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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. Both are pretty fun, but very much skewed to certain models/crews. In enforcer brawl, Archie was absolutely nuts before his nerf. I think I scored something like 21 VP with him when I played him in Enf brawl. Henchman hardcore is... Well, hardcore. It is designed for tournament play, and is a pretty brutal format. But they can be fun, silly formats and worth a go! Just know that some people may dominate pretty strongly if they take the right model/crew.
  2. @Graf, you may be able to find 2E McMourning for sale. I got mine for like $20, and it includes a pair of nurses!
  3. It occasionally comes up in other threads, asking what combinations of masters work well. So I thought I'd ask it in a slightly difference form: what collection would you recommend to be able to face anything? If possible, let's do it by 3E boxes. Let's also split it into: On a budget: What minimum boxes would you take to be able to handle most scenarios? Solid collection: What would you need to be able to feel like you can face any scenario and a variety of matchups? Exceptional: What would you need to be able to face any scenario, and any enemy crew? (This one may be superfluous, as the answer is probably "every Resser model"). For me, my 'on a budget' collection would be: Molly core box, The Lost, Dead Rider, Eternal Servitude. Molly is so versatile that with her base crew and those extra beaters, I feel like she is ready for most scenarios. What about you? What would you consider the best collection for the above categories?
  4. Since speed is relative, question: if leap was nerfed to 'within 4 inches', would Neverborn have a large (relative) boost?
  5. I wonder how much of it is just that Ressers have 8 solidly playable masters, and Neverborn do not. We have two players who swap between resesrs/Neverborn here (myself included), and Ressers just seem a lot more powerful in general. There's also the issue that the two 'themes' of the factions has ressers coming out on top. Fragile glass cannon is going to generally lose to melee tanky faction, even if both are equally good at what they do. In general Neverborn solve the main problem Ressers have for them (Ressers want to be in melee where they can actually hit you with their powerful attacks, and Neverborn typically have to do the courtesy of getting into melee range). Normally Neverborn manage the risk of getting into melee range by exploding whatever they're fighting, but Ressers are too tanky/grindy for that. So agree that overall Neverborn feels perhaps a bit weak when facing Ressers.
  6. I wrote this introduction series for new players that might help: But on a more basic level, I'd learn: How basic movement works (push, walk, charge). Just take a model and move it around the table. How basic combat works. Take a model and attack another model, figuring out the flips for each. How the 'interact' action works with scheme markers and strategy markers. Once you learn those three things, everything else in the game falls into place.
  7. I've only played HH with that crew and theory crafted regular games, but some thoughts: Manos+ Yin is such an insane mobility team, really worth taking (potentially even OOK). BUT the pools you're looking to take Yan Lo into aren't necessarily high mobility pools. So you probably won't see Yin very often in a Yan Lo crew (I could be wrong). If Yan Lo is forced into a mobility pool (for instance, fixed master or list tournament), then Yin seems like an excellent choice. I could also see snagging Yin in a Yan Lo pool if it happened to have Take Prisoner. She makes that so easy to accomplish.
  8. I'm sceptical, but also the Gaining Grounds system is pretty neat for tinkering. Would totally support something like a Gaining Grounds 1.5 or 2.5 that introduced 4 round games for a limited trial period. The game would be entirely different, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Although I'm biased, as I'd finally be able to play Dreamer in a 2.5 hour setting! I'm not fast enough for five round Dreamer.
  9. I agree removing rounds breaks the game more than other options (like 35 soulstones games), but one thing to note is that many metas seem to have a De facto 3-4 round game length. Balancing around a shorter game makes more sense than balancing around a longer game and then cutting it short a lot of the time. Although personally I think other solutions are in order.
  10. I don't know McMourning very well, but... The crew is already pretty tanky/regenerates, so grave spirits touch may be overkill. Gravedigger - I don't know how well the summoning with a gravedigger goes with McMourning, but your list is just shy of having a third marker for summoning turn one. Perhaps bring a canine remains to help reposition the markers, or make room for another marker (even if it is just a mindless zombie with the points from the upgrade). Make sure to use the nurse to cure the distracted condition if you do summon! Grave golem - one of my favourite models! It is slow and cumbersome, so it definitely doesn't fit into all scenarios. Night terror really needs someone to make it discard to make it full power, so not sure if it'll fit into this crew. A necropunk is a better self-contained schemer if you want something OOK.
