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Anti shooty models


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So the other day I faced Lucius and the riflemen did quite some damage and it got me thinking.

I remember playing lady J some time ago and I have read that perdita and family are really shooty.

Which r good answers on our faction against such shooty crews?

Right now the masters I run are colette with big guys usually and rasputina

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Yeah, Permits and her family are so stuck-up. They're the snootiest crew around. :P

(Seriously, did you type this on a phone while drunk?)

Anyway: generally speaking, Armour and high mobility are good answers to shooting-heavy crews. You can get plenty of tanky armoured models in a Ramos crew, tons of mobility in a Marcus or Colette crew, and loads of anti-shooting auras in a Mei Feng crew (along with loads of armour).

Rasputina can put out about as much damage at range as Perdita's entire crew, and she can do it from relative safety. Her blasts are also very handy at landing indirect damage on models whose Df has been pumped sky-high by El Mayor, and her exploding minions can be similarly devastating.

Kaeris' crew can tank and heal the incoming damage with little effort.

Hope some of that helps! The main thing is to get some practice against Perdita, so you don't get taken by surprise.

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Must resist urge to say don't play against models that think themselves above their station.

I assume you mean shooty. As in they shoot really well

Making sure enough terrain on the board is the first step. Then using that cover. Raspy is also super "snooty" thinking of everything is beneath her. Err I mean shooty and can out shoot and or kill shooty models.

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In my experience Durza, that just means people focus and cheat in sever damage.


Howard/Step cannot take it.


Surprised nobody has mentioned joining them, out-shoot the shooty guys =D 


But honestly, even with armour and high movement, its still a hard slog.


Blocking LOS with your own models to those that must survive is a good tactic however.

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Playing Colette against a shooty crew can be an exercise in frustration for the shooty crew, but only if there is enough terrain on the table. Colette can keep her models out of line of sight or out of range with loads of Prompted pushes and moves, with (0) interacts for scheme markers. With Colette Df triggers you can leave her exposed (although preferably in cover), tempting your opponent to shoot her. Keep a network of scheme markers handy, though! Your crew zips about the table scoring VPs and the opponent is left shooting at shadows, and their own scheme markers get gobbled up by Performers.


Colette with heavy hitters is a different matter, however, and there you want to get your heavy hitters into melee before the gunline opens up. It helps considerably if you know the threat range and capabilities of the gunline - Guild Riflemen are nasty if they get set up and get the drop on you. Doves are great to give your models a Df boost, or that plus flip to damage you need to get Cassandra's blasts off.


Basically you want to avoid playing a ranged crew at their game, and force them to deal with either your models running around getting VPs in the dark corners of the map, or getting engaged with them before they can shoot at all. Colette excels at both.

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I tend to play against Perdita a lot and I find the crew to curb stomping her is to kill her support. Kill off the Ortegas first leaving Perdita with no place to use Relocate then run in and slap her around a bit. She can put out a tonne of damage at range so I find hiding Incorporeal models in cover to really wind her up. She can Ignore Incorporeal OR Cover but not both. Tara does wonders. For the Arcanists though Kaeris is a solid bet as is Ramos and Mei Feng. Kaeris' armour, healing and speed can easily handle the Ortegas. Ramos can swarm and out activate her happily whilst Joss just murders stuff as he is hard as nails whilst Langston covers the crew and also eats people. Mei Feng can create cover and move around quickly enough to be where she needs to be. All of these crews also have lots of armour available to them so it can mitigate a lot of the damage output of the crew. 


First things first though, KILL FRANCISCO! Performers can be great to Lure him out then bring him down. A lot of Guild players use him but with 8 Wd, HtK and a measly 1/2/3 heal some concentrated abuse on him will drop the defenses from El Mayor on the rest of the crew. Papa Loco can also ramp up the Damage output of the crew so kill him and watch him blow up half the enemy crew  :D

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First things first though, KILL FRANCISCO! Performers can be great to Lure him out then bring him down. 

Agree on killing him, but Performers maybe not........he could easily be WP 8 if 'Dita takes Aura Ancestral.


Agree on everything else too......try to distract her if you can while you kill everyone else. A massive part of her strength is that Relocate....being in the correct position to take those shots from is huge....shutting that down is one of the cornerstones of dismantling an Ortega crew.


Oh, and Mei Feng......'Dita hates her and that stupid cover she has....it's all Sh actions....and even when engaged 'Dita's attack is a Sh action.

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Against my shooty Lucius, one of the most effective things I have seen was a dreamer list which gave me fits by (1) using a stiched to create cover areas (which you can do with arcanist models as described above) and (2) flinging coppelius into my riflement first turn (which you can do with the mobility style forces as described above). 


I don't recommend armor against high volume shooty forces, but it may be more useful against a perdita type elite shooty crew.

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So first of all sorry for the awful spelling on the first post, I think I have managed to check it, though the snooty thing turned out funny

Hang on. In that game you played, did the Riflemen kill a Gunsmith and a Coryphee on Turn 1 by any chance?

Where u playing them? Because they did indeed XD
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Cover often doesn't become an issue for Perdita herself though. If she takes the Trick Shooting upgrade she can just ignore it by using the (0) Bullet Bending action so it's not a solid strategy but it certainly helps against the rest of the crew which is were you want to start. Once all her relocation points are gone Perdita's seemingly crazy movement becomes non-existent and she is easily cornered. With only 10 wounds it doesn't take much to take her out. The Df & Wp 7 make her somewhat more difficult though. One thing I've found extremely effective is Bullet-Proof. Misaki and a Lone Swordsman make utterly short work of Perdita. 

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Where u playing them? Because they did indeed XD


That was me :)

The Riflemen I think you were okay with, but it was Lucius who could make them shoot out of activation that caused you the Turn 1 problem. I don't think you were expecting that.


You coming to the Worlds At War event on Saturday?

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