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pounce in combat



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Hi, if a belle cast lure on a model alredgy engaged with them do they get to punce? The model still made an involanterry walk ending in there engagement range.


That would be dependent on if the model actually "moved" or not to me. If the model was engaged with the Belle standing at the edge of the 1" melee engagement range, and the Belle lured the model so that it had to move (even less than an inch but wasn't in base to base prior to lure), then I'd say yes, the pounce goes through.


If, however, the engaged enemy model were in base to base prior to the lure being used, thus not physically moving at all, then no, the pounce would not activate per the FAQ. 


FAQ: Q: If a model moves (or is Pushed, Falls, is Placed, etc) 0” (zero inches), does it count as having

A: No. Same answer for Pushing, Falling, Placement, etc.
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In the above example it's to utilize another pounce. But I see where you're coming from as you're already in combat, so he is giving up one melee attack to instead lure thus gaining a free melee attack (and a failed WP test if Lure succeeds, so I guess that could cause further damage/negatives/conditions from nearby sources).

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You can move the model wherever you like, so long as it ends as close as possible to the Luring model; nothing is stopping you from moving it to the other side, aside from abiding by that restriction. If it were to be moved directly towards then the action would say 'towards'. I doubt it would be something done very often but is completely legal.

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You can move the model wherever you like, so long as it ends as close as possible to the Luring model; nothing is stopping you from moving it to the other side, aside from abiding by that restriction. If it were to be moved directly towards then the action would say 'towards'. I doubt it would be something done very often but is completely legal.

See faq it addresses what you just said.

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See faq it addresses what you just said.

My first post was answering J_D's question. My second post was addressing the opinion of moving the Lured model to the other side of the Lurer when not already in base contact as not in the spirit of what was intended, rather than when already in base contact. As you say the FAQ clears that one right up. Moving around (once again, when not already in base contact) is still ending the move as close as possible, and might be a good tactical option.


What Ausplosions said.

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I'm not sure exactly what you are saying. If you are saying that if the lured model isn't in base contact to start, but has enough movement to end anywhere in base contact with the luring model and so therefore the luring model gets to decide, no that isn't correct, and no you can't do that.



For the record. I agree and play it your way also Fetid. But can you expand on your reasoning behind it? You're much wordier than I.

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I'm not sure exactly what you are saying. If you are saying that if the lured model isn't in base contact to start, but has enough movement to end anywhere in base contact with the luring model and so therefore the luring model gets to decide, no that isn't correct, and no you can't do that.

That is exactly what I am saying. I am at work and don't have access to my book right now (and I can't see any Wave 2 models with Lure), but I recall the ability saying that the target moves it's Wk to end as close as possible to the Lurer. Ending in base-to-base is as close as possible, so I fail to see the distinction between where the Lured model ends up if it has the Wk value to end in base-to-base at any point around the Lurer. Maybe they're just checking out if there's actually junk in that trunk.


I'll quote the ability from the book when I get home. My sincerest apologies to all here for wasting their time if the ability makes out that I am wrong.

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Sorry that is wrong, from the Errata


Q: If a model moves (or is Pushed, Falls, is Placed, etc) 0” (zero inches), does it count as having
A: No. Same answer for Pushing, Falling, Placement, etc.
Q: If a model with the Lure Action targets a model in base contact, can Lure be used to move the targeted model, so long as it ends in base contact with the model taking the Lure Action?
A: No. A model which is already in base contact may not be moved any further with the Lure Action.
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Incorrect. You cannot have them move past you and end in base contact. The model must end as close as possible, but you do not control the movement. You get to exercise no decision making process in the path the model takes. When you cast lure there is exactly 1, singular, solitary spot on the board that is as close as you can get to the model, and that is where the model ends up. The only reason the Lure on the Belle isn't a push is because I suspect it didn't work. You still get to avoid obstacles and models, but you do not get to decide anything. This was clarified in a thread but my search Fu is weak. However, and I'll admit this isn't as strong an argument as I normally like, the FAQ ruling on preventing Lured Movement once in base to base is a similar situation. If what you are saying was accurate, you could in theory walk the model around the model in base contact as long as you still ended in base contact, which the FAQ says you can't.


Better to think of Lure as a "Push" that can take the absolute shortest path around obstacles and doesn't get stopped by them.

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