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Steamtastic Vagabond

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Everything posted by Steamtastic Vagabond

  1. A question for anyone who cares to answer. Tara’s passive ability Eternal Moment allows her to reflip the result of any flip made to end the encounter, but can she do so more than once at a time? For instance, round 5 passes, a card is flipped to end the encounter, the encounter ends but Tara relies to keep the game going, the encounter ends. At this point, may she reflip again or does she have to stick with the result generated.
  2. While running In Defense of Innocence relatively recently, my players held a rally using a political candidate as a figure head and ended up convincing the entire town to form an angry mob to go out into the desert to hunt the nephilim raiding the town. What the players didn’t realize is that there was more than 2 nephhilim and something closer to a hundred. Needless to say, the players quickly realized their mistake.
  3. Quote: Into The Bayou Pg. 48 ”To gamble with Zoraida, the character must make a TN 5 Gambling Challenge. On a failure, the character loses the game then and there...” Super easy to incorporate the gambling skill with this. Simply edit this number to represent better more skilled gamblers, or worse ones.
  4. Something you could do is hold simple card games like blackjack, poker and what not using the rules for gambling with Zoraida. For pay out, I would recommend 2-4 scrip for low stakes games and anything higher for higher stakes.
  5. So we shall threaten him with an endless tirade of puns!
  6. May I present some situations where this might make sense. You are Professor Gideon Longfellow, world renowned genius (Intellect 5) who has published many papers on the topic of theoretical physics. You are an incredible artisan, culinary and even engineer, but you just CANNOT sew. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t keep two pieces of cloth together with thread. You understand the concept perfectly, but you just can’t actually do it. Or, you’re Burt Malcolm, a grade school drop out that is practically brain dead when compared to Gideon Longfellow (Intellect -3). However, despite your idiocy, you are surprisingly competent with a needle and some thread (Stitching 5), you’ve woven some nice scarves for your self and a your little brother who is quite a lot smarter than you. And oh the pride you felt when you learned that even the highest society of Malifaux adore your designs. You know basically nothing about fashion, but you uncanny skill in the art of sewing puts you above even Gideon Longfellow in comparison.
  7. Edited: Replaced Threading The Needle with Moving Target.
  8. It was removed from the General Talents list in the Core Rules, but reappears on the Thunders Archer in the bestiary.
  9. I forgot about the Euphoria thing, I though the Brilliance condition mostly represented addiction and permanent stains from Brilliance use, my mistake.
  10. Quick question for fatemasters, how should I handle people who are ON brilliance (Not just addiced)? I’m thinking maybe Brilliance should raise the taker’s intellect by 5, but I would like to hear other’s thoughts.
  11. These characters are all subordinate characters, so they’re effectively treated as Fated, whose owner flips cards for them.
  12. Alright then, perhaps half cost explosives then, or some sort of discount on explosive making for step 1.
  13. Keep in mind that the demolitionist still has the 4 other talents. You could just skip to step 2 if the first talent has been made redundant.
  14. That basically exists on the player creations forum actually. It may not be official, but it does exist. http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/132773-doll-maker-basic-pursuit/
  15. Why not both, at the same time, all while manically laughing to your undead horse.
  16. I personally think a MOBA would fit the bill quite nicely (if the standard mold was broken just a little bit)
  17. Actually it’s more like, TN 10 1-5 = 1 margin of failure 6-9 = normal failure 10-14 = normal success 15-19 = 1 margin of success 20-24 = 2 margins of success Basically every 5 above or below the TN is a margin. Edited for Accuracy - MC
  18. Not really a green lantern fan (must have been an accident) and go ahead, I’ve also got more details about The Bloodied Shamrock and Jackalopes on a google document as this is one of my first projects (which I regret making ever so slightly), I can send it to you if you’re interested.
  19. Alternatively, if their head or torso is dismembered/destroyed by a critical effect, they are killed.
  20. It's not official, but it's something. J. Lynch Profile.docx
  21. For Lynch’s staff, I would recommend using the Beckoners from under quarantine mixed in with some regular people, maybe with a shotgun or two. As for Lynch himself, I don’t believe he exists as a profile as of yet. I could make an unofficial one though.
  22. Focused and fistload collectively provide , and Hard to Wound . Assuming that accuracy doesn’t cause any more or to appear, you’re left with .
  23. Why would there be derived aspects involved, the patch up MP says Cunning + Doctor, so the AV would be the character’s doctor skill ranks + his Cunning aspect.
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