  11. I totally agree it would be very frustrating if ES is above the curve, but this model in particular feels okay. That other one feels like it needs some tuning. Will have to see them on the table of course.
  12. A few extra thoughts: Charge + attack is a good way to get a "free" bit of poison without using an action. Personally I use blood poisoning quite a bit. Getting 5 poison on your models is key so you can rancid transplant (with "on your heels" for action efficiency) for five poison, then you pop blood poisoning. In general shoot for combos rather than trying to stack it. They'll be able to deal with that (either by removing it or ignoring it). EDIT: not that experienced though.
  13. Nice not many crews can match Nightmare for Claim Jump, so nice crew comp there! I usually use Serena, but I suppose Teddy is more self-contained?
  14. Due to that lack of reduction on ping (1) damage, ping damage is one of the best ways to take down armor models. Which makes price of progress extra tricky here.
  15. Power-level wise, the most stones in a box is going to be a pretty good indicator of the most powerful box. That said, if it is just a beginner tournament, I'd personallly suggest focusing on the crew you're going to find the most fun/get the most value out of in the long-term. I assume the prizes will be small/negligible, so there's no reason to get into the wrong crew (for you).
  16. Agree on price of progress, makes triggers a bit too trivial/require so little planning (although I guess especially with this guy, paying one life is not trivial at all). For the model itself, 6-cost armor one is always worth a look. I assume price of progress means the crew will be trying to self-heal quite a bit, which means this guy is just spitting out markers (although I assume markers are for one crew, price of progress for the other). Some nice damage, coupled with hazardous terrain and being annoying to kill off (and if you do, it is only a 6 stone model)... I can see these fellas causing quite a bit of annoyance/bogging enemies down.
  17. It's not broken/needing a nerf necessarily, but definitely felt pretty crazy the one time I played against it. Asami's base hand size is seven, so can look at up to 14 cards a turn with just that model (can get it much higher with other models, I think 23 or something from memory). The combinaton of a strong summoning suite (including Jorogumo) plus that much card draw is pretty potent! So worth commenting on here.
  18. Yes, that's the one! It is even more of a cycle hand than Zoraida's ability, but still felt pretty strong when I faced it on corrupting idols!
  19. When I first saw Dashel's buff, I went "ohhhh dear, I wonder if they broke the crew." Haven't got direct play experience, but interesting to hear! I assume at this point that if Dashel could have any totem in the game, he would take the Dispatcher. Slapping card draw on a summoning totem seems prettttttty good. In fact, my one complaint about summoners in general is when they can access card draw without working for it (Von Schtooks - annoys me but is probably okay. Dreamers ancient pact and I assume Dashel's totem - seems OP). Edit: oh, and Asami with that damn "draw six" model! And Dreamer with Zoraida. Edit: Sandeep goes without saying, but I've not actually looked at him enough to have my own opinion.
  20. I think lucid dreams is not as powerful as Ancient Pacts on Daydreams (though Lucid Dreams is of course pretty amazing). The two extra cards and +2 initiative every turn really helps the crew have a strong early game. If I was to nerf Dreamer, I'd start with Ancient Pact.
  21. For Dreamer at least, I think it isn't any particular factor; it is the sum of them. A strong henchman plus good summons plus a really solid suite of hiring options (strong scheming and maneuverability, strong beaters, strong card draw, etc). With Kirai, you can't really hire as strong a team as Dreamer can. If you could, Kirai would be even scarier than Dreamer IMO.
  22. If it helps, you were pretty lucky! From memory you have like a 20% chance to flip no weaks.
  23. What's your sequence for the Draugr? Off the top of my head, can't get it over 3 focus (one action + two rituals). Edit: ohhhh, toshiro? Could you flick me the standard list?
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