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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. @daniello_s: "Good enough" is never good enough when you can have "great" instead.
  2. Yeah, its funny because most of the time it seems that if you reply before me I feel very little need to say anything... lots of posts, on outcasts board in particular, I pretty much agree with everything you say, lol. ----- The other thing too is a Levy summoner list is great stuff vs. Lilith, in general (which is usually a scary matchup regardless) - drop mech rider for the DE and send that up first... if she tangles shadows with that then... good? With a ryle/DE/ashes anchor package she's not going to be able to do much if she can't get to ryle... then late turn push him up with a waif and he'll eat any stragglers. Otherwise you'll probably need an additional anchor if you're a cagey player... I usually suicide run Levy first turn for a key model... I only need two waifs... first one's free!
  3. DE is better than people give it credit for - think of it as a big ass tarpit you throw at your opponent and then don't care anymore while keeping them tied up with it for a turn or two - he really shines with movement tricks and in close deployment. If you outactivate your opponent and DE goes last it can be a massacre. He's also almost an auto-take for me in 35ss Henchman games with Rusty. I think the problem is is that people have the wrong expectations for DE. They think either they will summon it during the course of the game (the real threat is the RE-summoning) or that its a big indestructible force (like peacekeeper). He's more like Nothing Beast - you need to use him appropriately. My summoning Levy crew is Levy w/ Rusty, Ashes, and Mech Rider. I never take any upgrades on Alyce. She's just solid support - especially vs. Ressers and A/D is just good. The real backbone of a levy summoning crew is just levy and the rider, really (for me, anyway).
  4. Ha! I had the same question a while back in the terrain showcase forums. I found what info I needed in the 1.5 rulebook... one of those little fluffy Phillip pages... it's called "The Hanging Tree" so it should be easy to find. It's in the middle of a walled off area and there are always two guards posted at it. Also it said something about weird runes twisting around the trunk so there is some painting ideas for you too. I was going to do a Hanging Tree board but I've down graded to a 18x18 Hanging Tree "terrain piece" so I'm kind of in the same boat as you - trying to put this together as well for Jacky Jack to have a place to play.
  5. I actually disagree with Viruks point - the use of real gold here is what gives it a royal feel - and the purple cloak seals the deal. What makes this model interesting is the contrast between natural parts such as the wig and cloak and the metallic parts - that gives it extra pop and allows the model to stand out - an eye catcher. Also, NMM gold looks like ass - my opinion. I think the color scheme and execution are perfect.
  6. I agree about the lack of theme... not sure I see it. Good model selection though.
  7. Like I said before... Nothing bad to say about this one. Solid entry and very quick.
  8. Interesting use of those two models together. I dig it.
  9. Haha! But how could his personal sniper miss the guy who came up and put it on him? CONSPIRACY! Love the detail on his overcoat. Me and you, Round 2. >8)
  10. What I did when getting into M2E was looked at all the masters in each faction and narrowed it down to the three I would play in each faction (ressers is the only faction where I got as high as 5 - no yan blow or tara). The only reason I didn't play arcanists is because I felt they were the most boring looking faction. If I could go back and start again I'm pretty sure Collette would be my main w/ marcus, ramos and raspy supporting. I decided to go with Outcasts because 1: each master is so different then the others (besides the redundancy of misaki) 2: I can use a lot of the models in other factions 3: I felt pretty confident levy was one of the strongest masters in the game and complicated enough to keep me interested. I play Levy and Daw pretty much only - sometimes Von Schill or Tara - I wouldn't even consider the others. Different strokes different folks. But even then - I am expanding into Tara (post bk3 patch ) and Hamelin... M2E is still so new a lot pf people haven't figured it out yet. Who knows what next years tournament meta (wong) will look like (ulix) until we see what the rest (somer) of the masters will look like on the table (ophelia). Also, maybe screw outcasts, I'm going gremlins.
  11. Just listened to the cast - I like the format... ... please tell me you actually have a Mike Marshal soundboard with him saying like 250+ predesigned quotes for your podcast.
  12. Ooo this sounds like fun - I want to play! These are thoughts in a vacuum without consideration of scheme/strat pool. As a Levy/Daw/Schill (Tara?) player... I've dabbled with others but honestly I barely get any games in as is to try to learn others right now: Guild: ezmode? >8) Construct Levy - extra emphasis on rushing them with something fast or shooty and flex some out activation. Arcanists: Fuuuuuuuuuu... why am I not playing arcanists? :/ Standard play and hope for the best - Johan w/ Daw. I dun like Ramos - maybe bring Joss - just for the lulz. Ressers: Auto-Summoner Levy w/Alyce and put lots of pressure on the master (not necessarily to kill but to keep busy). Neverborn: Probably go with a Schill hit squad unless the pool prevents it or makes it difficult. Bring some beefy pewpew. Mirror: Probably gonna be Levy - if its not Levy then I don't care - standard build with maybe some faster and probably beefier models. I'd take Daw here if I could manage it. Gremlins: I really want to start playing gremlins Just bully them pretty standard build - Outcasts have good game against grems. Bring Ama? 10T: Meh. Standard play. Everything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you.
