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Ergonomic Cat

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Everything posted by Ergonomic Cat

  1. I have played precisely 0 of them, I know. I don't have a specific issue with him, I just love too many other masters to figure him out.
  2. The Tooth seems to be the ideal model for this. She has basically 4 potential pushes on her activation (Lure, which includes an attack, which has a push, 2 attacks, each of which have a push). The issue there is that as soon as she dies, it can all fall apart quickly.
  3. The general name for that is the Neverborn All-Stars. Typically, that's Mr. Graves, Primordial Magic, Nekima, Doppleganger, Johan. Then toss in a scheme runner or two and some upgrades. Some people would consider Lilitu instead of Nekima. That group, generally, is very good for their points, has the ability to cover nearly anything that comes up, and doesn't have any significant weaknesses. Graves pushes and hits things. PM gives card draw and activation control for a measly 2ss. Doppleganger is amazingly flexible, can interact while engaged, and lets you cheat initiative. Johan has a good hammer and condition removal (which the Doppleganger can copy). And then either Lilitu, who has reasonable damage, long range, and a great lure or Nekima, who just makes things dead. I find that I rarely take the All-Stars as a group. I typically have 1-2 of them every game, but rarely more. But if you don't know what you're going to face or what your opponent will do, taking that crew means you'll probably have answers.
  4. I keep taking Dig Their Graves, because I like Titania and the Knights. It seems like a simple choice. And I keep taking it with Hunting Party, Frame for Murder, Headhunter, etc. And I feel like it's a bad choice, so I want y'all to tell me so. My thought process is "Oh, okay, this is a fighty pool. Bring a pounce list." But Dig can't be scored off a kill that scores another scheme. Which means I have to kill at least 2 things a turn to keep up. And if I have FFM, then I'm trying to get someone killed in the process too. And I think that's turning me in to a bad player. Am I right that this "synergy" is actually hurting me? I feel like, even when it's a strongly fight-focused pool, I need to be taking one fighting and one non-fighting scheme (Claim Jump with the Knights is fine), despite my instincts....
  5. Yeah, realizing that Queeg could restart the fun was what put him on my "Must pick up" list.
  6. Lilith can attack enemies that end a move w/i 1" if they were pushed. Rouragou can attack enemies that end a move w/i 2" if they were pushed. Changelings can attack enemies that end a move w/i some inches if they were pushed. Baby Kade can attack enemies that are pushed. The Autumn Knights can lure. And Tooth can Lure, get a free attack, which has a push, and then attack twice, with pushes. Lilith also has a lure. As does Lilitu. Who can get pounce from Lelu. Pounce lists, while focused mostly on killing, are hilarious. Tooth + Rougarou + Lilith with Sword is 17 points, and makes an amazingly deadly murder pod. Pull things out of position, eat them, move on.
  7. Agreed. I find Lilith very easy to relate to, and very easy to get in her mindset. She's the queen of a magical world. Suddenly, humans literally breach her world, stroll in, claim everything ("Do you have a flag? No?") and start sucking the soul out of her land. It's very easy to understand the "Hey! Screw you hippies! Get out of here! We could have worked together, but you just tramped in here and stole it!" It reflects a lot of periods of history in our world where the "civilized" people showed up and took land from the natives. I quite enjoy pointing at everyone that's not playing Neverborn and shouting "GET OFF MY LAND YOU INVADING BASTARDS!" And then the Gremlin player says "Hey! I was here from the beginning!" And then we just dismiss him as vermin, and not a real faction. There's a reason our shirt says "Ours"
  8. I think that Dreamer with Nekima, Mature Nephilim and Hooded Rider would be fantastic. Nekima is 13, Rider is 12, Mature is 11. Assuming 2 points of upgrades on each and 8 on Dreamer, that's 49 stones. Drop a couple points, add a Daydream, and I think you could be happy. Alternatively, swap the Rider out for Teddy. Normally, you'd be in a lot of trouble with so few models, but Dreamer can summon some in pretty quickly to get over that. Granted, like Loki said, you could end up with a hand that doesn't let you summon anything, but I think you'll make it through between soulstones and a daydream. I don't know if it would be competitive, but it could be a ton of fun. And in the ideal pool (Hunting Party, Frame for Murder, Dig Their Graves, Headhunter) you could get a fair chunk of points.
  9. IT'S BACK! It's like a Malifaux Homecoming! Episode 19, where we go all Buzzfeed on Logfaux, and talk about why Masters are where they are, where they should be, and how reporting may make all of this irrelevant! Plus, ads! Shouting is welcome - this episode is full of opinion and ill-formed guesses, so feel free to tell us why we're brilliant, but still wrong!
