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Naming Minions

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My Bayou Gremlins have different colour hats and are named accordingly - Roger Red Hat, Billy Blue Hat, Jennifer Yellow Hat/Pegmund. (Somer has a purple hat and Lenny a pinky purple one. Purple's more... y'know, regal and important). Pointy Face doesn't have a hat, he's just pointing a gun in his face, so is called Pointy Face (duh!).


I find this helps (me, if nobody else!) keep track of who's being summoned/killed/shooting etc etc etc.


Does anyone else do this? Or am I slightly unhinged/ a complete sad case?



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I name all my minions, and generally paint their names on the bases.


My Malifaux Rats are all named after Rat Pack members: Frank, Sammy, Peter. Joey, etc.


My Crooligans are named Dead Harry, Dead Ron, and Dead Hermione.


My Void Wretches are named after famous hallucinogenic pioneers: Carlos, Timmy, and Bill.


My Necropunks are named after punk rockers: Sid, Jello, and Johnny.


My Friekorpsmann are named after Top Gun characters: Maverick (specialist), Charlie (librarian), Goose (trapper), Iceman (strongarm suit), Jester (korps), Viper (corps), 


My Metal Gamin are named after Pac Man ghosts: Inky, Blinky, and Pinky.

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My metal figs are named usually based on color (my purple dress Rotten Belle is Penny, red is Ruby, etc.). And I know some are going to hate, but I wrote it on the cards themselves. It makes it a lot easier to know which card goes to which model (and thus never getting them mixed up) when the pictures don't resemble my models. I might name my others someday because it's more fun to say Ruby is attacking than it is that slurid that is hopping one leg.

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I did paint names on my Infinity models, haven't really thought about doing it wholesale for Malifaux. I only have plastics and they match the card images, I do have some steam arachnids and I guess they'll need something once I get around to painting them. I was thinking of giving them some kind of colour code as part of the scheme but maybe names will be better. 

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I name my characters, to me it gives a bit more personality to them and in smaller skirmish games it helps you take note of them. Sometimes they pick up nicknames on certain actions they do however. 

Also, it's quite fun when you get attached to certain ones. When you have one model who always survives, or seems to be the one who regularly beats the odds, you find yourself wanting to protect them more than you would if it was just another beckoner or whatever. Makes for interesting games, especially if your opponent knows your attachment and vice-versa.


One of my favourite guys from another game was called Mr Brown. But despite being some low-level basic guy, he always seemed to pull off incredible feats when I needed him to, and was always a stellar performer. I probably only remember that because he did it a few times but it always stood out when he did. His nickname became the Beaver, because he'd gnaw and gnaw at my opponent (and because it alliterates) - it was actually my regular opponent at the time who named him. Ah Beaver Brown, you legend. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Only a few of my minions have names. Most notable are the three Hollow Waifs. Because they are painted red, blue, and green I have named them Mrs Scarlet, Mrs Green, and Mrs Turquoise. The only surviving member of my original terror tots is Jack. I named him so in 1st edition when he charged a Dead Rider and killed him with RJ+Severe. Thus he got named Jack the Giant Slayer/

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I named a single guild hound Rudolph as his nose is a bit of a red color.  It ended up happening when I was taking Framed for Murder once and I needed a way to seperate him from the other guild hounds.  After that he has gone on to several great feats for a 3ss model and been noted as such *I generally grab his model first so I can seperate a hound for schemes*.

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I name my minions, but never in a way that's, you know, easy to keep track of them. I mostly do it for my own amusement - the first minions I named were my witchling stalkers, who are Sweetiebelle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. I have the names painted on the bottom of the bases, so again, not so much with the keeping track of them and more staring at my opponent when they kill a stalker and whispering, "how dare you take down Scootaloo. What has Scootaloo ever done to you?"

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I have named the 1 Guild Hound I painted white "The Bitch" and I am going to paint up my Lawyers like Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth. I have not thought to name any of the others but for constructs I am thinking I will number them. Maybe go super nerd and give them Gundam ID numbers. :P Aside from that I have no idea what to name the 9 Witchling Stalkers I have. 

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