  13. On it... I listen to every malifaux podcast... keep them coming!
  14. Yeah, I remember the last topic about this. I could have sworn that around the end of 1.5 someone told me it was New York City. Or maybe I made that up... /shrug Seems like a good place to have it. My grand master plan is to make a gameboard twice as long as it is supposed to be (4'x8') and make a gangs-circa map of the five points with the breach where the natives and dead rabbits fought in the movie. We'll see when I get around to that... :/ I do have a steampunk bill the butcher which I am more than happy with :) I my mind there is no better place to have the breach than in the five points... epic!
  15. Sooooooo Aaron... scale of 1-10... what's our chances of getting that hare in model form? Preferably w/ chainsaw and/or screaming children running away? And what can I do to improve those chances? >8)
  16. Great early submission to scare off the faint of heart. I cant find anything bad to say about it... thats the most you will get out of me
  17. The problem is once you buy a Freikorps box you're going to realize you need another one then you are going to wonder what the hell you are going to do with a spare Schill ( shirt comes off conversion!) and stupidly huge steambox (er... stash marker? at least you can actually put it on a 50mm for that one lol).
  18. You've mistaken. The answer here is Freikorps, lol. Freikorps is the Frank's Red Hotsauce of Malifaux - you can put that sh*t in anything.
  19. I'm intrgued by anything that is crazy shit. Alas, I don't have that movie though. I'll check it out if I remember. Deloused is one of the few albums, by any artist, that I claim on a regular basis to be a perfect album, start to finish. I was pleasently surprised by Octahedron too!... and then they broke up. >8( On topic: Union Black - Skindred. ----- BTW, Skindred is the most underrated band of all time. How they never made it big I'll never know. Goddamn tragedy, I'd say. "Ninja" - Skindred = Mind Hilariously Blown, lololol: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LuC3n7brNmo Whenever I need to be pumped up Skindred is A#1 Duke of NY. Great gym music for the treadmill.
  20. I just might. I'm thinking I might just stroll in and drop my alienware down next to the most hipster looking chap then pull out a monster and stroke my laptop smiling at him too see how long it takes to get me kicked out. I'm all over the place honestly... painting like a madman today so far I've listened to Mars Volta, Between the Buried and Me, Celldweller, Dio, Death From Above 1979 and The Cars. My musical library is not one to put on shuffle all, haha. You'd get some silly combinations. Like I am Hated - Slipknot followed by Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac... may or may not be true story.
  21. It's true - this game more than any other makes you want everything in the whole damn game. Warhammer? I'm cool with my sexy chaos dwarves... I'd only ever look into outlaws/lawmen in WWX (not doing another game though) but this game? I want freaking everything. JD's my favorite master and I had overly high hopes for this one I think. Aside from Mei Feng this might be the worst crew box in the game for me (just my opinion). But then you see something like Ironsides and its... Mother of God! ---- IMO JD is most deserving of a nightmare edition. Pretty please. With sugar on top.
  22. I actually put a lot of thought into this pre-adepticon. Low and behold... Levy as far as the eye can see. I hypothesized that the more aggressive Levy list would prevail and I don't think I'm wrong. Everyone's Levy lists were so different it didn't even barely feel like a mirror tbh. Brewmaster x 2 - booooooooring. There was a Somer-spam mirror match in Story Encounter. Yup that was crazy. hahaha
  23. No reason Levi with a solid Freikorps theme wouldn't help level the field. Bring Strongarm with two librarians as a base then add whatever else you need. I usually run a pretty standard Levy build vs. Neverborn tho - what exactly are you having problens with?
  24. Didn't check this thread for a while, haha. I did a little write up about it - just kind of general feelings and shoutouts. Currently listening to Vaya/Relationship of Command - At the Drive In... while getting my Iron Painter on. Listening to post-hardcore and painting... hmmm maybe I should go 100% artsy fartsy by throwing a wool toque on and grabbing some starbucks
  25. Von Schill cares not for the horrors of Malifaux. I'd say Von Schill is good against Neverborn overall and always a safe choice. Librarians and Strongarm in particular.
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