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Johan and M&SU fluff


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The way I understand it, and I may have it completely wrong, is that he used to be a miner under the M&SU. Now he's one of those small independent operations miners that the guild and M&SU go take over through whatever means necessary if they're onto a good soulstones patch. Johan fights back though and usually wins, this then makes him a sort of hero with other miners under the M&SU.

Still flimsy, but that's what I understand. A fluff story involving him in one of the chronicles that explains this for us would be great.

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I  like to think he is a dissenting voice to Ramo's rule of the M&SU, like Kang in that he is seen as a Hero of the union to regular members, but the upper echelons have pushed him out due to his dislike  of the leadership.


That is not to say he is Pro-Guild in any way.

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I heard he used to be within the M&SU working as a miner / foundry worker and he and Kang were close. One day he lead a rebellion or riot which got him kicked out of the M&SU hence being Outcast. But now as he sells his services and expertise gained within the M&SU he will occasionally be hired by them for what ever reason. Perhaps I've gotten this completely wrong, just what I heard. 

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I heard that the Arcanists captured him and tried to replace his brain with a tiny mechanical spider in an attempt to control his thoughts.  Now he's distrustful of the Arcanist organization, even though he's worried about his fellow miners succumbing to a similar fate. 


That's why he's trying to stage a full revolt to take back control of the M&SU from the Arcanists, who have shackled them (with brain-spiders) just as much as the Guild ever had. 


*serious slow nod of truth*

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Especially Desperate Mercenaries in first edition. I mean, I guess they probably figured out who they were hired by in the frantic, painful seconds before they died...


I've been writing a bunch of Iron Quill stories from the POV of a Desperate Mercenary. He keeps hopping between employers and often not knowing who he's working for.

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I heard he used to be within the M&SU working as a miner / foundry worker and he and Kang were close. One day he lead a rebellion or riot which got him kicked out of the M&SU hence being Outcast. But now as he sells his services and expertise gained within the M&SU he will occasionally be hired by them for what ever reason. Perhaps I've gotten this completely wrong, just what I heard. 


But Johan is still M&SU, and Kang is no longer M&SU, meaning surely it is Kang, and not Johan who was kicked out of the Union. 

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But Johan is still M&SU, and Kang is no longer M&SU, meaning surely it is Kang, and not Johan who was kicked out of the Union. 

Kang was kicked out for being socialist scum. Johan left, but since nobody ever heard from the people sent to collect his dues, it is assumed that he paid them and then bad things happen. or something.

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By the first edition rulebook, it's noted that Johan takes the M&SU philosophy of anti-totalitarianism to an extreme, following only the tenets of the Union's charter, rather than the mandates of the Union leadership. He was even cheaper to hire if one's crew contained an M&SU member (from an ability named Dues Paid), and gained Ml and Rg (well, the M1E equivalent) when near an M&SU member (from an ability named Solidarity). He was a true believer in the Union, in the best possible way. The change in tack in the M2E book has always rubbed me the wrong way, as it suggests a near-total retconning of his character (unless what's written in M2E is the Union cover for his activities, which is not clear at all if it happens to be the case). He changed from a genuine true believer in the M&SU's charter, loyal to its goals but not its leadership, to a small-time prospector defending his claim against the M&SU troubleshooters, to the point of their relationship afterwards being described as an animosity. Yet, his rules still indicate a connection with the Union through his new Solidarity (giving a + to Attack Actions) and his healing action for M&SU named Open Revolt. Johan was, in many ways, one of the characters closest to being described as a hero in the 1st ed. setting, and it seems to have disappeared in his new version.


Given the apparent rift between the M&SU and Johan shown in M2E, it's not clear how or why they'd ever hire him, while his mechanics are still built off of the "old Johan", so to speak, and thus quite lucrative to Arcanist players. Getting fluff justification for the change would be much appreciated (though not as appreciated as a reversal to the older version of the character, story-wise).


As a side note, I'd love to see an eventual Upgrade for Johan (or for Johan and Kang, maybe even part of Ironsides' Crew) that interacts nicely with Union Miners. Just feels right.

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