any day of the week. 

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