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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Most people take Liquid Bravery on their master when they see Neverborn as their opponent. This makes Pandora much less effective against them.
  2. Honestly while it's a fun idea I find limiting So'mer to that kind of summoning factory is a bit of a waste. You're losing out on other things he can do, like use his ridiculous gun or drop someone's hand early in the turn.
  3. That shouldn't matter. I've had to use their returns process several times and I've never had the packed by sticker on those sets with issues. Just send through the rest of the information they ask for, Wyrd are pretty good about it.
  4. These days I'd recommend against Aresenal Decks, especially if you're also buying Generalist deck 1. Not many returning players these days (hence why Wyrd moved them to POD), and buying Arsenal decks as well as Generalist deck 1 and buying models just needlessly doubles up on every card. Generalist Decks and the crews/models you want get you everything you need for the models you buy. Genralist decks were made to get you the General upgrades without needing Arsenal decks. If you're buying the Arsenal decks to get out of buying the books, that's only going to get you to Crossroads.
  5. Submit a missing parts form to Wyrd then. Do Over is in Ripples of Fate, and should definitely be in the Generalist Upgrade Deck 2. It's literally the only place to get the upgrade cards from that book at the moment. Definitely sounds like a mispacked upgrade deck.
  6. Generalist Upgrade Decks 1 and 2 will contain the upgrades under' Genral Faction Upgrades' in each book, from the Core Rulebook through to Ripples of Fate. The Upgrades for each specific master and henchman (if they have one) are in thier masters crew boxes and really, you won't be able to use them without those models anyway. So if you've got, as you say, The Kin, and there's upgrades showing that you don't have in Crewfaux, they will be in the Generalist Upgrade decks.
  7. I hadn't considered this. I know they've been holding off on Emmisary upgrades to see where the new masters power levels sit, but lacking Avatar upgrades is different since they're campaign only and not really as balanced. They should really have been in the generalist deck 2 IMO.
  8. Another Bayou Gremlin down. This is my favourite of the lot. He just wants those other immature younguns to get of his lawn. And a group shot of the current Bayou boys.
  9. If the schemes are killy schemes, you'll be doing what you need for a Grow list to work by default - kill things, but now you get new models or upgrade them for doing what you were doing anyway. If you're playing schemes that don't require you to kill, yes, you're adding another requirement for yourself to accomplish. So Grow lists aren't immediately extra effort to make work.
  10. Another Bayou Gremlin down. This one gave me the shits. Both the build - the arms were a right pain in the ass to get right, and painting which was super awkward in many places due to the arms and jug. But he's done, and I can move on. He also photographs terribly. Sir, I challenge you to fisticuffs! The three Bayou Gremlins together.
  11. Thanks. I really like how Tuco came out. Lenny joins the party. I like the pink piglet, but I think on bigger pigs it's going to look a bit jarring and garish. I might redo it a flesh tone.
  12. You got Santana as a mispack? That's one hell of a mispack.
  13. I don't get the impression that Zoraida is considered an 'equal' to Pandora and Lilith. They respect her and the role it seems Fate has chosen for her, but she needs to watch her step around them, particularly around Lilith.
  14. Don't disregard Lilith. She might look like the typical girl power bad guy beatstick but she's far more than that. In her own way she's one of the trickiest Neverborn masters.
  15. Regarding Lilith, the M2E rulebook refers to Lilith and her sisters, plural. But only Nekima I've seen directly referred to as her sister. I kind of assumed Pandora was her sister, but I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere that I know of.
  16. Hey, been a while since I painted some Malifaux. Bit of a change of pace - first two Gremlins finished. Well, the one on the wharf needs some water effect but I haven't played around with that before so that'll get done when I try it.
  17. Yeah I can't see them being masters as some are suggesting, since adding masters is don'e very carefully due to all of the different interactions they open up. But they're definitely setting these three us to be Enforcers or Henchmen in book 5.
  18. I think making them totems is a bit of a waste.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they turned out to be mercenaries outside of their eventual faction.
  20. Yeah ah, that would make a pretty fantastic alt Dreamer sculpt.
  21. Mr Graves is also a Nephilim, and appears entirely human. I'd guess the more powerful Nephilim have some degree of control over their own appearance.
  22. But that's kind of the point of the event. It's there to let the community craft the story. If a greater amount of Neverborn players think the kids story is cool and want to keep her going along the Neverborn track, and there isn't enough players from another faction to pull it their way, then she goes Neverborn for another segment of her story. If Outcasts really wanted the kid to get a blighted Teddy, they could have unified via various means (A Wyrd Place, the Outcast facebook group, these forums, etc) to band together to skew the kids result that way.
  23. I get the impression that Candy isn't going to be held in very high regard with the girl if it goes Neverborn again, who admits to helping the puppets murder her parents and then leaves poisoned sweets behind for her.
  24. Oh I currently mark cards, and I have a good memory for my own models. But coming from Infinity I've got no issues with tokens and knowing which of my opponents models have activated at a glance is so handy I find I the decent thing to do to reciprocate the convenience.
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