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Everything posted by Mycellanious

  1. FYI Shrug Off completely neuters Stunned, assuming Stunned is what you end. This is because Bonus Actions only count towards the Action Limit while the model has Stunned. So if VS uses 3 Actions, then tries to Shrug Off that would be illegal, however if VS uses Shrug Off first and removes Stunned, then Shrug Off would NOT count towards his Action Limit, so he would be free to declare 3 Actions after Shrug Off
  2. So heres a quesion. A 30 mm model cant COVER a 30 mm marker, but it could use the Rule of Intent to block LoS from another model to that marker by standing between them? That's weird.
  3. I dont have a way, I think that's its not really possible to tell one way or the other right now and I think it needs an FAQ asap
  4. No where is the damage from conditions equated to the damage from Hazardous. It would be nice if they were, but the Strat makes a distinction for Conditions specifically and not Hazardous, so we cant just treat them like conditions. Both are general rules. "In general if a model dies to Hazardous Terrain no credit is awarded. If that terrain was generated by a model's Action or Ability that model gains credit" is also a valid interpretation of that paragrapgh
  5. I dont think that p. 25 is very helpful, because it is also listed on page 25 that the model that generates the Action or Ability that kill a model gets kill credit. A Hazardous Aura / Marker is both an Action generated by a model, and Hazardous Terrain. The rules contradict themselves. Not only are both of these rules from the same page, they are part of the same damn paragraph so it's not like we could say that one is a general rule and one a more specific rule.
  6. That is a bit rude. This question gets asked a lot so a significant amount of people find it unintuitive. The mushroom cloud symbol means place a Blast marker. That is what the symbol means. You place a marker for each of those symbols
  7. For me, Yan Lo just seems insane. The two masters I havent beaten in M3E yet are Dreamer and Yan Lo, and I just kind of dont understand how you are supposed to play against them. They are both Keywords that scale very strongly into turns 4 and 5, but at the same time are very strong in the first few turns of the game. I think I've been tabled in every game against them except 1, and 1 where my opponent took Hold Up Their Forces so he kept 2 models alive for points. In my opinion, the late Beta change to the Chiyaki broke the crew a little bit. I get that it was nerfed a little after GG1, but still the tremendous safety and buffs her Flute gives out, which were originally only intended to be given out on model death, dramatically changes the play style of the keyword. Yan Lo was originally supposed to keep small models near large models to catch their Reliquaries if they die, so as an opponent you should try to focus down the minions first. However, now Chiyaki can just throw the Upgrade on a Gokudo for a 4 first activation turn 1, keep that Gokudo safe in her deployment zone, suicide charge her Enforcer (usually Izamu) in for no risk, then Yan Lo can just bring him back AND teleport that Gokudo to the other side of the map. An opponent has almost nothing they can do about that, since not even Anti-demise tech would stop that. Furthermore, Yan Lo's stats aren't really as bad as they seem, and he scales insanely quickly. I think the intention was for the Player to choose an upgrade based on the currently game stat, but the problem is that some of them are just so crazy good they are always taken turn 1 and turn 2. I've have almost exclusively seen the Incorporeal upgrade attached Turn 1, and the Hazardous-Concealing Aura attached Turn 2. So you are supposed to try and attack Yan Lo early while his stats are low, however getting past Incorporeal and stones is not easy, assuming you could even reach him turn 1. Turn 2 he's now very difficult to shoot, and if you try to punish him for his low stats you end up taking a lot of damage, while most of your damage is mitigated. Then when he activates Turn 3 his stat's are now above average. And this is assuming the rest of Yan Lo's crew is AFK or something, because he was Extended Reach, TWO minions with Take the Hit, and the best healer in the game at his disposal. He's a mega model late (which is totally fine and cool) but he's also amazing at absorbing early aggression. There just doesn't seem to be a very viable path to beat him, because his crew is also very fast so you cant just out maneuver him. I think it's also very telling that according to that Vassal Cup statistics Yan Lo was played 8 times with a 63% win rate (he was the 6th most played Master). This makes him the 2nd best performing master at the Cup, just slightly behind Colette.
  8. Our only restriction is no DMH, however very rarely have we actually seen multi masters played in our tournaments. I've seen Perdita + LJ but that's about it. Overall it feels in our meta like multi masters are weaker than single models
  9. I think this is a gross exaggeration. But even at the best interpretation of it, the purpose of a 5,6, or 7 stone model IS to die. Cheap minions should not be reliably living through turns 4 and 5, the game just mechanically isnt designed for that nor is agreeable to the fluff. Absolutely everyone in Malifaux is expendable, that's kind of Mei Feng's whole character arc. Why on earth would we care about some random unnamed minion. Yes, it absolutely makes sense that the girl in an nightgown is killed in a single hit from the 15foot robotic monstrosity with a harpoon twice as big as she is. If what you guys are saying is that focus is a NPE, then I gotta say that hasnt been my experience. When I've pitted Elitie or Swarmy crews against each other, most games between even players that I have personally witnessed have shaken out to having about the same number of models around turn 4 or 5.
  10. I think technically there is a way to create one way LoS. It would require a weird roof however. Models ontop of a building may ignore up to an inch of that building, other models may not. So if you had like a HT 1 Crenellation on a building and chose to call that part of the building rather than a separate wall, a Gremlin or other SZ 1 model could hide behind it, ignore it, but still remain unseen
  11. From an Arcanist perspective, something that should not be ignored is that Arcanists have ways of reliably getting double positives to the damage flip to punch through Hard to Wound. I like Marcus into Ressers because he can take Cojo, who can easily obtain a triple positive to the damage flip from Charge Through, Bonus Action Focus, and Puncture (plus Wp7). While Cojo is uniquely strong, remember that any Arcanist Construct can easily obtain a double positive from Focus and the Diesel Engine upgrade.
