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Webstore shipping, kinda brutal?


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First off, sorry if this is the wrong place for this thread, wasn't really sure which subforum to post this in. 


Since I recently had my first game of Malifaux, and have read the 2 Edition rulebook, I wanted to read up on the rest of the Malifaux fluff, and figured a good place to get most of it would be from the older rulebooks. 


I go onto the webstore, and find that the 4 books are available for cheap, around 30 USD for all 4, hooray!

But after making an account and getting ready to check out, my total is now 90 USD! Thats a wee bit more than I am used to for shipping, even when living in Norway. 


Are the shipping costs generally high on the webstore, or is it just because the books would be heavy?

Where I live the closest store selling any miniature related is a 4 hour drive away, and they only sell GW products. (they have a killer selection og Lego and Manga though)


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Yeah, it is because of the books. You can check the difference if you replace the books with a few plastic boxes in your cart and try to checkout with those.

It is done on weight, and Books weigh a tonne (not literally a tonne, but you know what I mean) ...

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The 1.5 book contains the same stories as the 1.0 book, so if you are just looking for the stories, then either will do.

Don't know how many of the original books are still in the wild, but you might find one.


Fluff wise, about half the characters get introduced.

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As an example of how the USPS gouges when you ship out of country I submit the following.


I just shipped a small flat rate box (it's 8 11/16" x 5 7/16" x 1 3/4") to the Philippines, it cost me $24. For a medium flat rate box (14" x 12" x 3 1/2") it was $43. The medium box won't fit the books into them and flat rate is generally the cheapest way to ship. I suppose the next option is UPS or FedEx, but I've heard that if the boxes they ship get opened for customs inspection the receiver is charged up $60 as a "brokerage" fee.

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Ding Ding .. 


Postage in the US isn't bad - as a matter of fact they are trying to do everything they can to subsidize the US Postal system over here and still keep it competitive with the likes of Fedex, UPS, etc. 


Start sending it outside the states and it can start to get brutal. Hell at one point early on we had a 'fixed' shipping and I couldn't for the life of me figure out that year how we had lost so much money in that area ... then I realized the Aussies (bless them!) were paying $10 for a $60 package. I might as well have just given the product away for free at that point (and in some cases did due to the cost of shipping). 


So, if you see someone giving free shipping for anything over X ... I hope they've done their math, but honestly don't hold it against any of y'all for taking advantage of a good deal when you can!

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