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Everything posted by MEGAHORSE

  1. Buddy I have been in the exact same boat as you this year, playing Seamus and Molly (with a minor dabble with Tara) and I started Sybelle every game and found her to be little more than a Taxi for Molly. I tried all the General Resurr upgrades to give her something else to do when Molly didn't need a lift and found her lacking. Continual play has helped me see her value - she can help re-position Belles in crunch situations, which has saved quite a few late game protect territory attempts from my opponents. She can focus and shriek to hurt bunched up models on low WP (even lower with Sinister Seamus about). She can turn Masters into Peons (useful for Collect the Bounty or Head Hunter) or stop opponents being able to score for strategies thanks to peon status. She has obey and a kill trigger which I lean on more now, charging her in late in the turn to flush out a control hand or burn out SS. Not too banged up is very useful if bunched up masters or overlapping benefits are on the board, as the extra 2 inches means the lured model is now more than 1 AP walk away from where it wants to be. I have not used 'Attend to..' much, I appreciate the Yin and Sybelle combo though, that can be very potent. I treat her as either a Scalpel or as an Air traffic controller depending on what I need her to do that turn. I always play with 2 Belles now though, to really maximise the luring game and to thoroughly frustrate my opponents set up play. I find it hard not to make her an auto-include now, but the Carrion Emissary is muscling in, he is just mean, giving the +1Wk AND to all Attack duels for minions, Lure on ? Yes please! EDIT - I don't know why the quoting thing has gone all weird! I guess my issue is Sybelle tends to not do much. By the time she gets up into the thick of things, she gets focused down. I think it's me not playing her optimally. Not only do I need to hit triggers (So do I save high tomes/masks for late in the turn and not use them to save other models?), or the enemy needs to get hit by her (0) for her to be effective early, which they usually cheat. So it's lose lose for me there. I think I just need to change how I play her into less of a passive "I expect her to fail" role. Yeah, I think Carrion Emissary will be a fun piece going forward. I've yet to proxy it. Most excited to use it with Seamus and Nicodem
  2. I'm not a huge fan of Sybelle or Validictorian as dedicated beaters, to me they're more as a mix of beating and support/being intimidating to your opponent. Maybe I'm just playing semantics. Validictorian having a min 2 and no way to cut through armor is pretty meh for 10 points for me prior to upgrades. Punks definitely take it for me, just because I summon so frequently. I've yet to try our RN or DR, but Izamu is amazing as well.
  3. Oh okay i see, i think I saw this in a topic when I was starting the game but definitely needed to see it again. What I find so difficult with building molly's list is finding models that play to her strengths. It seems she can roll with just about anyone and work (you could argue that for quite a few masters, but they still do have their preferences). Example, you and many, many others recommend Sybelle. I've seen some lists without her. I understand she's quite useful given Molly is a Belle, but I've never been super impressed with Sybelle in Seamus or Molly myself. She's usually not worth her 8 points but can definitely come in handy. How do you typically utilize her? Yin I can see being fun with Black Blood. I like Phillip on the surface, but finding a spot for him in a list looks difficult. I havent even painted the model yet, if that's any indication for how excited I am to use it Killjoy I just purchased to give the KJ bomb a shot. It just sounds fun. I definitely know, from playing Nicodem, not to hire Punks. They're nasty with both summoners, however. Love them. My biggest beef is the weak list she has to summon from. I was really hoping to crack open the wave 3 book and see more Horror Minions but all we got were more enforcers and henchmen. I will definitely grab the spirits for Kirai coming this winter and proxy the rest to give spirit molly a shot. I can easily see how Spirit Molly is more fun and synergistic.
  4. I want to say out the gate, my biggest mistake was being too used to Nicodem, and by that, I mean I cheated my opponent 2-4 AP in the fact that my models should have had slow when summoned. I'm too used to my auras of "No-Slow-For-My-Bros", that I feel guilty I got more attacks off and a Slither off that I shouldn't have. That said, Molly strikes me as a less oppressive Pandora, in a way. What I mean by that, is that it is death by pinging. TN15 duels on summon, Black Blood everywhere. A Cast to deny your opponent AP, Horror Duels to deny your opponent AP AP, etc. I struggled not knowing exactly what I was up against, but not too badly. The Viktoria's turned out to have enough healing to make the BB from turns 2-3 not matter. I was later able to get them apart and focus one down, making their healing much less oppressive and made Black Blood deadly. But man, I love me some BB. I honestly summoned too many Students who bit it with 1-2AP. I'm too used to Nicodem making them much more survivable. It's something that makes me feel very naked with Molly. I dont have all of the defensive advantages and attacking advantages, so honestly I should have spammed Punks. I need to buy some Drowned proxies. I really do. I'd imagine they would do alot of work. As would Killjoy as a roadblock and beater. I'm also looking for any fun tips. I took Tear of the Gorgon, and since I have next to no spirit models due to them all being out of print and in metal and needing to be proxied, I played Horror of course. I mostly became Terrifying and Made someone take a 1. Once or twice I was able to reactivate, needing a 9 of Rams can be iffy!
  5. Two little corrections A Fast Shikome with a (1) Charge to Poisoned models and still having 2 AP after that is brutal! They get the 1AP charge only to models with Adversary, not poison. Other than that, I friggin love the list. I'm a longtime Magic player and by their terms, I'm a Johnny. This screams Johnny. It has so many small interactions and synergies that make a great engine. Nico's Def bubble also helps protect Sebby from too much hurt, which is an issue I deal with when I pilot McMourning. And you forgot to list the two Night Terrors. Cant wait till they and the Shikome boxes come out! Hope you get back from the dirty dirty Guild soon and give us some battle reps with the list! Thanks again man!
  6. I personally use P3's since my warmachine days. Citadel I hear is of similar quality.
  7. I agree on the Rogue Necro since it competes for many other spots, but Crooligans are amazing forward scheme runners and corpse markers. I like them much more than Canine Remains which are much more squishy. Necropunks are definitely tougher, but not needing to flip for the Crooligans "leap" is nice.
  8. I only really take Izamu in Turf War, alongside Graveyard spirit as mentioned. They're just too good together. I also like to summon another 40mm base model to help hide the GY spirit, and provide more of a deathball of evil. Then break them up when needed. Validictorian isnt mentioned much, but she's also pretty amazing. I think her main use is being useful outside of the bubble. Chasing down scheme runners if your Crooligans are dead, tying up a leader/support piece, and just being a pain in the arse to remove. Bete definitley isnt terrible either, if you can afford the cards, continue summoning bodies in, and when they die, she can continuously pop up and in doing that, she can be played as a cheap 8-9 point frontline beater that ties up pieces.
  9. I would pick up everything. Seamus's box has belles, Molly's box has Crooligans and possibly phillip, McMourning's box has nurses and a flesh construct, and a canine remains. Outside of that, the Students of Transmortis box has amazing value for a Nicodem list, as does picking up a box of The Hanged. Izamu is great for Turf War, and the Graveyard spirit isnt a bad totem for him to use at Izamu's side. Toshiro is another great beater who buffs your dudes
  10. So basically, I'm getting halfway decent at the game. Just with Nicodem, though, my favorite. So my friends have eyed Taelor as a counterpick, possibly to force me to learn McMourning/Seamus more. The PullMyFinger article has decent points, but as with all of their articles, the community here has better ideas. Don't summon models within her smashing range! She'll ruin your day if you do. Summon them out of her sight when she has Welcome to Malifaux up.Take advantage of her slow speed and lack of ranged attacks.Ranged attacks work well against her. Attacks that Slow can keep her out of the actionWe dont excel at range attacks, she's immune to horror duels, and "slow speed" only really counts turn 1-2 tops. A 7" threat or a 9" charge threat isn't "slow" by any means, but she certainly isn't Valedictorian fast. And I always can try to win initiative, but if I dont, I could probably safely assume my opponent will activate her first to hit that (0). I thought maybe summoning Fleshies and hiring big fatties like Yin and Validictorian would be worthwhile. Easy to block LOS behind those and have vulture ferry corpses behind them, or have mindless move behind terrain and do that. Seems like a smart idea. Any other suggestions?
  11. I think the point is not that it's a bad upgrade or that people shouldn't take it, but that for 3 points it's a tough sell. Yeah, sometimes the TN12 horror duel works, but 12 isn't terribly difficult to hit for some models. 3 points is a Night Terror, and nearly a Crooligan or Belle. Is that, and the possibility of reactivate, worth any of those models? Or even better, worth it over Spare Parts/Take Back the Night? I've seen both people suggesting Gorgon's Tear, and saying it's a trap for new players (but decent to learn with since it helps the play mistakes you'll inevitably make with her early on) I've yet to play her, but I'm gonna try it a bit before I write it off.
  12. Question, do those new upgrades come in the Generalist box? Or some other product? I also recommend Yin for Seamus, and I havent played Tara, but she's still a solid 8 point enforcer that can really tie up models that rely on Casting and Wp duels. And her model is a fantastic sculpt.
  13. I'm still very new. Didnt know what Ramos could bring, so I figured if I threw 14 points at a very difficult to crack wall, i could run my schemes and summon dudes casually to screw with him in the meantime, while earning my turf war points and slowly moving that ball of death forward. I listened to one of those podcasts, I think it was episode 2. I'll have to listen to the rest! Keep producing content for Ressers and I'll listen!
  14. Love the game! Panzer was hilarious. And I cant believe it took me until seeing this to see how strong Yin and The Hanged are together. Okay, you've convinced me! I think with that combo I'd feel more comfortable in Reckoning with Nico! I getcha on the markers. Vulture did alot of work that game! My opponents tend to focus on my totems regardless of their value to me. So as the guy in your podcast stated, vulture doesnt *seem* to do much. But he's a 3 pt corpse marker that moves them, or can contest squatter points. He's definitely not bad. I do have to say though, just played a Turf War game with GY Spirit, Izamu, and Flesh Construct all b2b, and it was a nasty tarpit. Hanged was shooting whispers from outside the bubble and in his back line. It was glorious!
  15. I agree on healing, unless it's a healing bomb from Decay shot at a Fleshie (since his low WP makes it easy to get straight flips to cheat in severe damage), then use the templates to heal your units and damage your opponent's units. I've since went away from that strategy, but as I said, against Pandora I feel she doesnt expend as much AP to deal with Punks so I want to make them more durable. I'll try not healing them next time and see I havent seen Carrion's card yet, just this http://www.spritesanddice.com/2015/08/malifaux-shifting-loyalties-content.html and the walk aura seems HUGE. And I just got to the abilities. Summoning a Flesh Construct... wow. a nice damage track of Ca6 with 3/3B/4BB. Crap on a cracker. Then the mindless zombie generation... and blocking terrain? yeah. I agree. Day one purchase. I tried bete in my last game to Deliver a message. Seems to be what she excels at. I ran 2 punks up to Ramos and the Crooligans wrapped around to surround him. Waited until Howard killed one, then popped her out and delivered it. Then she just was annoying to deal with him for him right in his leader's face! Are you using Belles to drag Moritmer up? At least in the first few turns, my only corpses are from him and without His Favorite Shovel, he stays in place and Rips His Spleen Out and Finds Bones all day. I really want to take the shovel but at 2 points it's a hard sell. But also is a belle just to pull them up the field. Recently tried 3 Crooligans (was going to do 1 belle 2 crooligans, might end up that way), and they were fantastic runners. I'm in love. I can tell about the Turtle strategy. Ressers love attrition. And they dont do great charging in one at a time like Huggy or Marcus's crew can. I figured you were one of the presenters! Thank you for taking time to answer my questions! I'd like to hear more podcasts about Nico, and with that quality and level of detail!
  16. I agree. I used to make 2 corpses then make a Punk or whatever, then sac the other marker to heal it to full. mistake. Flood the board with bodies for the extra AP, and just re-summon once theyre up the board. In turf war, I have good success with Izamu and GY Spirit. Especially if you can nab an early Flesh Construct. Use those 50mm bases to hide GY Spirit and have an Armor 4 Izamu and Armor 2 Fleshie that just tarpit so well. Unnerving Aura helps too on Izamu so no one wants to try to get at them. If I heal anyone, and Izamu cant heal himself enough, I will Decay on Izamu a bit. Or Decay on Flesh to get a straight flip to cheat and throw down templates on enemies and friends for mass healing if necessary. Just using 1AP, as you said for healing, is silly. Crooligans and Belles are amazing. Crooligans place markers and eventually become corpses up the field. I still need to get Shikome, they look fantastic!
  17. I was unimpressed with Punks until I used them You dont want to hire them, but summoning them you get a 30mm model that needs 2AP to be removed, and can dish out some impressive damage with always getting a postive twist to attack flips, a Flurry, and finally, his 3" aoe 3 damage DEF resisted spinny move that Pandora HATES. They're my favorite summon alongside Flesh Constructs for their ability to tarpit and still be a threat.
  18. What Ben said. Molly's box is a really bad box if that's your only resser models. She really wants Seamus's box for the Belles and Sybelle, and Nicodem's for the Punks as beatsticks.
  19. So what I'm gaining is that the newly printed wave 3 models help her game quite a bit. I was reading older posts, after all
  20. I disagree. I find it is possible to have greater success using him as a buffer/debuffer/healer at the beginning, and then summoning to replenish losses if your models die, or to use the corpses of your enemies. Plus you don't end up with a large portion of your crew only being used to make bodies. The Corpse Engine mindset can be a trap. I made this mistake at first, and took canine remains to try to dig up more corpses, which I think is a huge trap. I think Mortimer on his own works fine for this, then play him as you said, as support.
  21. Been seeing that her outcast loadout is better equipped and strictly better than running her in Ressers. As a theorycrafting exercise, what kind of model, upgrade, etc that could be printed to make her a more viable option without copying what Outcasts have?
