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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Wooohooo! Is there a prize? Looking forward to seeing the final result😉
  2. I may have misunderstood the initial post, thinking you were asking for double master combinations. Titania herself is quite fast and if you pair her with Nekima, the duo is beyond brutal. As a single master I have played her in corner, and I can make it work, but probably not optimal for her.
  3. I got some catching up to do since i botched my Pandora 2 in june... 🤬 Also going to proceed with Dorian to finish the WOE keyword (again...). Then hopefully I might have some time left to go back to Dreamer and his gang. They really are proving to be a true nightmare (... to finish😆)
  4. Wow! That stuff looks amazing! Sadly it's not yet approved in Norway, so I can't get hold of it (yet!) Oh, I think I got traumatized by "the dip" when i was 7... that poor shoe! Love the skintone on your fae! I might just steal the idea of a green tint🥷
  5. Seeing as it's only her skin that's an issue I guess I could try removing the paint with a qtip and a solvent. Don't have any of the mentioned agents, but I guess airbrush cleaner would work?
  6. @Viruk: Thank you for the comment 🙂 I keep a similar theme of green and purple main colours for all my woes, so I didn't want the new pandora to stand out from the rest of the gang. That said, my model is far from finished, as I messed up terribly with her skin. I've ordered new paints (the skintone I used is pretty old), so hopefully the next attempt will be better. But I really need to figure out what to do with the messed up parts. I can't just paint over, because there is a bit of texture build-up, so I need to do something about that. For her leg I can probably just apply another layer of primer to even it out, but I could use som pro-tips on what to do with her face and torso, as there are som really fine details there that won't look good with another thick coat of primer... 🤔
  7. Well, since you've been painting up some nightmares recently, I think I'm going to guess Serena Bowman?
  8. Something went terribly wrong with the skintones on my Pandora 2 😱 I think it might have something to do with mixing scale 75 artists paints with vallejo model air paints, it gives a really uneven and flakey texture once dry. Don't know what I should do to correct this, but it killed off some motivation, and I'll be taking a mulligan this month as there's no way I'll get this finished in time... 😥
  9. Late to the party, but maaaaybe I'll get these two done by the end of the month.🤞
  10. Silurids are pretty mandatory with her. Outside of that she's quite versatile, so it depends a lot on your playstyle. (The First Mate is also a very good model for her, but sadly he's only availiable in Zipp's core box). Depending on map/deployment setup I also like to bring a model that can move her around outside her activation, like Hooded Rider or Mature Nephilim, so that she doesn't have to waste actions walking into position. (Once Kurgan comes out he probably fills that role pretty well and in keyword to boot). Getting Zoraida into a position where she can dominate the board from a safe distance (without getting shot at!) by arcing her actions through swampfiend models is key to playing her successfully, so you want to have enough swampfiend models in your crew. Preferably models that doesn't die to a stiff breeze (Silurdis are great for that due to stealth, leap and butterflyjump, but tanky models like Bad Juju, waldgeists and Kurgan can also work) Make sure you have atleast one solid beater in the crew, because you'll probably obay your own models as often or more that your opponents. And you can more or less guarantee Zoraida gets good use out of her ensorcel trigger when you got a solid beater of your own to obey.
  11. Looks like a good map to play Titania1 AND Nekima1 for the good old "kill-everything-first-scheme-later" strategy? Back them up with some flying fast nephiliim and a shaman for some free focus.
  12. @tyler simmons and @DemiMurgos: In the past we've gotten a "ticket" through PM that will be redeemable in the webstore. As Wyrd has been to Origins, I assume both the badge and the webstore credit will be resolved in a few days time.
  13. Interesting choice of colours! And the most important question: pile of shame shrinking? How? Mine just keeps growing... Like a hydra, every time I finish one model, atleast 2 more models magically appear in the pile...
  14. Hawkoon


    Yes, it is freehand, but drawing inspiration from actual kimonos and japanese umbrellas. I'm not really very good at freehand, so I tend to avoid it, but I just had to on this one. Turned out better than expected but not as good as I want it to be😅 Thank you all for the kind words!
