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She looks like they took a bunch of the most boring parts of some Planeswalkers and added them to a normal woman. No stage flair, no communication of entertainment....she actually looks like she and Pandora could swap spots and it'd be hard to tell. I try to stay positive about design choices, but this one gets a disappointed thumbs down from me too.

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You guys who like it are crazy! I mean, when I go out and commit crimes, I make damn sure to wear my work uniform, or at least something like it, because that throws the authorities off the trail and makes it harder for them to straightaway identify me.  Am I right? :P


Seriously, I like it.  Has style without just being a uniform, which I always felt was a little ridiculous about the metal models "Look, someone dressed like a stage magician has stolen that consignment of soulstones! Lets not, say, check all the magic shows in Malifaux for people who fit her description!"

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Seriously, I like it.  Has style without just being a uniform, which I always felt was a little ridiculous about the metal models "Look, someone dressed like a stage magician has stolen that consignment of soulstones! Lets not, say, check all the magic shows in Malifaux for people who fit her description!"

Why not overalls then? And hood on her head?


I find the argument "but it's less conspicious!"...well, really stretching it. If she's supposed to be predominantly smuggler, why bother calling it a "showgirl" crew? Why have Cassie in her gown and the performers in flamenco dress? Because apparently a bunch of ladies in showgirl outfits would draw attention, but the same bunch of ladies in classy evening apparel will not draw aaaaany attention at all. A redhead chick in a pinstripe dress is practically a ninja.

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Because no self-respecting lady would ever wear overalls? :P


Eh, I'm just having fun - let's be honest, we all have our own opinions.  I like it, my opinion of it is the only one that matters to me - I'm just amused at the doom and gloom :)

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Goth requires more than a dark blue/grey dress IMO. Not every woman in an LBD is a Goth.

No. But Poko is right. That corset is some 2000s cheap fashion piece. Not only it lacks costume laces and all, but it also looks sticks-less, both on sides and cups. Would really Mrs Colette DuBois let every other female star in Malifaux(Lady Justice, Lilith, Pandora, Viktorias, undead and living hookers, guild guards, gunsmiths, even gremlins...) steal her scene, just because she decided to go out in her comfortable cotton casual home-outfit, instead of wearing one of her marvellous silk-tulle-leather-colorful&breathtaking design costumes, or at least something that lets her be recognized as the vip Show Girls maitresse?

Why scream "I'm a random M&SU woman, around for no affair! Look at the goggles!", when you are the most scenic magical-tricks-smoke&powder-flashes-hats-doves-sabres-disappearing-reappearing-dancer in town?

You guys who like it are crazy! I mean, when I go out and commit crimes, I make damn sure to wear my work uniform, or at least something like it, because that throws the authorities off the trail and makes it harder for them to straightaway identify me. Am I right? :P

Seriously, I like it. Has style without just being a uniform, which I always felt was a little ridiculous about the metal models "Look, someone dressed like a stage magician has stolen that consignment of soulstones! Lets not, say, check all the magic shows in Malifaux for people who fit her description!"

That would be just the background of another Encounter Arcanists vs Guild. Otherwise everyone in Malifaux should do everything wearing a mask... All of the main characters are quite famous, and everyone except a part of the Guild(not even all of them!) is hiding anyways(say, where do we find that 4 meters tall giant that shot Sonnia dead yesterday with a gatling, and people around were screaming "Fuhatsu!!"? Oh, look, our commander Lucius is actually a monster...! Why the hell did I join the Guild Guard? I wanted to be a coiffeur...)

Memo for myself: r4st4f4n, please, stop it. We got it you are quite disappointed by the art. :P

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Yes, she is a smuggler...one DISGUISED as a showgirl. She ought to look it. Also, what do the goggles do?! Keep scheme markers out of her eyes?

Also, I understand the over the top cheesecake element is going the way of the Dodo for market appeal, but of the 40ish masters (whatever the real number is) in the game, you'd think she'd be the one who at the very least came out a little more flamboyant.

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Isn't she supposed to be an illusionist?  She could wear nothing but a pair of suspenders and a pair of hot pants and it wouldn't make her conspicuous because she has powers to alleviate that need.


She's a magician who could be stealthy and sneaky and smuggly (is that a word? screw it, I'm making it one) while looking like a stage show.  That's what made her so interesting.  Now she's set to be the blandest-looking member of her crew...I mean, at least give her a damn top hat...

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Nope. No fun allowed in the wierd and magical land of Malifaux. Only long coats, straight suits and straight edge men and women. Who abstain from premarital sex and only occasionally curse no doubt.


See, the entertaining thing is that this could just as easily be describing this very thread... :P


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Can understand a little bit why they toned her down a bit, but think they went a little too far.

