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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Seems that after Crossroads (because the first 2 books were about catching the range up to M2E), they've wanted books to have a 'hook', rather than just being here's half a dozen units per faction. Shifting Loyalties had the campaign and Emissaries of Fate. Ripples of Fate had new Masters. I sincerely doubt we'll see new Masters for a while. A new Master for a faction introduces lots of new interactions with the majority of the models in the faction, which takes a lot of time and effort to balance. I wouldn't be shocked however, to see new Limited upgrades for Masters reflecting changes in Ripples of Fate. Some are easy, since they're already documented, like Von Badass getting a bionic arm and leg or the Dreamer getting older (which might reflect his attitude to how he uses his Nightmares). Some masters didn't seem to undergo changes in the book so it leaves them open to how they want to change them. The upgrade system hasn't been used as well as it could be, so it would be nice to see the Upgrade system, at least in regards to altering the playstyles of masters with Limited upgrades, being book 5's hook.
  2. You know, I'm struggling to think of another wargaming company that's flat out said 'we done goofed, we're redoing the mold, tell us you bought them and we'll replace them free of charge'. That's pretty bloody good to your customers.
  3. I like Ophelia to accompany So'mer. He lacks damage enforcers, which she brings 3 of. Also Francois, a great henchman. Her Young LaCroix can pull double duty as extra Bayou Gremlins in a factory list. She herself can make good use of Lenny and Bayou Gremlins, and she's a good alternate damage master to So'mers more flexible approach. Basically the two boxes feel like expansions to each other.
  4. A lot of keywords don't mean much beyond maybe accessibility.
  5. Can't wait to get Dead Outlaws for Jack and Will-o-the-Wisps. The So'mer poster is growing on me, and I like the idea of the black joker LE mini. Big enough to be on a 50mm base means it will make a cool, thematic objective marker. Kind of hoping that alt Barbaros, Dr Dufresne and/or nightmare Coryphee they'll be in the basket as well.
  6. I had something similar (bashed Viktoria of Blood over the noggin). Not keen on hunting down an old pack of Bayou Gremlins, but that Mandolin would work fine. I'll have to order that.
  7. Arsenal decks were only intended for returning players so they didn't have to buy models to get cards. At book 3, about 2 years into the new edition they were phased out (likely due to low sales since most returning players mostly being back if they were going to). Now there's just the print on demand service and cards that come with the models. Arsenal decks were replaced with generalist upgrade decks to cover the upgrade cards that you can't get in crew sets. Pretty sure this is the way it will remain.
  8. About the Court of Two, I'm wondering if they're the same two that made the Crossroads Seven? All of them refer to seeing a man and woman in black and red.
  9. Gremlin update. I figured I'd finish a few before perstering people again. Finished a Slop Hauler, the LE Bayou Gremlin and Raphael from The Kin. Current finished Gremlins. WIP of So'mer.
  10. Being affected by the source is what I'm arguing. You can't guarantee everyone will read the updated rules, but you can't ignore issues that need to be fixed because of that. Otherwise the Rat Engine would never have been fixed - why bother if those garage gamers in that small New Zealand town never download erratas? Maybe I should have worded my original post as everyone is affected by the lack of change?
  11. The Primordial Magic is the safe totem. It's hard to not use it well and it is mostly passive. The Cherub takes more effort to use well, but it's still good.
  12. But if you don't tune it, it stays out of tune and sounds bad. You're affected by it not being tuned, or not knowing how to tune it.
  13. Errata was an example. Any rules change for the better affects everyone, be it an errata, card revision, rules update or rules rewrite because without it they're playing something that deserved some kind of rewrite. The example of Leveticus was based on errata. How about rules. Maybe that person who only plays once every 3 months is because he likes elevation in his games and finds the vantage point rules needlessly confusing. So he plays other games and only Malifaux when that other friend drags him into a game. That person is still adversely affected by the vantage point rules, despite not going online to complain about them and is unaware others share their point of view. If there was a 2.5E releases, they would find out about it when their friend dragged them into the next game, and found the vantage point rules altered to something they enjoyed. Or they would not know about it, and continue to not enjoy the game because of the flaw. Again, you don't have to be aware of an issue or a change to be affected by it, it just affects your experience without you realising.
  14. Try The Combat Company. They always get new stock like clockwork. I always see the stickered boxes in there when the promotion is running. They're cool guys, just email them and tell them about the promotion and if you can specifically order one of those boxes.
  15. Everyone is affected by a required errata, because if it required that change then there was a problem. If it's rebalancing something overpowered, they're affected more. If they only play every 3 months and their main opponent was playing Levi with a Rat Engine, their one game every 3 months was likely to be a terrible experience - and maybe why they only played once every 3 months. Playing several games every week at a club makes you no more or less impacted by required errata - it just means your more likely to know it exists and have your play experience improved by it.
  16. I just bought one on eBay. Oh well. That one didn't come with an M2E card so it can sit in its box next to my second Santana.
  17. I do agree CB did it in a bad way. The difference here though is in Infinity everything needed to be updated. So there was a year where half the rules and profiles were from one edition, half from another. A 2.5E neededn't have that confusion. There's a few ways they could go about it. One could be to simply reissue cards through generalist decks and POD, with notes in a FAQ. Another could be to include any corrected cards in the 2.5E book as well as generalist decks and POD and a FAQ. I'ts not something I expect to happen. Wyrd are very conservative when it comes to doing something that needs a card to be reissued and preferred the 0ss upgrade method. Just saying if they did a 2.5E, there's ways to do it, especially now that they do the Generalist decks which are essentially mandatory unless you photocopy your stuff from the books.
  18. Not all cards need updating, and new players would, at most, just get a slightly different card when they buy their models. They're done it for Malifaux Rats and Metal Gamin already. I'm more of a fan of updating through the base card than upgrades, since upgrades, unless they state otherwise, count to a models upgrade limit. You're not really fixing the model when the fix also limits what else you can do with it. Doing a 2.5 ruleset, giving an errata to the models that need it, and putting those errata'd in a 'generalist deck 3', on their POD service as well as listing the changes in a free FAQ would be a fine solution. People who don't want to buy the new cards can download the FAQ, those that do can either buy the new Generalist Upgrade Deck or just cherry pick the cards they want from POD.
  19. I absolutely see what the Doppleganger brings to the table. I just said I couldn't make it do what I'm told it can do. Trixie I absolutely want to try because I know the value of a good Push.
  20. See, I had this dilemma when I was starting. I was looking at Gremlins and Neverborn, but when I was starting the only Gremlins crew was So'mer, and everyone just recommended to buy another box of Bayou Gremlins and a bunch of metals and that didn't appeal to me. Neverborn had a few more plastic crews and more on the release schedule that appealed. If there were a few more Gremlins in plastic when I started, I feel I would have gone green right away. Now that everything for Gremlins is out or will be in the next year, I've started seriously looking at Gremlins. I feel collecting both is a nice compliment to each other. If you feel like being tricky you can break out the Neverborn. If you just want some random, hilarious fun put the green on the table.
  21. I feel the same about the Doppleganger in Neverborn. Everyone recommends it as an auto take, but I've never gotten it to work as well as I'm told it should.
  22. I've often considered the huge St Mere Eglise as a centerpeice for a board, since it's got a nice amount of internal space for interior combat. But I don't want to blow that kind of money on something that I don't like the scale difference with.
  23. The scenario in Crossroads is a lot of fun. But you really need to play it twice letting each player be attacker and defender. The Carver is horrendously scary, especially when you need to guess your opponents shell game.
  24. They had to have put that story part in to get people to try and win him for Gremlins. I mean, it's hilarious. Easily the standout outcome.
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