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5 Models every Guild player should have


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I don't really get the pinebox. I find I hardly ever use it. I know it has a reputation of being amazing but I can't see it. What am I missing?


You can bury a model for at least 1 turn giving you greater activation control over the opponent, it removes 2AP from them making it harder to achieve objectives and can instantly deal with a heavy hitter without having to take it down. Then when / if it re-appears you can place it in an unfavorable position to further annoy your opponent. It offers amazing utility to any crew that can take them. 

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I don't really get the pinebox. I find I hardly ever use it. I know it has a reputation of being amazing but I can't see it. What am I missing?


You can charge with it.  That seems to be the number 1 thing missed that makes a huge difference in how useful it really is.  The extra threat range and AP is a big deal.

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You can bury a model for at least 1 turn giving you greater activation control over the opponent, it removes 2AP from them making it harder to achieve objectives and can instantly deal with a heavy hitter without having to take it down. Then when / if it re-appears you can place it in an unfavorable position to further annoy your opponent. It offers amazing utility to any crew that can take them. 


It can also be nice that it targets Wp. Another thing that your basic guns and swords won't do for you. 

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It can also be nice that it targets Wp. Another thing that your basic guns and swords won't do for you. 


That's true. Given that the Death Marshalls generally have a high Wp to begin with and that can be boosted by The Scales of Justice this makes the Pinebox a versatile tool that can be used for a number of things. The fact that it's also an Attack Action makes it that much sweeter when you charge in to bag yourself a big nasty beat stick 

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I've actually put a lot of thought into this, and here is my list. Its rather different- so i'll post reasons. In order

1) Hunter. The hunter is my top pick because he does everything well. Chain Spear is an awesome attack, handing out slow guarenteed, and a push is useful in any game. Combine that with excellent melee, several pushes, (hint: you can use pounce on chest to move out of engagement with one model to move into engagement with another.) +flips, and armour. There is very little the hunter doesnt do well, and he is often the mvp in my games

2) Pathfinder. This is a more odd choice, but the more I use him the better he becomes. It really is all about the traps. Never over extend him with from the shadows, unless he is framed for murder. Instead support your lines with blast shooting... and traps. Once you wrap your head around him you can cause endless trouble with traps. Put traps by enemy models, force walk 13 or slow duels, combine with pushes for free attacks (Judge, Performer, Chain Spear) or just make an area of the board hell for an opponent. Drawing a card whenever something dies is just the icing on the cake.

3) Austringer. Boring choice. But Deliver Orders is that good.

4) Brutal Effigy. With the right Master, this guy is auto include. The only reason he isn't higher on the list is he isnt great with Lucius, Hoff, or McCabe. However with Doug, Justice, Perdita, and Sonnia... hes off the hook. Fear not the Sword adds a ton of healing to the damage Guild Masters,and gives card draw on kills. He would be worth it for that alone, but he is also a significant 4ss minion with df6, wk5, armour +1, h2k, and finish the job for good measure.

5) Death Marshall. Its one of the most feared models in Guild. I've shoved Seamus in the box before. Enemies give them a wide berth, and they can use that to do what they need to do to win the game.

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I've actually put a lot of thought into this, and here is my list. Its rather different- so i'll post reasons. In order

1) Hunter. The hunter is my top pick because he does everything well. Chain Spear is an awesome attack, handing out slow guarenteed, and a push is useful in any game. Combine that with excellent melee, several pushes, (hint: you can use pounce on chest to move out of engagement with one model to move into engagement with another.) +flips, and armour. There is very little the hunter doesnt do well, and he is often the mvp in my games

2) Pathfinder. This is a more odd choice, but the more I use him the better he becomes. It really is all about the traps. Never over extend him with from the shadows, unless he is framed for murder. Instead support your lines with blast shooting... and traps. Once you wrap your head around him you can cause endless trouble with traps. Put traps by enemy models, force walk 13 or slow duels, combine with pushes for free attacks (Judge, Performer, Chain Spear) or just make an area of the board hell for an opponent. Drawing a card whenever something dies is just the icing on the cake.

3) Austringer. Boring choice. But Deliver Orders is that good.

4) Brutal Effigy. With the right Master, this guy is auto include. The only reason he isn't higher on the list is he isnt great with Lucius, Hoff, or McCabe. However with Doug, Justice, Perdita, and Sonnia... hes off the hook. Fear not the Sword adds a ton of healing to the damage Guild Masters,and gives card draw on kills. He would be worth it for that alone, but he is also a significant 4ss minion with df6, wk5, armour +1, h2k, and finish the job for good measure.

5) Death Marshall. Its one of the most feared models in Guild. I've shoved Seamus in the box before. Enemies give them a wide berth, and they can use that to do what they need to do to win the game.


I pretty much straight up agree with this list.  The only model I question is the Pathfinder, not because he isn't good (he is definitely), but because he sits at the same stone cost as 2 other models on this list (DM and Austringer)  I often find it really hard to include him.  I have the same problem with the Warden.  Extremely good models stuck in an extremely competitive cost bracket.  Personally, I think I'm pretty happy saying Brutal, Austringer, Death Marshal, Hunter, Stalker.

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No order

Brutal effigy- his 0 is amazing and accomplice is nice and he is significant.

A pair of guild guard- treating these gents (and new lady friend) as a single model auto triggering arrest is nice df 6 is nice and defensive stance to go with it nice. Can hold the fort down meander around the board and might kill something.

Austringers- people like them for deliver orders I like them Cause in one activation I can make you discard 4 cards. Combined with something like arrest you have enemy models standing around doing nothing.

A pair of rifleman- a damage profile of 3/4/7 or 4/5/7 at 14" is nothing to sneeze at for a 5 point model.

