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Jack Daw Scheme Runners


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What would others suggest for Jack Daw, or Leveticus as he plays him too, as good scheme runners?

I played a game last night against Jack Daw, and afterwards was talking to opponent about scheme runners in his crew. (We had Squatters Rights, LitS, Power Ritual, Plant Explosives, Break Through, and Assassinate...a lot of scheme marker heavy strat/schemes).

He had taken guilty and hanged mainly and asked me what I'd of taken as a cheap, effective runner (I don't currently play Outcasts so not versed in their potentials). I looked over the Wave 1 & 2 cards post-game and the only ones that looked like potentials to me were Crooked men or maybe Friedkorpsman or Ronin.


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Leveticus should have no problem selecting his scheme runners. Depending on which upgrade he takes pariah of iron or pariah of bone he can have the choice of any construct or undead model from any faction. Necropunks can fit either of those requirements and with their leap only needing a 7 of any suit make excellent scheme runners I've found, especially for 5ss. Also from the rezzers are canine remains if he's taken piriah of bone.

I'm on my iPhone so can't check the wave 2 pdf but I'm sure there's many more to chose from. Jack daw I have no experience of (yet) and again without having his card and the other wave 2 models with me it's hard for me to give any input just yet.

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In-faction, Ronin or Desperate Mercs -- the Mercs are 2 stones cheaper, but the Ronin are about 2 stones more survivable.  Ronin also have an auto-trigger for a 5 inch movement if they get caught in melee, which is super handy if their whole goal in life is to drop Scheme markers.

Out of faction, Showgirls are pretty good (though I'm not sure they're 6 SS good).  Poison, Manipulative, and they can drop scheme markers while engaged.

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Agree with DarkBlack as I've been playing Daw a bit lately.


The upgrade to let him push any tormented model 3" when it activates is great and a nurse or two helps with that as well with Uppers for maneuverability.  The upgrade that lets Daw make a tormented model take a (1) action also adds scheme versatility.  For getting across the board strat/schemes taking Ama No Zako, Mortresor, or Bishop, each with a mix of oathkeeper and/or scramble makes them super fast.  Ama can also make other non-leader models take a (1) action.  So basically focus Daw controlling/denying/moving stuff while the rest of the crew uses their AP to achieve what you are looking to get done and tying up your opponent's activations.


Undead Levi - Add Crooligans.


Construct Levi - Add Necropunks & Mech Rider (which can create spiders or metal gaimen as well)


Only Outcast Levi - Probably a horde of summoned Steam Abominations and Void Wretches.

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Jack Daw can speed up his whole crew a lot. Any Tormented model can be a fast objective-runner, just by virtue of being Tormented.


This.  I have never used anything but Guilty as dedicated objective runners with Jack.  They are not the best but they are pretty damn fast with Jack's Tormented movement stuff and their (0) Follow Pain.  Also the ability for them to hand out Tormented essentially permanently is great, as is the ability to move it to another model if need be.  Their defenses arent the worst either with 6 DF, 6 Wd, and Hard to Kill.  I don't find loading up on them is usually the way to go, however, as Jack's crew benefits a lot from taking some bigger stuff like Montresor and Ama no Zako, and he can make really anything with Tormented move fast enough to run objectives. 


I would always reccomend at least one as he can make an enemy Tormented himself and Jack can do the same with Twist and Turn so you can esentially perma-Torment two of your opponents crew just for having one Guilty on the board (each additional Guilty adding another Tormented enemy).  Usually I end up spending a permanent Tormented characteristic on Ama no Zako so she can move faster, but what you do with it is up to you. 


Another thing to mention is Jaakuna Ubumes' Lure which can add a little bit more speed to your crew especially first turn. 


No idea about Levi as I haven't played him a ton. 


EDIT - Jskrush has great advice as well.  I haven't used Bishop as much, but Ama no Zakos' obey-like ability and Jacks' ability to take a (1) action with Twist and Turn help a lot with the AP.  Oathkeeper as always will make your Outcast crew faster (go figure). 


EDIT AGAIN-  Will also add that, like others have said above, Void Wretches are great objective runners in most Outcast crews with Incorporeal, Wk5, and the ability to hand out Slow with a (0) action.  They can also occasionally do cute tricks with their Bury mechanics. 