  22. I had many issues with Nico at first as well. I'm 4 games in and really getting the hang of him. The problem is that he has so many options that it's overwhelming to try them all and not know if it's your playstyle or the option, but I've found a good majority of the above advice to be valid. Maniacal Laugh and Undertaker are mandatory for me. There is no question. For 2 points, you get moveable corpses that the opponent cannot remove until they kill the Mindless Zombies. Zombies can tie up opposing models in melee if you're playing strats like Squatters Rights. In addition, they become mobile without the Vulture, allowing you to run another Totem if you'd like. Graveyard Spirit is popular to protect Izamu and friends. In addition, with that (0) to turn your corpses into Zombies, you then use your (1) Summoning ability targeting one. It is sacrificed. You draw a card, then get your model. You draw off of Undertaker because the Mindless Zombies now count as Undead and Corpse Markers. Synergy! The biggest boon here being you can replenish your hand after summoning.Reaper Grin is situational but I like it in the early turns the most to provide Nico and his bubble with Soft Cover against shooty lists. Never hire Punks, Hanged, Students, etc. Summon them. Hire a Belle. Nurses are cool tooMoritmer with Corpse Bloat. Doesnt really need his Shovel, but it can be nice to allow him to move and Find a Bone.Keep Nico and Mortimer in the back lines. Nico only needs to be up far enough to catch his beatsticks like Punks in his 6" aura of + flips.
  23. I find the inclusions of Yin and Bete interesting. Usually Bete is a drain on your high cards that you save for Punks/Hanged/Students/Shikome. I do understand the synergy with Crooligans and other scheme runners. I guess it does help with putting on early pressure since Nico and Mortimer are hanging back. Yin is a good model as well, nothing against her. I was surprised Izamu and Rogue Necromancy were passed over in the discussion, particularly Izamu for how well he roadblocks for nico. 3 Ht, 3" threat range, and a large base is pretty good at blocking LOS and charge lanes. I also found it interesting the one presenter suggested summoning at least twice per turn. I've been burning a corpse token to heal the punks/hanged to full or using Decay to top them off, then giving them fast. This seems good, but I had a bad time doing that against Pandora due to all the pinging that went on, and how easily she burns your hand. (this was in turf war. Her webs are very rough) I've played just 3-4 games with Nico so far, I'm far from an expert haha. Just making note, and if anyone has anything regarding my above ideas/points, please let me know! I'm here to learn!
  24. I've heard Nicodem is both very solid, and yet at the same time, very at the mercy of his cards. He needs high crows (or cards and SS) to summon the models he needs, and corpse markers early to build up his fighting force. Take the upgrades Muahaha to make Mindless zombies out of corpses, to prevent opposing Rezzers from using them, and the enemy from removing/using them. They're also useful for activation control. Then another upgrade allows you to draw a card when an undead dies, so Muahahah into Summon to replace the cards in your hand. It's the best way to mitigate the fact you're saving high cards for Students/Hanged/Punk In addition, he can take an upgrade to give bonus flips to CA actions for buddies within 6", but other than that, he makes your melee beatsticks into straight up monsters. Even Marcus runs at the sight of a Fast Punk Zombie under Nicodem and Toshiro's plus flip auras. Not that Nico is BAD, but you want to have a cache of 6-7, and spend it often on drawing cards, Crows, and possibly reducing damage if you cannot generate the corpse counters to heal yourself. But, he makes up for that with the positive flips he doles out to buddies within 6". I've played him in a few games, and you really want to bubble up and just swarm the opponent. Punks, Belles, and the Hanged are incredibly good summons. Punks come in his box, Belles in Seamus's, and Hanged are like 12$ for two. Probably wont need more. Not that Casting minions are bad. Sybelle and belles become dangerous with him. He just lends himself to melee focused combat more often than not. He is so far, my favorite master. Play defensively, and to your objectives, and murder anything that comes near. Mortimer should be spitting out corpses left and right. Doge(s) seem good with him, but have been underwhelming except at being 4ss corpse counters. You need a medium to high crow to get a corpse counter out of them off a (2) action. and with how starved Nico is for high/med cards with summoning/cheating fate, it's not something you should bet on. They're decent runners, however, and make your positive flips much more effective when theyre within 1" of someone. I like taking a Belle and a Nurse for support, to heal, paralyze, move quicker, pull problem models in, etc. McMourning is incredibly viable. I've yet to play him, but he makes scheme marker based objectives so much easier with his (0). He also is pretty good at tabling the enemy and winning via attrition or even assassination. Plays well when they cant remove conditions, as Poison and his Nurses will be really Making Them Suffer (pun intended). I've been waiting on my arsenal deck 2 to arrive so i have the cards for Rafkin and Guild Autopsies, then i'll give him a go.
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