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New Faction or Crew request


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Very glad to see Nathan's thoughts here on this.  It's always awesome to see a game's developers engaged with the community at this level.


I too think it's a bit overdone in a number of other minis games, and I'm somewhat glad it's not a major theme in Malifaux.

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As much as (per GW's repeated demonstrations) religous fanatics can be fun to sculpt, modify, and paint (due, in part, to a tendancy towards over-the-top iconography) I'm perfectly happy to see Wyrd giving them a pass. 

1) Given the existence of people able to use magic in the name of their chosen gods (or themselves) since who knows how far in their past, it seems unlikely that their religious history would be much like ours. 

2) I have a funny feeling a group that fanatical would get themselves all wound up about the nephelem, get themselves a nice Crusade all whipped up, charge into the swamp, and disappear, never to be heard of again.  Very short-lived faction.  ;)

3) Despite gamers' general capacity for seperating fantasy-world religion from their own religion, it reall sounds like a big ol' can of worms.

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back to the original post. I think that an awesome crew would be A child master, who leads escaped orphans and backstreet pick pocket kids. Probably an outcast crew, all made up of street children, turned organized crime/information brokers. 

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You know what might be interesting in that vein is a neverborn snakeoil salesman evangelical type luring people to their... *ehem* 'salvation'. Seems a bit more characteristic of the world/lore.




I had worked up most of a Homebrew Gremlin crew centered around an "Evangelical Preacher" master a few years back. Never really managed to finish them all but they were heavily inspired by the residents of Lago. They were stronger when bolstered by their companions and would revert to drunken Bayou Gremlin's if separated or failing a Wp duel. My crown jewel (or at least the favorite of the group and one which I considered finished) was the Gremlin Debutante.

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Not bothered either way.......But mostly I don't think the game needs any new factions for a while now!

Totally agree. I think the Gremlins were obvious that they needed their own faction....but other than that I thought 10T were all that were needed. They are the stepping stone that allows players to branch into other factions.


Play Guild? Here's Lucas McCabe.....now you play 10T....now you have Mei Feng....oh look, now you play Arcanists.....might as well get Ramos.


Play Outcasts? Here's Misaki....then Yan Lo...then Nicodem......


etc, etc.....


And now that you have other Masters that are dual-faction like Lucius and Zoraida....it's all over.

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While I think it's a very sensible decision to largely exclude religion from the game, I think it would be a struggle to come up with a fluff explanation that holds up as to why that would be the case in a 'realistic' sense.


Religions tend to thrive on persecution, not be stifled by it - burning out the Mary John Jacob Peters Church is more likely to cause that group to spread its influence and increase its followers than to stamp it out. It forces the religion to become a resistance movement, much like the Arcanists (who seem to be doing just fine).


The revelation that souls are used to power soulstones would likely whip up a huge religious response, ranging from attempts to stop people from using them and destroying any soulstones they could get their hands on, through ritualistically employing soulstones to ensure safe passage to 'the next life', to enshrining the souls of important cult figures in immortal constructs.


It might be safer to say that open, organised religion has been successfully persecuted. In a place like Malifaux, I can see crazy cults popping up all the time, with an incredible variety of religious beliefs and practices cribbed from various sources.


However, again, I do agree that it's not a good debate to start with a flagship product. Leave it to Through the Breach campaigns, fluff stories, and the occasional religiously-inspired model.

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Wow that's surreal! I've already painted Frankie Ortega to look like Jesus!!! And lovingly call him Jesus Juan Ortega... Or J.J. For short... The hair and moustache just screamed messiah when I first saw him ;)

So I suppose I've already got a religious crew... Hmm Mother Abuella painted in a habit?! I think so :)

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I can see an old west preacher-type running around and decrying the evils of soul stones and such fitting into the fluff.  It does't have to be a crusade or a batch of fire-bombing templars.  Like I said earlier though, I can understand why Wyrd doesn't want to go there.

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