  10. I dunno - Lynch is balanced around having Huggy. The Viks are balanced around having both of them. I don't think allowing the 0 cost to be hired for 0 is actually unbalanced. Because the masters, in a vacuum, are weaker than the other masters. I wouldn't say that Lynch with Huggy is more powerful than Lilith with Mr. Graves, or Collodi with a Stitched, or Dreamer with a Widow Weaver or the like. And there's no way I would say that one Vik was the equivalent of *any* Master.
  11. I'm confused. Where are you finding that rule? In 2e Shifting Loyalties, you pay 15 for a master, or the SS cost for a Henchman, when building your pool. No one is free. From Page 12 of Shifting Loyalties: I agree that you can't use McTavish as a NB leader, but don't know what the rules quote is from.
  12. I'm actually in week 2 now, so I'm working on what to add in. I'm considering Baby Kade for my New hire. I'm just concerned it's going too strongly all in on pounce.
  13. Stay strong! Don't go back to her!
  14. If you're playing something like Interference, it's basically a constant threat on your opponent. Generally, I think you use it for the first few turns to make the Voodoo Doll, then on turn 3 or 4, you jump 15", then walk, and create a threat (or just create a model that will always be counting). I agree a Gupps is only 1ss more. However, if you're playing Zoraida, I look at the Wisp as a virtual Voodoo Doll - any crew that would hire a Voodoo Doll, rather than summon turn 1, it's a straight swap. If you wouldn't hire a Voodoo Doll, then I look at the Wisp as a 3ss upgrade that says "You may discard this upgrade to give you Master Super Fast (Gain 2 AP this turn)."
  15. To clarify: The Widow Weaver doesn't have anything in the actual pushing and pulling department. What she does have is Web markers as a 0 action, which create a zone of -1 WP. So while she can't literally force people to areas, she can generally drop a Web marker and create a zone that people will refuse to enter. Or alternatively, she can put Web markers in an area people *have* to go to, and benefit the whole crew with the -1 wp (Per Web marker).
  16. Widow Weaver is always fun for channeling people to various places and then paralyzing them.
  17. Animal Shape is fine, because it doesn't mention Zoraida. It's a *very* nice thing to do. You can send Zoraida and the Wisps out 15" each, which threatens a lot of space. Fickle Winds of Fate is also "this model" so should work just fine since the Wisps can pull from upgrade cards too.
  18. Indeed. I love flipping a black joker vs my opponent's ace, and still winning.
  19. I had considered a Wisp, but I wasn't really sure what to do with it. But yeah, some mix of 9 points seems very open. And this crew wiped the board with my gremlin opponent - Trixiebelle at mid field got lured in and died in one activation. She couldn't push attacks off to anyone else, and Tooth's initial + the push (Rougarou and Changeling pounce), Tooth's 2 AP + pushes (Rougarou) were way more than she could survive. I scored 9 points, and lost exactly 1 model when I flipped Red Joker on the Changeling's attack to hit Barbaros to Black Blood the last model on my opponent's side. And I had the Black Joker in hand to cheat. So all in all, I'm happy.
  20. Well obviously. It was...uh...tactically sound. Honestly, it was mostly just hilarious. Because it was my opponent's last model. But no, I did not realize that.
  21. I did this last week. My Changeling poked Barbaros to put out the extra 1 point of damage from Black Blood. And Red Jokered the damage on a double negative flip. So just remember that Bad Things Happen. I mean, Barbaros got the kill. And died.
  22. I think this is one of the most missed rules in Malifaux. I know that I had this exact discussion with a player last week.
  23. This is really the perfect summary. Like, someone should put this up on Pull My Finger.
  24. Aether connection. From my perspective, Huggy + Illuminated + Beckoner + Depleted + Addict is a fun and deadly crew. Huggy is Incorporeal, which is nice. And Illuminated take a punch and do damage while the Beckoner does a nice Lure, which is very useful in a 4 model setup. Barbaros makes a good tanky leader. I had a lot of fun with Barbaros + The Tooth + Rougarou + Changeling as a super deadly lure/pounce combo. Barbaros' challenge keeps the Changeling and Rougarou alive, and Tooth is very survivable. Again, you're looking at a lot of luring, pushing and murdering. Candy + Iggy + Doppleganger + anything with a good attack + possibly Fears Given Form is really really rude. Lots of denial and control and sad making.
  25. I'm starting a campaign. I was originally going to do a Candy/Iggy type list, because I don't play Candy enough, and because she seems super good in this format. I was going to theoretically angle towards a Pandora crew. However, I just got my Rougarou painted. So now I'm considering this: Barbaros w/1k Faces The Tooth Rougarou Insidious Madness Gupps Thoughts on that crew? Barbaros holds territory and pushes. The Tooth lures and drops scheme markers and pushes. The Rougarou eats things and pulls. The Insidious Madness makes the lures a little easier and runs around being a nuisance. The Gupps go put down scheme markers.
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