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  1. Stick with it. The models are sometimes extra complex but worth it. You will gain experience and I know it's no fun to feel like it's a burden to build models when you have limited time anyway to play/build/etc. The 'blue prints' for most Malifaux models are available online on the Wyrd site. Take your time and look at the renders on the back of the boxes. The game does have a model build component to be fair, but the game itself is really fun. Some models will test you. Some will impress you. It takes time to learn how Wyrd builds their pieces. You may find yourself frustrated and yes, must of us here have felt that way at times putting them together. But don't let it bother you too much. Dry fit every piece first! Have good light. Use great glue. Don't work over carpet or grey rugs. Good luck!
  2. Is that the 3 ss upgrade? It should say non master.
  3. Well 2017 is over 200 days old. Malifaux has come a long way since last year, let alone 2012 when I started playing. But as a veteran (and average) player, I do feel the game has moved into a different realm. So many new models, so many new interactions, so many interactions that need some clarifying or finalizing. The game is a business, I get that, I understand new content is important. But I have a huge model collection of several hundred models and I feel that often I am using only the same handful in each crew. Lately, I have been thinking I need 'new' models to keep up or catch up with new situations. Has the game become optimized? Has the creative part of narrative selection been replaced with ultra effective crew selection and play to schemes at all costs? Are both players playing the same game with the myriad choices of crews, schemes, and when a wave model was released? Is there some understandable (and some not so) power creep and creative design element slowly working it's way into the scene? I want to avoid a competitive v casual conversation. I think there is room and connection with both. I play to win, but I'm beer and pretzels...I want to have fun over winning against my friends. Are there elements to the game that have changed? What have you seen as a change or is now different? What would you like to see change again or change back? Has the modern business model appeared regardless of our hopes and fears that wave 5 minion/enforcer models will do things that wave 1 Henchmen had to use real resources to attempt. 2017 is speeding along, the game has new creations on the horizon. What do you see? I really enjoy my game of Malifaux and I'm hoping to stir some creative, thoughtful, and engaging discussion from people who may have been playing a while or coming from other more overt and ruthless systems. I have always thought that Malifaux, unlike many other games, was alive as a living document in a way. It grows . Open to your Thoughts?
  4. What is the difference between Lose Suits and Ignore Suits with Triggers? Does one let you still cheat/stone for the needed Suit (Lose Suit) and the other you just don't get to use them regardless (Ignore Suits)?
  5. Agreed with above. Perdita crews are elite. They can take a lot of scheme running stuff but it's ok to play elite. I know GG17 favors activation control, but you have enough models on your side to still place schemes and remove enemy models that will contest them. I think people are too hung up on having 9,10, 15 activations in a game that is really only 5 turns. Perdita can lower those numbers. I like schemes that allow her to score and be useful because she runs a elite crew. Counter their lower point scheme runners with Santiago or even Papa LOco. Tactica Mexican would be like saying Tactica Negro (Marcus, Ironsides) or Tactica Vulva (any Female Master). It may not appear offensive, but labels matter.
  6. As a fellow Perdita player (was first crew way back in '12) I think she has lots of power but needs to play with more than just shooting things off the board. The 17 GG have made it tougher for her to just show up and shoot. The game has evolved with some small power creep and some new ways to mitigate the damage she can put out. But you may want to rethink your post title...Tactica Mexican is a bit rough. Tactica Ortega or something with less racial vibe.
  7. I have thought about schemes that would hinder your opponents hand or deployment. If they had to reduce their hand size by 3 on 3 turns of your choice and didn't score 1 VP per turn. Or redeploy from standard to corner for example, after set up and didn't, you would gain 1VP. A scheme to poison a model BEFORE deployment or make a opponent switch a scheme to your choice (Traitor) Some other options in scoring for crews that use game mechanics more. I do like the idea of adding other choices in the scoring phase. I also like the above the table options too.
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