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  1. OK. Huge thank you to everyone. Great stuff here. First off, somehow I've missed using the "On Your Heels" trigger for Candy on turn 1. This will help her to get where she wants alot earlier than usual. Would probably have to be careful about positioning her though as I've found that she goes down pretty quickly as well without stones. I am realizing another mistake that I have been making because of the lack of mobility in the crew. I basically "group" certain models that might work well together during deployment. Like Kade next to Teddy, Poltergeist close to Pandora, and for some reason, Candy close to Carver. After reading the posts, maybe Candy works together better with Pandora. Guess I always looked at Candy as a little mini Pandora that could hold her own on the other side of the board, while healing. The lack of mobility and survivability of the crew has been a problem. I guess the "tactic" of getting a model into melee range to limit their mobility stands out for me here. Near impossible to use this tactic on Schill or Arik. I find Teddy and Carver "stuck" in this melee range quite often, whereas Schill or Arik are free to move about whenever. (picking up my Scheme markers or going into melee range of of one of my models about to get a Strat) Maybe lay down some stunned on them? I will try to use the Sorrows again. Does anyone see the use of "Misery Loves Company" as a beneficial move? Considering having to flip & use an AP to do it. Been tough using in keyword models. (besides Teddy) Cosidering versatiles or trying out another master.
  2. Thank you all for the replies. I realize now that I have been doing it all wrong. Usually do have Pandora & Candy using Self Loathing as a main attack. The other issue I have had with them is they have no melee range. So even if in melee range of anything, the other crew is free to move away from them & prevent any scheming or strats nearby. This is tough combined with Von Schill & most of the crew being able to charge & not take a melee attack if they come into melee range of my crew. Along with all the Armor buffs & healing, making it difficult to do any damage, then most of it being healed back. Definitely will be switching her crew from what I have been using. Tried the sorrows in a lot of games & I struggle to do anything with them before they die. What exactly should they be doing? I kind of need a breakdown of what my entire crew should be doing in general. Not sure what Kade or Carver shine at either. Here is my opponent's usual crew so you can see what I'm up against. VON SCHILL STEAM TRUNK FREIKORPS ENGINEER FREIKORPS SCOUT FREIKORPS LIBRARIAN ARIK HANNAH PROSPECTOR
  3. So, I am a returning 2E player from a long time ago and got back into the game a few months ago. I have been spoiled by Lilith in 2nd but am now playing with Pandora. Now, I have played 10 games with her against Von Scill, Hamelin, & Parker. I am 0 for 10 so far in 3E, pretty discouraging. So I'm wondering if there's something about Pandora that I've missed? Most in my crew are melee heavy, but by the time they make 1 move, they're getting gunned down. 2nd turn, unless moved out of position, they're either dead or close to it. Schemes & Strats are out the window by turn 3. I've tried all the Pandora crew shenanigans but nothing seems to work. Then with all the armor, upgrades and ridiculous hand management, soulstone stealing/regenerating that Von Schill & Parker do. How is Pandora's resource mechanism supposed to work with all this going on. IT DOESN'T!!! My crew: PANDORA POLTERGEIST CANDY KADE TEDDY CARVER AVERSION AVERSION Please help, I'm really tired of losing. BTW, my usual opponent is very good with the above mentioned crews.
  4. Just wanted to let my fellow Oklahomans know that Pandora is well and feeling right at home!
  5. Awesome to see another Malifaux player here in Oklahoma! Can't wait to meet you & get some games in hopefully soon. In the meantime we've all just been assembling models & painting away.
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