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Everything posted by Bazlord_Prime

  1. Listened to a podcast (think it was Faux-hio) where a guy suggested that even dangerous animals in cages could make for hazardous terrain, add they reach out and rake models with their claws. Also, geothermal pits - either acid water or boiling mud?
  2. Yeah, and the weathering effect on the stone blocks looks great! How was that done? Awesome work, & thanks for sharing
  3. That's just superb. And right on time for International Talk Like A Pirate Day last month. How did you treat the water, tho? Was it off-limits, hazardous, or just severe terrain? Cause it makes up a lot of the board's surface.
  4. Agreed - she definitely looks a suitor. One issue i had the other day tho was with Brewmaster himself getting pushed away so as to move the bubble, rather than individual models being pushed. Ms. Lovelace's abilities wouldn't prevent that, right? I'd definitely be interested in hearing how she looks in-game. I guess she'd be good for locking down the likes of Von Schill? Or is his leap thingy still just a regular charge?
  5. Came up against a Rail Golem with my Brewmaster's Drinking Contest last night, and it Locomotioned me to death. So my question is, as Locomotion states that the Rail Golem can immediately take a (1) Walk or MI Action, is this new Action also subject to taking the Drinking Contest Wp test? We played that it wasn't, as for some reason that didn't seem right. But on reflection, and in light of the new Errata, it would need to test, right? It's basically the same situation as Drinking Contest v Charge, in that each attack action resulting from a charge must test, each attack being an action generated by a prior action - that of the charge. Also, Brewy Obeyed Joss (within Drinking Contest range) to attack his chum, the Arcane Effigy (with good result, I might add), but i wondered afterward - should the attack action that i made while Obeying Joss have had to test for the Drinking Contest as well? Or do enemy models, when being Obeyed, count as friendly for the duration of that (1) action? Thanks!
  6. Agreed. And the main thing is, if you're all just starting out and learning the game, don't take anything to heart - be patient - and remember: Bad Things Happen... There are many, many brutal tricks in the game, so as you learn the rules, and the specific ways that your Masters break and twist them, there are going to be moments that seem pretty OP and ludicrous. But mostly they occur because of a confluence of game factors, such as how successful your deployment was, what the terrain's doing to your synergies, what the Strat & Schemes are and how focused you are on achieving them (and/or on preventing your opponent from achieving theirs), and - of course - your hand/stones management and the cards you flip. Black (& Red) Jokers are a thing... If you're all learning together, you'll slowly get used to each other's tricks, and how to counter them. If one person is already pretty experienced, they will hopefully be viewing these games as a chance to encourage new players and grow the community (ie, their chances for more games with more varied opponents), rather than as an opportunity to stomp some Unsuspectings. It would be best if they exercise some maturity and hold back on the really nasty tricks for a while, until they see that their opponent is getting the hang of the synergies etc, and needs a little more pressure on them to move to the next level.
  7. Looking forward to the McFauxish episode covering this tourny! Good luck all, but may Gremlins tear the other Factions a series of anatomically inconvenient new ones! ;-)
  8. Just tried a hired-in Warpig the other day, with Brewmaster. Had Trixiebelle "Lure" it twice upfield 1st turn, then it rampaged and killed 2 models. Result! Wish I'd had the 0 upgrade tho (we decided against using RoF stuff) - i would've been more confident about sending the Pig against harder targets. Edit: sry - point being, a big hired pig can be an incredible shock trooper in any list that has Trixiebelle (remember - pushes ignore severe terrain ;-)
  9. Thanks! They've actually got really cheap international postage now. I live in New Zealand, which is about as far away from ... well, anywhere, really! - and i can usually get these regular size packages from MM for about US $5. I know that offsets a lot of the savings, but I'd have to pay postage anyway, so...
  10. Hey all! Miniature Market's Daily Deal just went live, and today it is: (I'm just posting these Daily Deal alerts as a service to our community.I'm not affiliated with Miniature Market, and I don't profit from this in any way )
  11. THAT'S what I'm talking about! ;-) Come on, y'all - get your confessions out!
  12. Necro-strike! (Just 'cause I wanted to ask something about Tri-Chi, and why duplicate everything on here, right?) First off, for the OP and any others, I've found the following resource to be really helpful for filtering models by their Factions, characteristics, etc. It's also an online crew builder: http://geeksong.com/Malifaux/ There may be a few mistakes/omissions on there tho - one I've identified is that the Rail Golem is missing it's "M&SU" characteristic, so for instance if you're looking for all the "Arcanist" + "M&SU" models that Hoffman can take, the Rail Golem won't show. Anyway, the Tri-Chi question: Does anybody else feel as I do, that we could do with another high-level Tri-Chi model? Ideally, I'd just like an Enforcer-level Tri-Chi, so that I could take "Drinking Problem" on something < 10 ss cost (Fingers or Whiskey Golem), and use it to enable 2*healing on Brewy. But then, maybe that'd be too good... But, it would provide a better spread of models to port over to the 10T Brewmaster crew with "Running Tab". Not sure he needs that in 10T tho... EDIT: dumb-ass on me for forgetting that the Whiskey Golem IS and Enforcer. Still, a mid-priced Tri-Chi - 6-7 stones - wouldn't go astray :-)
  13. Okay - I resisted for 20 seconds. That's a record. PM sent...
  14. Errrrr..... SO tempted by Dufresne.... GRRRRR ... Must resist!!!
  15. I've heard on loads of podcasts that certain models can become "crutches" to a particular Master or Faction, and I'm interested in learning which models the good people here think may fit that designation? I don't want to see any arguments start up, and it goes (or, would've been nice if it could've gone) without saying that no model need be considered a crutch, since they're all available and all vetted and balanced, etc etc. So perhaps the question is best phrased this way: "Which models, in any Faction, have you found yourself picking so often that you've found yourself thinking "Hmmm...perhaps I need to dial it back a bit and try some of the other offerings"? Starting it off - but only from a theory-faux viewpoint, as I haven't played that many games yet: - The Pigapult (Gremlins). Whenever I'm reading through S&S now, I find myself thinking things like "Yeah, okay - so to score this I'd just fling a few Piglets or Bayou Gremlins upfield on Turn 1, and done!"
  16. I don't anymore!! Same I reason I gave up having debates about religion - although I'd hope that people debating tabletop games rules would be slightly less intractable ;-)
  17. Well, this is the whole text of the ability, from the erratum card: (1) Just Like You!: This Action may be taken once per Turn. Take one of this Crew's Leader's Ca Actions with an AP cost of 1 that does not list a model by name. This Action suffers -3 Ca. This Action receives a and any resulting damage flip receives a . So it doesn't actually say "printed", but I take your meaning, and i think you're both right - after all, this kind of ability doesn't usually allow bonuses etc to carry over.
  18. So the Malifaux Child won't get the bonus +2 Ca that Hoffman's getting from having a couple of Constructs within 4?
  19. Me too!!! :-) Just found this thread because I was confused about whether or not the Rail Golem actually was M&SU, but this thread has answered that one for me. Got a Peacekeeper in the metal lot along with Hoffman (plus 2 Watchers, a Warden, a Guardian, a Hunter, a Mechanical Attendant and Ryle), so I'm probably set for his crew at the moment, although I'm keen on putting in the Mobile Toolkit. Sounds from the chatter above that a Malifaux Child and a Metal Gamin bear consideration also though. BTW - does the Metal Gamin losing "Hard to Kill" dampen people's enthusiasm for them a little more? So, how about an actual question for you good peeps?: - Does taking the Peacekeeper kind of offset the Watcher for anybody? They're both Sh 6, so in terms of the Power Loop they kind of offset one-another, but I realise that the Watcher brings cover-negation and scheme running on the flanks. But the Peacekeeper is a fair chunk of points if you're also looking at keeping in a Watcher... I imagine it depends on the S&S, of course, but I'm already liking the Peacekeeper's potential with Hydraulics to Nimble up and blast away enemy Scheme Markers.
  20. LALALALALA!!! Can't read this thread anymore! Spoilers by the steam-shovel load!! I've only read(listened) to the fluff in Tales from the Breach so far, so I've got to go pick up the old books and new books and Malifaux chronicles, and get busy!
  21. Good advice for the next time you get into a debate on this - turn the onus on them to try to figure out what the rule ACTUALLY does. As it must do something, otherwise it would never have been written. Get them to realise it's not enough for them to dismiss an ability or rule by focusing down on one little contradiction - they need to weigh ALL of the pertinent information at hand before forming an opinion. Dog-dammit, RAW-lawyers p*ss me off...
  22. Yeah - without "Ooo Glowy", the Magical condition can be permanently removed from them, so they have a much safer space in a Wong crew. I know there's not buckets of condition removal out there, but with Johan available to everyone (and fairly popular, right?), it could be a thing.
  23. GAWD! I can't decide whether a pit-fighting Magical (?) werewolf for Wong would be cooler than a werewolf lawyer for Lucius... ... Nup - really can't decide which is better!
  24. No no - you want the MAN. He's GOT to be a legal (were-) beagle!
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