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Everything posted by retnab

  1. It makes sense to me, each project they put out is a huge time and monetary investment. It's a shame that they would have to cancel some projects in order to get the Kickstarter rolling again but it makes sense to put priority on projects that are in the open now. Hopefully those future projects are just shelved for now and might get back on track after TOS brings in some sweet dough.
  2. Edited due to a MASSIVELY changed stretch goal map! All previously unavailable models (except Binh) are available NOW!
  3. I do enjoy the idea of him being the Cult's Pope He seems to have a pretty interesting past from what little we know, he was involved (in some way) with the Battle of London, he has some strong connection to the Portals that the Burning Man broke open, and from his unique upgrade "A Memory Stirs...", especially its ability "An Echo Given Flesh" it makes me wonder if he's going to actually be human at all?
  4. +1 to that, when it comes down to it play with what you like best aesthetically. If the King's Hand is enough to sway you (and for good reason, it is awesome) then go Empire. If you want the tech-heads, go Abyssinia. The good thing about backing them is we're going to get access to the beta rules and the Vassal mod hopefully not too long after the Kickstarter ends so you should be able to try both factions out and see what feels best to you before you declare which faction you want shipped to you.
  5. I am pretty awful at Mei Feng, she was my worst win rate in 2016 so I won't give any (probably incorrect) advice lol. But I do think the Emissary actually does a fair bit with her, between putting down a Scrap Marker for free that she can Railwalk to on anything but a Black Joker, and also giving her an extra attack.
  6. I see Ironsides as pretty good this time around! Eliminate The Leadership being bumped to Doubles is really good for her, reduces the chance of her death giving the enemy VP. @admiralvorkraft That's something I was wondering about as well. I think that since they trigger at the same time you should theoretically be able to choose the timing? So: 1) You must discard a Scheme Marker for False Claim and Practiced Production 2) Remove a Scheme Marker for Practiced Production 3) There is now only 1 False Claim Scheme Marker in play, so you do not need to discard the other. That's only my assumption, but it makes sense to me with the rules? It might be a bit strong though, then you can literally get 2 Scheme Markers for 1 AP and a lot of people already see Practiced Productions as really strong.
  7. Alternate artwork cards confirmed? On a serious note, thanks again for putting this video out (I was watching the stream)! I'm excited to get my hands on (and learn) Vassal to get some games in when I get the opportunity.
  8. We still have general assets, stratagems (which Aaron said each faction has around 13 of, 5 of which you choose to bring when you make your crew), and a half dozen or so hidden models per faction to find out about so it may change a fair bit, but: King's Empire: Shooting and assassinating specific targets Gibbering Hordes: Melee and strength in numbers Abyssinia: Flexibility and multiple actions but lower overall wound counts (elite) Cult of the Burning Man: Spells and mobility (Portals) / deck control (self mill)
  9. Titan Assets are up and written in (I noted what abilities/actions are from what card so its a bit easier to see)! Lots of Versatile actions available which is nice, I was worried initially it'd be a melee only creature. Fast Regeneration seems amazing on top of its Asset regen abilities!
  10. Looking at them with Arcanists, Lust works amazing with Ironsides. I haven't tried it yet but I'm curious about Sloth in a Slow/Paralyze style Rasputina crew. Gluttony and Envy are both great with Colette and Grab & Drop Kaeris (due to the Scheme Markers all over). Haven't seen much use for Greed, Pride, or Wrath though.
  11. Awesome, good to hear! Any chance we'll be seeing any of them in the next few updates? Your update kept me pretty busy today updating this with all the new cards haha
  12. Woo! Puts them at the same scrip-to-model ratio as The Broken, not bad at all The only question I have now is what that does to Adeodatos' box, as now it's 9+9+3 for 21 of the 25 scrip, and all the assets we've seen so far cost 1 only. We would need two 2 scrip assets he can take to reach 25 in the box.
  13. Well, with the Hovering Portal Asset I'm liking the Karkinoi a fair bit better. Let them move through a Portal and boom - free Reinforcement Token they can use to boost their attacks. Not too bad synergy.