I was hoping for something more like this.


but hey ho I wouldn't be getting her anyway.


Still I do think the new art is great, just not quite right for that particular character.

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That would have been better, but still not Colette.  Ah well.  Luckily my friend just picked up the metal crew - I almost wish I had so I could have painted her up for myself to keep.  That'll teach me to assume Wyrd is going to maintain aesthetic choices in crews XD

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I was just expecting Zatanna with pants...


I mean, her wearing a tree piece suit and the top hat would have been AMAZING! Have a couple of doves perched and it's just golden!


Anywho, changing topic a bit, only masters we haven't seen the new art for are Hoffman and Collodi I believe, very eager to see how the changes have affected them.

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Almost every new model so far I have preferred the plastic imagining as superior to the older sculpt.


For Collette this is simply not the case, which is really sad because she is the first Malifaux mini I bought and my emotionally (not so much game play wise) favorite master and crew.

The problem is in Showgirls, this Collette art simply lacks that flair which for me defines the show, Malifaux while not heavily steampunk has always been about over the top. Almost the entire range is not just about a look but about a LOOK and the new Collette art does not embody that, disappointed that the master who is literally about the glitz, glamor and stage impact instead looks like a very attractive woman heading out to a speakeasy or slightly risque party.


Prefer the old Collette. I am hoping the crew box itself is much more SHOW. :(

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Like I've said before, I quite like the new Colette in her "Smugglers" outfit. Her original crew looked amazing of course, but the clothing choice made less sense when they weren't on stage (ie. almost any situation in which they'd encounter an opposing crew). The smugglers theme also retains a uniqueness of it's own among the Arcanists. In fact, I suspect the more subtle look will work better when you're including those showgirls in other crews. 


That said, I feel I should point out that the art in the book isn't necessarily what the model will look like. The Samuel Hopkins model is quite different to the art he got in book 1, and Perdita's art was changed before book 1 was sent to print, with the original pic seen in the beta being used for her LE version. 


That's not to say Colette's art will change - that's up to Wyrd and could be based on factors none of us are privy to. But it does mean that they've listened to and acted on feedback in the past.

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Ah, Colette...  you lost your undersized tophat, you ditched your bolero jacket.  And why would a night owl / tunnel rat wear welder's goggles? 


You grew your hair out!    Damnit, that messy bob gave you so much sass! 


That's what's really missing in this new version, call it sass, spunk, or something else.  This is like a Colette who realized Ramos has her by the... soulstones... and has lost her spark.  She's lost the fun of it and gone corporate.  *sigh*.

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Hmm, sadly I have to admit to being a bit disappointed by this. Now we can't see the lower half of the model very well because of the text box and we haven't seen the model yet, but so far it does seem to have lost much of it's 'flair'. I don't think they have done themselves any favours by having it be effectively a pinstriped dress suit. I do think that you can do a whole bunch with the model by going with a different (I'd say more interesting) colour scheme. The art seems to me to be less Colette, the celebrated performer and magician, owner of the Star and a controversial and risqué figure, but who still might mingle with high society in Malifaux, and more Connie, her school mistress cousins, who live in a small pioneer village out west and teach the kids to read during the week and then run an amateur theatre in the school hall on Sundays.


And while I can appreciate the argument that she wouldn't wear her show dress out smuggling, no one else 'dress down' for participating in the actual game so IMO it's a shame if Colette have been made to.


I'm also a little disappointed that she doesn't have a cane. Since her new rules have one and since it looks really cool with Angelica I was rather hoping she was holding one. I thought that would have been a cool addition.


Also, it was mentioned that we would get another 3 plastic models with the avatar so there would be lots of choice. But I really rather hope they go with something else for the avatar. Or at least that it have seriously reworked rules from where we saw it in wave 3, because those rules were very far from being fun and playable and the concept just didn't seemed to work at all.


It's a bit of a shame really, because the new Colette box went from an automatic purchase to, "lets just have a look at the actual models". I'll probably buy it anyway, I really want a different Cassandra model, but I might keep using my old metal models for most of it. We will see how the whole thing turns out. I still got hopes that better colour schemes will make the model pop a little more as well.

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Like I've said before, I quite like the new Colette in her "Smugglers" outfit.

That's not her "Smugglers" outfit, that's her "going to the store on a Monday" outfit.


Her original crew looked amazing of course, but the clothing choice made less sense when they weren't on stage (ie. almost any situation in which they'd encounter an opposing crew). The smugglers theme also retains a uniqueness of it's own among the Arcanists. In fact, I suspect the more subtle look will work better when you're including those showgirls in other crews.


Like Nico and McM going full incognito to maintain their double lives in the guild?

"It's more realistic" has to be the silliest argument for a bland Stage Magician Master that I have ever heard.

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