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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. I just don't know what to say about this... its probably his accent. I've lost a prospecting fling or two to an irish accent and that shit don't feel too good. The backdrop feels unfinished and really takes away from your submission.
  2. Totally solid entry. I'm not sure how to say it, but I feel like I am not "interested" by this piece - like its easy to not notice it if it was sitting next to a bunch of other submissions IRL... does that make sense? But I think its great... but I'm not interested.... but its great... I'm not sure.... I'm conflicted.... *runs away* Also, I'm pretty sure you're trying to sell it to me. Solid.
  3. Haha! Interesting concept. The yellow is hella distracting... hurts my eyes.
  4. Right-click -> View Large! I made the image as big as the gallery allows! Hopefully this entry will make Omni sweat a bit over the weekend. I really need to buy an actual camera - getting sick of these phone pictures. