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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Pretty much guaranteed. They don't tease new art unless there's a mini coming.
  2. A popular combo with the Bandersnatch is to use it with a Teddy. Have the Teddy move up to engage something, then hide the Bandersnatch the Teddy with Crawl Into Shadow. The Bandersnatch attacks whatever the Teddy was engaged with (as it can attack drawing range and LoS from the Teddy) with a Mask to trigger False Suspicion. The enemy model makes a (1) attack action against the Teddy, but this attack action is controlled by the Neverborn player. The model needs to pass a Horror duel to attack the Teddy, which the Neverborn player fails on purpose by cheating down if necessary. The enemy model is now Paralyzed, and Teddy gets another attack due to a failed Wp duel. You'll need a high Mask because your opponent will know what you're doing and will not want it to go off, but it's a good way to get 3 Teddy attacks and a Paralyze on an enemy beater, leaving it there for Teddy to finish off next turn if necessary. Also if you time it so the Bandersnatch crawls into the Teddy after it had activated that turn, it doesn't fall out of the Teddy next turn (since the next turn will be the first time it takes damage from Shadow Lair), so you can potentially get the combo off again if the first model dies.
  3. By faction, since most of the time models are useful to multiple masters. The odd model, usually hired out of faction, I don't mind being on a different base, but I like the uniformity of a coherent basing style.
  4. Two is fantastic. It's something where fielding two is sometimes worth considering so not having to field duplicate miniatures is always nice. The overall design is definitely not what I expected. It's a good design, but it's going to take a while to get used to.
  5. Francois has one as well, Loose Trigger. It's limited by his wounds though.
  6. Is there any case at all of anything but the minions from a starter being available elsewhere besides LEs? But yeah that's always my opinion. If I want a box of minions and they're in a crew box, buy the crew box. At worst you've got some extra models in the cupboard for a rainy day.
  7. I pronounce I'd Bull (like the animal) - tun (like the start of tunnel) - gin (hard g).
  8. 2ss is a lot to give Lilith Pounce and +1" engagement if you're not playing her as a beater in the first place. She does her best work with her other skills.
  9. The Horned rider from weeks 7-8 Neverborn victory from Divergent Paths, Self Righteous Man. "Eager to have the power of the beast at his control once more, the Self-Righteous Man travels into the western Knotwoods in search of the tree, only to come across a horned figure seated atop a monstrous horse. The mounted figure blows a horn and unleashes a pack of twisted animals, forcing the man to flee as he is hunted."
  10. That's fine, but it's not what you said initially. Saying 'Wyrd don't offer a similar service of printable erratad cards for free' is provably not true. 'PPs printable cards are easier to use' is correct, but it what you said so not what I replied to. I wasn't dismissing anything, I was apparently just replying to something you didn't say, but did write.
  11. You said 'something similar to PPs printable PDFs', not 'the same as PPS printable PDFs'. I was just trying to help, but you know..,
  12. They do. Errata'd cards are freely available to print, at the bottom of the FAQ and Errata page. https://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux-faq-errata/
  13. Could be futureproofing for possible abilities that negate damage rather than reduce it.
  14. Gencon is very likely at least for an announcement of an availability date.
  15. Could even be the Grave Spirit, a reason for the Undead arising on Earth?
  16. I had a quick game of henchman hardcore after a game because there wasn't time for a full game. I remembered this advice on Candy, Iggy, Kade and Doppleganger. Geez that's a powerful combo. Henchman hardcore naturally puts everyone in the middle very quickly. Candys Sweets and Sours are almost always going to hit someone. Iggy will always be in range for Martyr to siphon wounds to keep them alive, and Incite can be super devastating since you can practically ensure you Paralyze their most dangerous model. The Doppleganger has some nice options to mimic - Kades Lure is nice, his Carving Knife is a great attack with its built in +2 (which is nearly guaranteed to happen). If you're feeling like setting things on Fire she can copy Ignition for some ranged Burning. I took Depression on Kade for the extra damage but I don't think it's needed at all. I think Fears Given Form might be detrimental since 3" is a big bubble when you're all fighting in the middle. I'll likely give him Retributions Eye next time.
  17. Pledge manager staying open longer. Good news because I can save up for my dual commander pledge longer. Sad news, because it'll take longer still to arrive. Are we looking at this year delivery or now early next year?
  18. I've got zero issues buying the books. But I buy them for more than just the cards.
  19. Buy the books. They've got all cards and upgrades for that wave.
  20. Latest card, Hatchet is replaced with Knives. I mean I didn't mind either way, but it shows Wyrd listen.
  21. Yeah won't work. Arcane Reservoir isn't a condition.
  22. While I have no inside information, I'd guess this is why they wanted to make Through the breach and now The other Side. By expanding the amount of games they support, they reduce the need to release a lot of new content for Malifaux just to keep the company propped up financially. It already seems to have started, now that releases are mostly caught up with the books after the massed releases in the core rulebook and Crossroads. After dropping to about half a dozen new units per book since book 3, releases have slowed down considerably. If you look at the new releases right now, they haven't exactly been packed every month. The last three months have been four kits a month, plus occasional TTB releases and extras like Fate decks and scenic bases. When The Other Side releases, we'll see releases for that game taking spots on the Upcoming releases page as well, getting more content out. The example of Infinity is a good one. Infinity is my other game, but lately the glut of units has started to bog the game down. There's just flat out too many units already, and we only have the first 2 books, with at least 2 more in the pipeline, each adding a new sectorial with even more units. If you play a generic army over a sectorial, choice paralysis is a real thing when there's multiple units that essentially do the same thing with only slight changes here and there. Corvus Belli desperately need another creative outlet. They've been doing a bit with that lately, their first manga, the RPG and their upcoming boardgame. During the development of the boardgame it seems they slowed down a bit on new models, with a few months having 1 less kit released. Plus their reliance lately on resculpting old models, which has slowed the avalanche of new rules.
  23. I think to an extent it is, but not as much as it appears when you read various 'competitive' people talking. What's happened, however, is there tends to be popular models in each ss bracket in each faction that are generally good, probably too good than they should be for their cost. As a Neverborn example, Illuminated. They're tough (Armour, Regeneration and Terrifying), hit hard at range and melee, (Ml 6 or Sh 5 with 2/4/5 damage tracks before Brilliance is considered) and have a built in self heal. That's amazing for a 7ss model. If you manage to get Brillance on the model and turn those damage tracks into 4/6/7 then... yeah. But it's not needed for them to be the best 7ss beater minion for Neverborn. When the Autumn Knights stats came out, the general consensus was 'They're good for 7ss beater minions, but why would I use them over Illuminated?'. The Tooth has some real synergy with Rougarou/models with Pounce if you want a little pounce engine, The Thorn has good card draw potential, but unless you specifically want those things, the general consensus is to use Illuminated. Because Illuminated are just really, really good for 7ss, honestly better than they should be. Really though, unless you're playing at the tippy top of your competitive meta, using Autumn Knights over Illuminated isn't going to be losing you games if you play them right. Personally, I use them because I don't have Illuminated, and it doesn't bother me a bit. It's just the online talk tends to gravitate to that kind of comparison. If you find yourself gravitating to the same old choices over and over, I'd just suggest forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. There's some fun combos to be had in models you don't use. And if you lose... it's only a game. Personally, I try to never use the same list twice, since I always want to try new things.
  24. So it's June and we're still waiting. I'm considering upping to dual commander now. What kind of warning are we going to get to make last minute changes before we finalise shipping?
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