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I'll chime in with another vote for Guilty. Their (0) push can make them surprisingly mobile when used well, and unlike many objective runners, Hard to Kill (and Df 6) prevents them from being killed off quite so casually, even by elite enemy models.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another Jack Daw tip: Take Crooked men or the Drowned. Both of these models drop (NOTE: Not interact) scheme markers when they die. If one is close to death on the centreline, for a 1 action they could interact to drop a scheme marker. You can then use Jack's zero action to discard a card to drop scheme markers when a model dies, and kill the crooked/drowned. This will then drop 2 more scheme markers, meaning LitS is almost completed in 1 go. 


Also works well with spring the trap - particularly with the Drowned in combat with the master (as they are more likely to hang in there)

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Another Jack Daw tip: Take Crooked men or the Drowned. Both of these models drop (NOTE: Not interact) scheme markers when they die. If one is close to death on the centreline, for a 1 action they could interact to drop a scheme marker. You can then use Jack's zero action to discard a card to drop scheme markers when a model dies, and kill the crooked/drowned. This will then drop 2 more scheme markers, meaning LitS is almost completed in 1 go. 


Also works well with spring the trap - particularly with the Drowned in combat with the master (as they are more likely to hang in there)

This is just nasty haha - Maybe add Guillotine Injustice, putting it on your Tormented minion of choice, to make the kill a bit faster if necessary?


~Lil Kalki

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For Leve I'd say take the Undead upgrade and seriously consider Necropunks, Crooligans and Canine Remains. For Jack Daw, heck any Outcast master Void Wretches should be the go to scheme runners. They are golden although as others have stated hard to get. Legion of Everblight models from the Hordes range can make suitable proxies though and if you don't want to proxy then I'd go with Ronin. 

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Another Jack Daw tip: Take Crooked men or the Drowned. Both of these models drop (NOTE: Not interact) scheme markers when they die. If one is close to death on the centreline, for a 1 action they could interact to drop a scheme marker. You can then use Jack's zero action to discard a card to drop scheme markers when a model dies, and kill the crooked/drowned. This will then drop 2 more scheme markers, meaning LitS is almost completed in 1 go. 


  This is a very nice technique, but I would question that if you drop three scheme markers in base contact with a model, surely only two of them could be in contact with the centre line for use with LITS? It's still two though, which if you've declared LITS is all you need. As I said, very nice indeed. :)

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  This is a very nice technique, but I would question that if you drop three scheme markers in base contact with a model, surely only two of them could be in contact with the centre line for use with LITS? It's still two though, which if you've declared LITS is all you need. As I said, very nice indeed. :)

There's nothing to prevent this from happening (2 or 3 placed/dropped right on top of each other) other than the normal 4" restriction of scheme markers needing to be placed apart if using an interact action (which the above technique bypasses). Scheme markers in and of themselves don't take up space on the board, per se, and can be freely moved over and stood upon.

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For Leve I'd say take the Undead upgrade and seriously consider Necropunks, Crooligans and Canine Remains. For Jack Daw, heck any Outcast master Void Wretches should be the go to scheme runners. They are golden although as others have stated hard to get. Legion of Everblight models from the Hordes range can make suitable proxies though and if you don't want to proxy then I'd go with Ronin. 

Agree, though I still find it salt in the wound that a year later and Wave 2 models are getting their figures while Wave 1 Tara is still only in the Nightmare Spend Your Life Savings on Ebay format. But that's an exhausted topic. :(

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There is no restriction on piling them up one on top of the other, BUT having them one on top of the other means the enemy only needs to do a one interact to remove all three. Still, done near the end of the turn/game, it can bag you a fair few points. 



This is just nasty haha - Maybe add Guillotine Injustice, putting it on your Tormented minion of choice, to make the kill a bit faster if necessary?


~Lil Kalki


You would need the minion to activate first to interact to get the 1st marker, but it can secure a drop of scheme markers if the model activates after Jack. As I said above, will require waiting until the close of the turn so the opponent doesn't have a chance to move away from the markers. 

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