  12. See, Ib my experience the little guys do fine. I actually prefer a crew a 9-10 5 or 6 stone models to 6-7 9 or 10 stone models. You just have so much more you can do with the little guys, and most of the time the beaters cant stop all of them, and if they can then you misplayed somewhere. I think a big part of it is the way people look at the game. Every model is expendable. Most of the time I am fine with spending my 5ss model to take up an enemy's Activation and their Focus, thats generally a good deal for me because he's not hitting something important, not scoring points, and if I've set up correctly I can punish him for taking my models. I just played a 10 model Basse list against a 6 model mamma Z crew yesterday. He killed 4 models turn 1 and I had 3 at the end of the game, but I still won 7-3 because I clogged him up so much and he couldnt be in every part of the board at the same time. I think GG0 generally had low AP pool, but I think GG1 generally has very AP heavy pools, so I think large lists do well.
  13. There is a difference between "exactly one model" and "exactly one of the chosen models." The Maniquinn would count as BOTH of the chosen models for the purposes of the scheme.
  14. Why would it score the first point? The other model isnt alive. If Model A is counted as both model A and B and dies, then neither A nor B are alive and both A and B are dead. You would get no points for the scheme.
  15. So already he just hired some great models for the Scheme pool. The Mech Rider is fantastic at Breakthrough, Runic Binding, and Spread Them Out and Soul Stone Miner is fantastic at Claim Jump, Take Prisoner, and either Breakthrough or Spread Them Out (not both at once), so realistically with those two models alone he accomplish any of the schemes. The Mecharachnid has Precise, so it ignores all the tech that Von Schook is bringing, literally all of it (I hire it specifically to kill the Valedictorian). Its weaknesses are usually its low wound count and its lack of speed, so its seceptable to ping damage or spike damage, but Soul Stone Cache greatly mitigates that weakness and Colette can mitigate the speed issue. In addition, in a Colette crew the Mecharachnid has plenty of leftover Scheme markers to eat for its Temporary Limb, while also serving as a denial piece if Schook tries any of the Scheme Markers schemes. Oh, and its a minion. So when Colette, it, the Miner, or the Rider use a SS they get a positive to duel (if they are nearby) The Silent One is just a solid ranged healer. I'm not particularly fond of hiring them OOK, but here I expect it will allow him to spread out his key models while also helping them stay healthy, in an attempt to deny Schook Summons. The Mech Rider's ultimate ability is to reactivate any friendly model regardless of LOS or Range, including itself. Adding Soul Stone Cache gives the Rider the ability to use this ultimate ability on Turn 2, the only Rider in the game capable of doing that. This is great for itself to get extra scheme markers, or on the Mecharachnid to eviscerate one of Schook's models, however I'm fairly certain that Plaag is going to try to use that ability on the Duet on turns 2-5. Doing so correctly, I believe, would allow the duet 4 activations a Turn, maybe only three if I dont understand Replace rules correctly. For me the biggest concern here is the 2ss cache. With so many models on the crew demanding Soul Stones this game, I'm not sure the Miner will be enough to cover the demand.
  16. Im super pumped for this even though I cant see it live. I'm hoping for a win for the Americans, but I gotta say I think that Colete list is gonna take it. That's absolutely nasty
  17. I thinl the implication is that she's just wasted some poor fool and is taunting her next opponent. The tooth is spat out from her previous fight to prepare for the next one
  18. Thats actually ok! You can reenter your vote entirely and it will update properly!
  19. Super interesting tho how 6 people ticked the box to show how many people voted, but Foundry has 7 votes
  20. Its ok guys, this was supposed to be a fun experiment to get people talking, not some super serious data collection. I also messed up making the poll, it shows each bar as a percentage of total votes, not total people voting.
  21. We haven't had activity in a while, and this is a question I think often gets overlooked in the polls here. So lets see which Keywords are the most popular to own, and which are the hardest to collect! Only select a Keyword if you are capable of fielding every model in that Keyword. Let's say you must own the full rarity of each model. So for example do not select Chimera if you only own 1 Cerberus model (it doesn't matter if your two are the same sculpt, just that you are physically able to put two on the table at the same time). No proxies obviously, unreleased models are not considered part of the Keyword for the sake of this poll.
  22. I'm more or less and exclusive Foundry player, so ask me w/e. Things that super annoy me that havent been mentioned yet are A) Armored constructs. The crew can struggle against armor and their Hazardous doesnt affect constructs so they lose their ping damage. B) Moving me away from Scrap Markers. The crew can correct, but it takes time and effort. They have low movement so if you pull them away from Scrap it is fairly easy to trap them. The Hole in the World trigger has been used against me exactly twice and both times it lost me the game. C) As Adrian touched on, Obeys wreck this crew. You can Obey my models to use my Focus and consume my Scrap to hurt my own models.
  23. I've found that the Master is what draws a lot of people into the game, they see Seamus or Dreamer or something and they want to know more about that model. Having them start without that model that piqued their interest has lead to issues for me. For example, one person I demo'd thought Seamus was cool and bought the box. He wanted to use his models for the demo and not some random ones from the store, kind of obviously. I had him run a henchmen hardcore game without Seamus and it kind of took the wind out of his sails a bit.
  24. Interpreting it this way opens up so many issues tho. For example, Lure forces the target to move its entire move. So if thats the case then the Lurer wouldnt even get to control where the model ended up, it would just spin around the Model's base until it runs out of movement. Then, you have to worry about which way the model would be spinning, clockwise or countercockwise, since either way would have the model end up in a different position
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