  14. Hey all, so now that we know the non-Titan Champion/Commander Assets, I've put them on the original post. I've also reorganized the cards a bit and put them into quote boxes based on their categories, which should make it easier to see just the ones you want together. EDIT: lol, an hour later and we already have more info. Updated with the Glory side of Goryshche, Stalking Portals, The Warped, and Twisted Horrors. Also, Stalking Portals may have gone down from 4s to 3s? Not confirmed yet though. Also, *NEW GLORY CONDITIONS*! Seems much easier to go to Glory now, you get to do the discard 2 Shaken to Glory at any time not during an action now.
  15. Hey all, with the new year coming up soon I thought it would be a good time to think about plans for gaming in 2017! For me personally, I want to try and play the Masters who I do the poorest with (Kaeris and Mei Feng) and try to do better with them. I'm going to try and play the Masters I do best with (Ramos and Ironsides) less, to get used to the rest of the faction more in general. I want to play and learn Colette more, as she's now by far my least played Master. And finally, I want to try making battle reports of some of my games! I used to for Warmachine and I'm still not sure what the best layout for them will be, but I think it'd be fun to get back into and help me be a better player in the process So, how about everyone else? What do you want to do in 2017?
  16. We have (slightly) more info on Horomatangi! Apparently it will provide only 22 scrip, allowing the cult to take 11 / 23 scrip worth of hordes models in 1 / 2 Commander games respectively. Aaron also mentioned that Horo's perks include size and fun
  17. I don't know about an NDA but we would definitely have to proxy until release (vassal would probably work though)
  18. So out of curiosity, how does the errata change people's opinions of Ironsides' upgrades? Challenge the Crowd and Warding Runes are as awesome as ever, but personally I'm really tempted by Iron Determination now as well, since once she's in combat she should be getting much more Adrenaline reliably with Good Shot being built in against melee. The "discard a damage flipped Red Joker vs Ironsides" always sounded really niche to me but doesn't hurt to have that in there too.
  19. Raptor works for that yeah, my plan was to use Lust's Heartbreaker to trigger HPM, rearrange the top 3 cards of the deck, and cheat Df to draw what you put on top all together. They make an expensive team but they're both models I'd want in the list anyways so it should work out.
  20. I'm planning on trying a Shastar Guard with Well Rehearsed for the potential of giving pseudo-hard to kill to a nearby Ox Mage or Ironsides. They seem like they should make for a strong front line defender model.
  21. @Da Git, Aaron gave us that hint about Horo on the Kickstarter comments when asked why he would work with the Cult (I guess he really likes the idea of keeping the Burning Man's magic going). I keep flip flopping on whether to get one or two factions as well. On the one hand I tend to be a one faction kind of gamer. But on the other hand if I grab another faction box I can do demo games (and maybe get the wife to play), and the dual faction options theoretically open up all the factions to each other. But on the first hand again I could grab the second faction box later and support my LGS with it. But on the second hand again, limited edition cards. It's all very hard to decide.
  22. We do know a sliver of fluff for Horo, apparently it didn't come through at the same time as the Gibbering Hordes but has actually been on Earth for a long time. It's been dormant due to lack of magic for a while, but after the Burning Man did his thing Horo's awake again.
  23. Originally I was super torn between Abyssinia and the Cult based on aesthetics, but when the rules came out I was all in on the Cult. Their deck cycling and portal mechanics sound really fun and Abyssinia just hasn't grabbed me the same way. King's Empire and the Gibbering Hordes haven't really turned my head much (not really into strictly ranged / melee focused factions) but that could probably still change on the Hordes end just based on how cool some of the critters look so far.
  24. Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Thanks for the fun year
  25. I'm currently not hugely excited about any of the hordes models in the Cult (except maybe Karkinoi) but I'm keeping my eye on the future releases. Getting some cheap activations might be handy for activation control. We currently have very little ranged units (Horrors have a range 10 Ca attack) but that will probably change when the Doomseekers and ECB Black Ops show up. Maybe the Armored Whelks for position holding? There's still so much we don't know it's hard to say, can't wait to know more.
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