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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. What's nice about this is by sticking to the weird, Tim Burton-esque curved Victorian look, it fits right alongside Plastcrafts stuff as well. With the various Infinity terrain makers, everyone is doing their own thing, but these ranges will slot right alongside one another. Which is very helpful when you want to make a varied table that still looks cohesive. My only real gripe is the lack of stairs. For such a nicely detailed model, the lack of stairs, or even optional precut stairwell gaps in the floors if you found ot made your own, is a bit of an omission for such a premium produect.
  2. If someone is after minions I always recommend the starter they're in. The price difference isn't huge and you get a new master and totem to play around with plus a henchman which you can only get in that box. Crew boxes are great value.
  3. Iirc they said no arsenal deck type releases for Shifting Loyalties. The rules will only be in the book or with the models.
  4. I'm guessing it went something like this in the office.
  5. I'd have preferred the creatures from the Mysterious Emmisary. I like it's return to the whole 'indiginous inhabitants of Malifaux' vibe. Creepy Victorian era kid is creepy and a cool concept, but I liked the creatures on the Emmisary more. I hope they become something in the future.
  6. I have that miniature, and Nightingale. I actually bought them as TtB one off characters. They're stunning miniatures, but amazingly fragile to get that level of detail. I'd never put one on the tabletop now that I've bought them. They're really not gaming peices, and won't be until they transition them to the planned plastic (they're doing a Kingdom Death style intro to the niverse with boutique resins).
  7. I really like the bright colouring, something I'm going for myself. I prefer Fantasy to be a bit brighter than the glut of dark and gritty sci fi out there. Very nice.
  8. I've been browsing their stuff at my FLGS a lot. There seems to be a big gulf between Plastcrafts older generic lines and their newer licensed lines. Their older lines are cheap as chips, you get exactly what you pay for. Very simple buildings with little in the way of detail outside of some occasional resin peices and a few bits with pressed in detail. A good example is the aforementioned Wild West buildings. There's no pressed in detail, it's all just flat PVC, with detail coming from the odd slightly thicker PVC strip as a railing or a framed awning. It is, however, very, very cheap. Their licensed stuff has been the complete opposite (well, not the earlier stuff). Lots of pressed in detail, fairly complex to construct, with layers to give a better looking result. Having built a bit of Infinity stuff, almost every peice has pressed in detail, there's built up internal framework to make them sturdier, the overall build is more complex with layers like edging that hides connection points, with resin bits for added detail - some with quite a lot of resin bits. The earlier stuff is simpler, but gradually they got more complex and detailed. The Malifaux stuff is the same, with the added benefit of every peice being entirely punched out of the PVC sheet, and without the early steps the Infinity range had. They really did step up their game when producing the licensed lines. They had to. And, well, you pay for that.
  9. Be fair. 'All are box sets' is an easy claim to make when even single model releases ae counted as box sets. If you count individual model boxes to individual model blisters, then discount the repeats like minions from a previous months crew box, the releases between Infinity and Malifaux are fairly similar, though CB sticks to a set 5 per month. Both games have a pretty great release schedule, and both companies to previews in their own way. 'Much, much better' is a pretty big overstatement.
  10. That board has 1 of everything. Malifaux needs more terrain than normal, but remember you're also only filling up a 3x3 and these are pretty big. I'm hoping their original line goes into the pre-coloured range too. I hate painting terrain, and will happily pay extra if I don't have to do it.
  11. Looks like it's probably connected to his back and at least part of it slips over the staff, if not being connected to it physically. I don't think it'll be as easy as leaving it off. Some conversion work will be needed.
  12. I... I like Hamelin. I'd leave the blob off, but I like the model.
  13. Have to add to the 'too expensive' group. I was super excited for that crew, as was a friend who is a huge Alice Cooper fan and was likely going to use that box as his first foray into Malifaux. But that's $120au before shipping. That's a bit rich for my blood, but hopefully he still gets it. I was planning to just grab that and hope the hanging trees make another appearance, but I might just grab Mah Tucket and make up the boxes to get the Miss model.
  14. Unfortunately no. I've put him on hold while I paint some non-Nephilim. I want to get through at least Candy and Teddy before I revisit the Nephilim (still got Nekima, metal Tuco as well as the Mature to finish).
  15. Thanks guys. Baby Kade is finished. Needs a little bloodying, but that has to wait for the weather to be more conducive to varnishing first.
  16. Personally I'd use the HF mini as a Black Blood Shaman.
  17. I'll have to give this a read. Pandora is on my painting table and I want to give her a go, but her playstyle has always been a tad confusing.
  18. I tend to go theme heavy. McTavish or even a trapper may be better then Angel Eyes for the stones, but they're not Nephlim. That alone stops me from using them. I'll be very happy to put Angel Eyes to the test, and already have ideas about how to use her. I want to see more on the Bloodwretches personally. I'd like to have a bit of a tankier Nephilim minion.
  19. Took a break from the Nephilim. All that blue was starting to grate on me. This weekend I was bashing out these. I thought about going a level or two brighter on the green, but wanted to go for a darker overall tone. I feel it worked well on the Sorrows, but not so well on the Poltergeist. Live and learn.
  20. As long as it's not the foxy redhead with anger management issues.
  21. I was being strong. Ressers have tempted me for a while. But I held off. I like Kirai and Seamus, but I've got a backlog I didn't want to expand. Then you go and make a Nephilim Resser master.
  22. I use grey, namely Vallejo Grey Surface Primer. I used to use Army Painter Uniform Grey but had issued with pressure consistency. EVery now and then you'd squeeze too hard and a model will turn into a blob. Now I just brush on surface primer. There's so few models to paint I don't feel the need to rush with rattle cans, and I never got into airbrushing.
  23. I did not know this. More respect for Wyrd in this increasingly online age.
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