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Loving Seamus! His box crew, not so much.


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I just got Seamus' box set. He's about to play a big part in our Through The Breach RPG game, so I figured I should get his actual model. I also figured it would work as a lure (hehe) to prospective new players; I don't like ressurectionists too much, but I know a lot of my friends would love them. 


The model and mechanics of the master himself I love. I like the feel of a crazy serial killer who flits around until you're exposed, then attacks you. I like that he can heal whenever you fail a WP duel (which he can trigger because he's terrifying). While I like the belles (not a fan of sybelle's look), I was looking for more models to have in his crew that aren't too "zombie" looking. I was looking at the hanged and the crooked men (I'm not sure how to place scheme markers yet), and also at Izumi but he isn't in the M2E book so I"m not sure what he does. I also have the older Bete Noire model and I"m thinking about having her in the crew. 


Would a crew made mostly of hanged and crooked men, with maybe bete noire and Izumi work out? 

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Maybe. In my experience, if you want Seamus to be resilient you absolutely have to have lots of wp duels in your crew you can win. He will drop super fast if you don't.

I don't think I'd ever play Seamus without at least 2 belles, because you will maybe once in 5 games have an enemy who targets Seamus and heals him because they fail their terror test. Models don't Tend to fail terror tests very often.

Bringing multiple hanged means your crew has to bunch up, which against certain crews means your going to be in trouble. Additionally 2 hanged while good, is very expensive, and they aren't incredibly resilient. And while te first hit from a hanged is nasty, subsequent hits aren't.

I'm not a fan of bête but others are. I always find more of my models don't perform as well as they could becuase you need to hang on to that 10 to bring her back. Ymmv with her.

So assuming the schemes line up to bring such a crew, two hanged, Izamu, and crooked men, at least to me seems very light on the wp duels needed to keep him alive.

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Izamu is basically a big suit of haunted armor with a giant sword-spear.   Being a suit of armor, he's heavily, well...armored...and has a huge threat range that he can use to lock down the area around him.  He hits hard and is difficult to escape from, and can even self-heal himself.  He's one of the Ressurectionist big guns, and works pretty well with just about anyone (though Kirai and Yan Lo get the most mileage out of him). 

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I'm guessing its a reference to the trick of hitting something with Sybelle and then complying it to attack the Hanged and cheat to fail the Terror duel thus Paralyzing the enemy.

That can be done with Seamus as well? Or with a nurse if you want a paralyze. Well almost 2 Nurses for the cost of a Hanged.

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That can be done with Seamus as well? Or with a nurse if you want a paralyze. Well almost 2 Nurses for the cost of a Hanged.

Sure, but Seamus often flits about elsewhere and Nurse works in a different way. I mean, it might be something else, but that's the only direct synergy between Sybelle and Hanged that I can think of.
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Sure, but Seamus often flits about elsewhere and Nurse works in a different way. I mean, it might be something else, but that's the only direct synergy between Sybelle and Hanged that I can think of.

Nah, I think you are absolutely correct. That's what I thought it might be but wanted to confirm.

I am trying to gather as much of Seamus info as possible to better my game.

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That's the one. The hanged aura makes *other* models terror checks really amazing. The hanged loves Seamus because he can turn terrifying 13 into 15. The hanged loves Sybelle because her comply trigger becomes an unresistable paralyze. "Hit the scary thing and fail the terror check" was powerful/sleazy enough that most/all the obey style attacks got errata to halt them unless you do it as a tag team like this.

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Even without the hanged I like sybelle alot. If you are including at least 2 belles, Not too banged up is a really good option for her.

Additionally her ranged attack targets wp, and can toss out blasts. I've startled so many opponents who Sinister rep Seamus gets next to a small clump of enemies, but out if melee. Sybelle focus's and shrieks getting an effective Ca 8 (6 plus the -2 modifier due to Seamus' aura) with blast dmg, and conveniently healing Seamus.

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I agree with Fetid.


The thing about Seamus I feel is there is two ways to play him. Sinister Rep, and Bag o'tools.


Both builds really like belles, Sinister Rep because it allows you to heal off of nearly unbeatable lures, and Undress can totally lock down a crew being effectively CA 7. In this crew I also like running Nurses, because they are also nearly unbeatable with the buff. Sybelle fits right in because she can captalize with shriek, and Attend to me Personally, can not only heal, but protect Seamus.


Bag Seamus also like Belles, because it allows his crew to position enemy models so he can kill them, and to get him free from combat so he can fight higher priority targets. Sybelle again also is good with this, because of Not to Banged up, and Attend.

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To be honest, IME Bag has been really underwhelming. Sinister Rep is so much more versatile. Bag Seamus needs to get into the thick of things but isn't nowhere near as durable. And the gun is sweet enough that a ranged Seamus is plenty destructive.


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Honestly, in terms of gaining VP, the bag is more powerful more of the time. So much attention was paid to the Death Ability, and the original ability to knock upgrades off that the most powerful ability, though the least showy, was quietly overlooked.


The only reason I'd ever take the bag is for the ability to drop scheme markers with a tome just for hitting the opponent. There are so many schemes that require personal or enemy proximity to scheme markers that that ability can flat out win games if used correctly.


That said I also prefer the Reputation for two reasons, the first is personal as Seamus' fearsome reputation, and the terror he instills is one of the most appealing things about his character for me. The other is that I really like the Aura's ability to make Seamus useful just by existing on the board. The Bag is VERY powerful, but you can only get any benefit from it if Seamus is Alive and it is his activation. While The Reputation makes Seamus useful ALL the time if you take a crew full of models that want to capitalize on WP duels. I just like a synergistic master that gives a benefit to his crew just for being on the board as opposed to a really powerful model that only gets to project that power on its own activation.

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To be honest, IME Bag has been really underwhelming. Sinister Rep is so much more versatile. Bag Seamus needs to get into the thick of things but isn't nowhere near as durable. And the gun is sweet enough that a ranged Seamus is plenty destructive.

This is pretty fair, I generally like playing a Control Build, with Sinister Rep, using Nurses and Belles to lock down pieces so that my enforcer, can punish them(Sebelle with Bleeder Lash is sweet for this), on occasion though I have found without the bag Seamus doesn't actually do much if your opponent has a way to keep him off the flintlock. Getting engaged by a model that doesn't instantly die to the gun, can be real trouble sometimes, particularly if your nurses have already activated, or have been killed. 


I like Bag Seamus in situations where I need a distraction for my opponent to keep them from interfering with my schemes and my master is not an integral part of my game plan. I like it in Turf War( though I don't think Seamus is the best for Turf War, Nicodem is imho King of Turf War), since Seamus can sit in the Turf Area, threaten things with his gun, particularly the ability to one shot minions can make it hard on your opponent to score, if anything tougher gets in the zone, bagging repeatedly with the crow trigger will deplete your opponents hand, or just instantly kill the model, which can be back breaking. Specifically, I think I would consider playing Bag Seamus, in a Turf War pool, that includes assassinate + some other harder to do schemes. It takes a great deal to kill Seamus, generally making killing him before Assassination gives you less points pretty hard, or killing him at all, and if the other schemes are hard to do, I can restrict their scheme pool.

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