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"It's more realistic" has to be the silliest argument for a bland Stage Magician Master that I have ever heard.


Well it's a good thing it was only my personal opinion then! Next thing you'll be poking holes in my unhealthy obsession with painting pink crews. ;)

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I googled victorian showgirls, and while the results are varied, this is purportedly a Victorian era showgirl poster. Just for all the realists out there. Every other 1800's, early 1900's showgirl search that shows actual pictures are more glitzy and glam then these three.



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Now go and Google victorian stage magicians, and you will discover two things: that most of them were men, and that for most part they wore much more subdued clothing than showgirls.

If you're going to try to triumphantly win an argument using google images, at least make sure you google the right thing... :)

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I dunno... it seems like Colette is ending up more of a victim of the "GRIMDARKENING" of M2E than a beneficiary of it.

In the picture someone posted earlier that had Old Colette next to New Colette (albeit not the "box art" Old Colette), you can at least draw parallels between the two outfits - it just doesn't pan out in the overall image (and please provide, at least, some sort of top hat head when she gets sculpted).


A lot of models have received a big benefit from the style cleanup that happened after Wyrd started making plastics.  Resurrectionists look more like actual threats as opposed to Scooby Doo villains.  Neverborn look exotic and deadly without feeling too cartoony.  Arcanists and Guild both have a more brutal edge to them.  There hasn't been an update Outcast I haven't liked.  Also there are Gremlins.


The art is a little too far from dear Colette - but the pose of the model could help with that...even though most masters (all masters?) are direct plastic copies of their artwork...

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Now go and Google victorian stage magicians, and you will discover two things: that most of them were men, and that for most part they wore much more subdued clothing than showgirls.

If you're going to try to triumphantly win an argument using google images, at least make sure you google the right thing... :)

Huh, Googling Victorian-era executioners doesn't reveal anybody with giant metal bear claws either. Go figure.

Why should they even be trying for realism? This is Malifaux. We've never really needed it before.

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Its the problem of trying to have a uniform feel to malifaux. Earlier models can sometimes feel like models from many different ranges from one faction to another, or hell, sometimes from just model to model within a faction. So 2e seems to be going for "Yeah, lets make Malifaux a cohesive setting that feels like Malifaux more than fragments of 20 other settings.


IMO its a double edge sword, I like everything looking like its from one range, but I do dislike when things like Colette seem to get toned down in order to fit.


But hey, model isnt made, maybe she'll get head swaps. I reallllly just want the tophat.

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So 2e seems to be going for "Yeah, lets make Malifaux a cohesive setting that feels like Malifaux more than fragments of 20 other settings.

And it ends up looking like..well, generic steampunk nr.75. All the quirky designs (like the neverborn grimacing faces) were polished to look like generic gargoyles, all the humans, where possible, are wearing the same old pants, trenchcoat and widebrimmed hat, and ironically enough in what few places they decided to not make it more "realistic" they ended up with "slutty cosplayer" ronin insead of katana-cowboys of 1st ed. Colette is just the most brutally treated victim of the trend, because she was the most flaboyant. I like the 2.0 rules. I like how they got more stremlined. But I detest the new art direction and it's cookie-cutter approach to designs.

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You know that's deluding yourself. What's obscured is a small part of her legs and boots. So unless they managed to sculpt her with a garterbelt so elaborate as to shame Lady Gaga, it'll be just as bland bottom as it is top. We do see 80% of the mini, and all of the "high visibility" parts- arms, body and head.


I thought more of her was obscured, but just went back and looked. The funny thing is, I've liked the showgirl art we have seen so far. I really want a new Cassandra (I never got on with the old model. Only model I've stripped a handful of times!). And both the limited edition Performer and the Performer and Mannequin in the main book (p. 71) are good. 


The annoying thing is that she didn't have to be flashing her panties or anything to retain her style. A little more elaborate dress and some colour would probably have done it. Swapping the goggles (really?) for a top hat would help as well. I still think that painting her with some colour will make her more exciting right there, and with a little conversion you can add some of the other details. It would just be a shame if that becomes the first of the new plastics where I feel I need to work to make it a model I want. 

(Although there are a few other, like Johan I'm just going to replace with something else)

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I think it's funny "flashing her panties" has come up more than a few times -- she's not, on the old model, but her hand placement definitely suggests that --, as though that were a reason for Wyrd's new art direction, because other models *cough*Trixiebell*cough* *cough*Hired Swords*cough* have obviously shown us they're still A-okay with sexualized models.

While the art is great, I'm not a fan of the new Colette style -- rationalizing that "she wouldn't be wearing her stage-show outfit out to combat/sneak around" seems like a fan-rationalization, especially when you consider the Hired Swords' combat-impossible outfits, Lynch's suit, Santiago's sombrero and Loco's straight jacket (obviously, Wyrd has never been a function-over-faction type of company), but the biggest problems I see are a) the major departure from ALL the previous Colette art B) the major departure from the Showgirl / stage magician flamboyance c (and this is the biggest one) the extremely lackluster Master art (no other Master is as nondescript, and she should be the MOST descript master, clothingwise).  She feels like all of the generic profession art in Through the Breach.

That said, this close to release, we're not going to get a new Colette sculpt.  We may get an Alt down the road, we may get our now-much-hoped Miss Direction, but, for most of us, her box is going to contain a third Performer and we'll all run our metal Colette.

Speaking of metals, there are 2 on Ebay, 2 on Amazon (though one has obviously been priced higher, knowing people want it), 1 on Bartertown (also a Coryphee Duet... just sayin'), and probably a handful across all the various miniature stores.  (The same holds true for the old Avatar -- there are about as many of that on all the sites I listed) If you hate the new model so much, voice your dislike (Wyrd does read these, after all, and they'll possibly fix it), and pick up the old one.

Now, let's talk about how effing awesome the new Dead Rider is.  It's effing awesome, right?

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I think this is the Colette thread and the Dead Rider is being discussed in another thread :P


You bring up the Vikis and their impossible attire and I always laugh a little that Alyce actively brings up that she has no idea how they manage to fight in those get-ups in one of the M2E background bits.


Additionally, as far as nondescript Masters go, plastic Rasputina is pretty high up there for "Oh, you're a Master?" - she feels in character though.  Colette needs a bit more flair.  At least 16 pieces.

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What a let down! Sheesh, a missed opportunity if there ever was one - that's really boring and looks like just a random woman as opposed to a Stage Magician Master. Definitely the most disappointing of the new art so far.

Indeed - the plastics art has been so spot-on until recently that I'm wondering what's going on.  Normally the art/models would have some relation to abilities on the cards but nothing about Collette says magician.  She just looks like some woman.


What part of this model relates to the fluff or abilities?  It could quite literally be anyone in Malifaux.


I have the same issue with Montessor - one of his abilities is "mocking laughter".  That model does not look like it is even capable of laughing.  It doesn't look nimble either.  Lurch is not what I think of when I read those abilities.

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