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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. For me the most useful thing would be for each master a list of what episodes they appear in.
  2. Chess clocks are a bit of a hassle for players who don't need them. And a gigantic boon to games that do need them xD I hated the idea but finally came round and love it for competitive play.
  3. A good trick early is to abuse projectile vomit to stay safe. It has incredible triggers.
  4. Yup! It's pretty hard to snag those masks, but sometimes you get models that can use soulstones with those types of things (like Hinamatsu), and you can end up getting very consistent sometimes.
  5. Mcmourning 2 gives an upgrade by eating a scrap that gives +1 df and flurry, which turns Rogue Necro into a monster. Additionally the Rogue Necro attack with pouncing strike is amazing, and plastic surgery can copy it. So a normal crew might make 2 Rogue necro attacks, but I've done 8-9 in one turn before with a mcm 2 crew. Mcmourning 1 offers poison and more importantly the blood poisoning ability to burst heal for 5 so you don't have to wait til the end of the turn for your heal. The crew also has movement tricks to move the Rogue necro.
  6. By itself it is a hefty cost. With the right support (mcmourning 2 upgrade, burst heals for 5 fron blood poisoning, movement assistance, etc) it can be a monster. I take it with mcmourning 2 almost always, often with mcmourning 1, and almost never with Molly. In general if a model has df 4 and is going to be hit by enemy models, it probably isn't great. But rogue Necromancy is close to good. And mcm2 takes him to df 5.
  7. Aren't scheme markers like Ulix's whole thing? All his pigs drop them on death.
  8. A quick google for some of the newer macs is 3456x2234. Depending on your mac, this link may help for changing your resolution: https://support.apple.com/en-nz/guide/mac-help/mchl86d72b76/mac I think generally something in the 1900x1000 range is what you're shooting for with Vassal.
  9. One reason for this can be vassal does not work well with high resolutions. What is your monitor set to?
  10. One important thing to remember is that a model does not count as activated until it is entirely done with its activation. So when a coryphee duet splits, it creates two coryphee that do not count as activated. One of them continues the current activation, and at the end of the activation counts as activated. Which will leave one unactivated coryphee that can reform. That's how you get two activations out of one duet.
  11. Also worth noting that 2/4/5 is a VERY competitive damage track, and it often seems like they got the power budget wrong on 2/4/5 models. With focus (or puncture), those mod 4s are super efficient. And even on a negative, you've got over a 1/3 chance of just flipping double moderates. I've had one of my masters chunked by an enemy blood hunter before xD
  12. Interestingly the top 16 just had to evaluate how they were going to handle Madness of Malifaux since now it won't be released in time for the event and may release mid-event. The players for the event were a bit split on the vote, but was a narrow win for just banning all Madness of Malifaux content (including Damian). So the championship for this year isn't going full Balancefaux, but it is banning Madness of Malifaux content.
  13. Mcmourning is really weak to stone users, so he isn't always great against factions like arcanists that can have so many of them. That said, two things. First mcmourning can run around the tanks and kill all the support. He can one shot most healers (unless it was a silent one). Second, it you get in a bad engagement, just doctors orders yourself to escape it and go attack something else.
  14. These styles of paint job really make the model work so well. Really conveys the shadow and the real one.
  15. Yeah I think this will be a huge problem. But of course if they nerf everything down to original levels and then there's a huge gap between Madness of Malifaux and everything else... Then Balancefaux neatly solves that problem 😜
  16. To clarify, Basse and Reichart are your super-hearty tanks that can stand near enemies and survive (and healing keeps them going). For the rest of the crew, they're super squishy and die really easily, so need to be protected by your tanks. That's why both Basse and Reichart have tools to move enemies around or lock them down so they can't kill your crew.
  17. I think Basse is probably better in Guild. Their uprgrades and versatiles are stronger overall, and they probably synergize with the crew better as well. Some of the best ES versatiles (like Intrepid and Botanists) don't really synergize with the crew. Well, you can do Botanist tricks on carve a path... Flush with cash on the minions is incredible though. But yeah, I'd say Guild by a slight margin, but really it is a personal preference thing. As for title vs original... BOTH! You get to choose which title you're using after you know what master your opponent has declared, so you should always pick the best title for the job. Also if no one has mentioned yet, Pearl offers incredible healing.
  18. I think that probably most players wouldn't like this. I think most players play pretty casually, and if you had an aggressive errata/FAQ schedule like a video game, you'd probably end up with some players playing less than 10 games between each update. So there's a bit of a balance to be had, and don't think it's as clear cut as "just errata more." I think if they were more conservative with power levels of new models that'd go a long way, though.
  19. I think we can all agree that the ideal solution is that Wyrd fixes everything, yes xD But in the meantime, I think this format will offer a lot, especially after the title errata (if it follows previous patterns, that'll be ~4 months into next year?)
  20. Reva 1 produces corpses, and throw in a restless spirit or asura and she will have so many corpses the bone piles can teleport all over the battlefield. Grave golem can also throw corpses at people and then Reva can attack through them. Mcmourning 2 doesn't make much in regards to corpses, but he can copy them. But Asura can make corpses from the zombies so it'd work out fine. Mcmourning can also draw cards from corpses. Heads up - a lot of these models aren't super top tier, but they're very fun.
  21. I don't agree with some of the specific points about what will end up being broken, but agree with your overall point. This is the third expansion, and so far every expansion has broken the game needing a massive set of nerfs that don't happen for over a year. I'm hoping Balancefaux offers a fix for players feeling like that, but also realize quitting the game fixes the problem too 😕 Personally my playgroup is dying locally, but Id blame that more on the lack of a new player experience. It's just so hard to recruit players for Malifaux. "Only four factions have starters and one of them half the models are insignificant. Want to play?"
  22. Yan Lo can be played as a resser too. But if you want stuff that works well with all the corpse models, either reva 1 or mcmourning 2 would be a good bet.
  23. Yeah Alyce seems really good for that hazardous, definitely worth testing (and to be honest I could have dropped two warriors and just took both Monty and Alyce. Also Hodgepodge Emissary is the real big deal I think. Those heals are so beyond anything ES can do that the Emissary may just make it no contest - Outcasts may end up being better for the crew. But we'll have to wait and see.
  24. So just had my first game of Tiri. Took all the revealed models + hodgepodge + montresor. Seemed super potent fasting Montresor turn 1 and funneling all the card draw/cycling into him meant that he just kidnapped and killed an enemy Marco turn 1. He's also a semi-immortal tank, and his stagger-permanence aura really combos with Tiri herself. I think he's so good he might be a common OOK for the keyword, unless the stuff in the keyword is truly exceptional. Suggest giving it a go!
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