And my last choice is a fun one. Papa loco- a crazy dynamite wielding psychopath. Who gives things :+fate to damage. So after doing so pine boxing him gives you a semi permanent :+fate. Which then when the marshel dies or you let him out he is where you want him. Away from your own crew. And hopefully next to theirs. And with a depleted hand. (See above) going to be hard pressed to pass his duels.

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  • 1 month later...

I did a bit of analysis on these, and the aggregate top five is as follows (the number in brackets is the amount of votes that the model received):

Witchling Stalker (11)

Guild Austringer (10)

Francisco (8)

Death Marshall (7)

Guild Hound (4)

In total, 12 people cast their votes for a top five. If someone gave more than one vote for a given model, I discounted the extra votes. I also skipped votes for Mercs or other non-faction minis.

There's some further notes in the Resser thread which should be taken into account (the availability of the models and their roles):


The Guild received the lowest total number of votes in all the polls. Even Gremlins did better. Which was very surprising. Because of this, Guild Hounds got to the top five with just four votes. The top four was quite decisive but then it opened up into all directions.

Witchling Stalkers were the most consistently voted for model in the whole poll with only Godlyness keeping them off his top five.

Interestingly Francisco was the most favoured Henchman by a huge margin with Sidir and The Judge being the other Henchies getting any votes. Personally I've always considered the high quality Henchmen as one of the strong points of the Guild.

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I see your point about henchman, but as soon as anything marker based turns up, its really hard to make a multi henchman crew work. Just not enough bodies/ap. Because Fran is so versatile, he usually makes the cut above the rest personally in the henchman race, but after using him a bit with different masters, he only feels right with perdita

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I agree.  Guild henchmen are useful but rarely versatile.  I personally think Ryle is one of the more versatile options, having 2 useful (0) actions as well as being effective ranged and close in.


it seems to me, and I would love to know what other people think, that guild henchmen get their versatility from upgrades rather than from their main card.  Exclusive upgrades like Sidir's, the Judge's, Subtype upgrades like Frank, Sam, or Daschell, or even the general upgrades (plant evidence and the new one both help with scheme running quite a bit) all really improve the versatility of our henchmen models.


It might be that that is the case for other factions too though, and I just don't play enough out of guild to realize it, but it seems to me most other factions, if they have a henchman model, it is pretty well known which upgrades they will take.

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My top 5 (in no particular order)
Death Marshal - Although I hardly ever take more than 1, I think you should always consider a Death Marshal because Pine box can win games. particularly effective against Wp 5 masters/henchmen (Lilith /  McMourning / Sebastian)
Guild Austringer - Ability to terrorize totems and small scheme running models along with the ability to cause your opponents to discard cards, or deliver orders to push your models around (often to move out of combat) and then do interact actions will nearly always enable get you VP from unusual situations.
Guild Pathfinder & Traps - This model will ask questions for your opponent, He and his traps have to be dealt with or they can lock down big areas of the board with their 2" melee which of course denies Interacts, :ranged attacks and charges. The Pathfinder itself has a pretty good gun with 2 excellent triggers.
Watcher - Flight, Armour 1, Stubborn, Wk 6 = One of the better scheme runners in the game period. The cover removal is also very good.
Witchling Stalker- Cheap Condition removal along with high (and accurate) damage output, Nothing more to be said that hasnt been covered by others
(Honourable mentions to: Abuela, Francisco, Papa Loco, The Judge, Guild Riflemen, The Peacekeeper, Samael Hopkins and Pistolero De Latigo)
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Death Marshals (this is a personal one - I love the models and the idea of pine boxing something brings me joy)

Stalkers (for condition removal)

Judge (he's the Judge. 'nuff said)

Francisco (he's just awesome)

Austringer (most opponents spent a lot of AP going after him instead of strats/schemes, plus he's so versatile)

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I have not played a lot of matches but these are some things I pull out cards for every match.

1.Witchling stalkers

(I fell like this is the guilds go to minion 95% of the time good melee , good damage, and condition removal.)


(They are a firing squad anything dumb enough to come in 14 of them is just dead all the time everytime)


(You want a hard hitting melee molde that can reposion, buff someone, and heal with HtK he does that but you want 1 better he is a Hench so he use soulstones to. A little broken.)


(Makes you models better with HtW and a + flip in horror duels. But wait there is more the power to make your oppent but unable to use or have to rethink how he uses his heavy hitter and poison on crows which you always have.Since no one in guild uses them.)

This one was the Hardset and there are a bunch of great runners up like ryle, brutal effigy, and hounds. But in the end I went with a model no else had picked.


(Cheep, tanky and versatile. For 6 stones you get a model with armor and the grinding halt trigger and a + flip on horror duels and a free ram on models that have activated. Also it paralyze enemy models and push modules out of turff war. The icing on the cake is his Guardsmen model so you can use Lucius is abilities with him and dash and rifleman.)

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Francisco - If I didn't play themed crews, I would put this guy in every list. His Diestro upgrade combined with Finesse, Enfrentate a Mi and shooting crews is just silly, especially when you want to get Niño's headshot to trigger. I've blown away many armored & melee beatsticks with this combo.


Pistoleros - I've never had any luck with Witchling Stalkers, I like the Pistoleros abilities to abuse people who have already activated. Plus in combo with Abuela, these can really move around the board.


Guild Hounds - Just amazing at grabbing objectives, and no slouch at melee also.


Niño - He may not be like by all, and he doesn't have the same circular range as austinger, but I love his abiliy to control the board and combo him with Francisco and you have a killing machine!


Death Marshals - Not the best at shooting, not the best at melee, but I love the pine box.

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