  15. And here's my entry for the contest. Was sooo close to the podium this time, but guess I'll just have to get better.
  16. I belive the Kurgan's "Mudslide" is a good example of such an aura.
  17. The short answer is, yes, he is totally worth the extra SS. Huge severe terrain on command serves the emissary and Titania herself very well for their attacks (and the boar of course, but I'll come back to that later). While the fae can move easily through underbrush, other terrain hampers them. The Kurgan provides significant out of activation movement for all your models. You have the start of activation 3" place (that can be closer to a 9" move, depending on placement), which doesn't even require an action, it just happens! Then you have avalanche. Yes it's an attack action, and thus has a lot of uses for VP denial, but mostly I use it on my own models to get them into position. It doesn't matter if they're engaged or not, and on top of it all it may also do some damage to your opponent in the process. That is a great ability, and you can actually do it twice if you're close enough. The boar has the ability "Throgh the Brush", which is once per activation. The underbrush markers counts as severe terrain to trigger the ability, so say you place an underbrush marker a bit outside your deployment and another within 6" of that one. Then you can have the Kurgan lob him ~4" out when it activates, then use avalance on it to push it 5" into the first marker which makes it teleport to the second marker. That's ~15" up the board before it activates. When it activates it can use Through the Brush again if you have another underbrush marker or other severe terrain to jump from/to. With mv6, ambush and through the brush again that model can move another whooping 21". To sum up then, in one turn the boar can move ~36", and that should be enough to get it anywhere you want it to go if you plan the placement of underbrush markers properly. While you can have the boar charging around corners from unexpected angles, I mainly use it for schemeing. Also worth adding is that if it's in a tight spot, it does have germinate to provide it's own severe terrain to trigger Through the brush from. With the reposition trigger you can have it move into that marker right away to teleport out. Mind you this often plays out as the boar being far across the table, most of my other models somewhere in the middle, and the Kurgan itself lagging a bit behind at the end of turn 1. But it does put a lot of pressure on your opponents placement game. And as long as the Kurgan is alive, it's near impossible to pin down your crew with engagements. (Armour+2 does help it stay alive, but watch out for ping damage and actions that target WP)
  18. If you're not tied up by models in your collection, I'd suggest you look at the Erymanthian Boar and Kurgan. (I know Kurgan isnn't out yet, but I've been proxying him/her/it a lot with Titania) The Kurgan, the pig and the emissary really work well together with Titania. With some clever placement of underbrush markers the boar really can get places if you push it around out of it's activation with the Kurgan. And the emissary really loves that huge severe aura the Kurgan can put up.
  19. I'll be digging into my nightmares this month. I can't really seem to get into a good workflow on those... so many are half-finished. My methology is pretty adaptive, meaning I change my method as I progress, assessing what to do next as I go. I'll try to get a step-by-step up with one of the models if I have the time.
  20. Yeah... Titania weeps tears of blood because they should be fae...
  21. I'm guessing everyone is ok with adding the competition model to this month, and that the posting will be a little late due to voting beginning may 31'st?
  22. I guess there are situations where you want to land the curse on a model that is hard to take down otherwise, but I agree that there should be a bigger incentive to summoning the totem over the other puppets. Her card is rather full though, so not sure if it's even possible to add anything.
  23. They're actually quite versatile, and works well as scheme runners in almost any crew, but I have mostly played them with Nekima. Being sz2 and immune to black blood means you can fly them around with mature nephilims. While they don't have flight, they are cheaper than young nephilim and nearly as fast, but cannot be tied down in engagements. Hard to kill combined with means to heal themselves (albeit not very reliable) makes them able to survive a bit longer as well. (Also their new means that you'll be able to shower your opponent with even more black blood if you send them into a moshpit)
  24. @Moinetbeard Yeah... I've had them for a while now, but now that they're actually worth fielding on the table, I had to paint them up. I agree they were quite fun to paint. I don't know if that was the model itself or the fact that tried experimenting with sketch-style. The bases are inserts from a small company, Black Cat bases.
  25. While we're waiting for flowers and showers, here's a little side project for 10SS so far. Gapfilling? Yeah... not my best skillset... So I'm all ears(eyes?) this month🤣
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