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Everything posted by easily_mused

  1. Might be the photo, or my iPad, but the chopsticks blend with the hair making it look like insect antenna. But the lower parts have better color definition, so the May just be a dark wood.
  2. I looked forward to seeing this idea, so I am sad you didn't realize it too the fullest. Vash was the first thing I thought when I saw this model, but it is missing the "cheekiness". I think I may have to save my version of Vash for the pathfinder alchemist.
  3. I was hoping for some Godzilla! I was tempted by the Teddy vs Sulirids to recreate a video game but I knew I wouldn't get a city done.
  4. I don't know after all the Wyrd announcements in the second round, this one doesn't worry me as much. nicely done!
  5. Nice seeing Candy in a new batch of colors. Well done.
  6. Better than my NMM worked out. But then again I have been eliminated for awhile very iron of you to try new things at this point.
  7. Break free of the theme and restrictions! Nicely done, love the spots of color.
  8. The out of box photo shows the blood splatter even better. And I love the flower details.
  9. Love the color pops here. Could be very noisy but works together nicely
  10. Great texture here and I love the cuteness!
  11. Is that pure sculpting on your part or is there a teddy-teddy alt base in there?
  12. Ninja kick! Looking good. To be honest I have been watching too many tutorials and playing with skin tones this round. The "flesh" color is throwing me off, not expecting it on a pony.
  13. Nice effects, that looks like a huge tot!
  14. For those that don't know every wyrd miniature (this includes me- but I was counting on the judges knowing them) those are Wicked Dolls. I loved their body language for the idea. I can imagine a frustrated growl from the one in the lead when he see's the sign. Also some gremlins from the war wabbit with reaper chickens. I didn't realize I was the only one to have gremlins! Some one else will need to next round, those are the only two I have. Although if I did play gremlins I wonder if they can be rooster riders proxie/alts? Thanks!
  15. It is nice to see her wickedly done with out just throwing gore on her. Good job.
  16. Ooh the naughtiness. Likeing the appearance of the puppet master.
  17. Nice circle of life. I am going to pretend I am up on my classics and act like I get the theme. Yep but really well done and unique.
  18. So I take all that to mean you did fancy camera stuff so your paint would show thru instead of doing fancy camera stuff to look like fancy painting. Well done!
  19. I think this might be the most unique Z Of the bunch. Nicely done.
  20. Is it wrong I think they are cute trees?
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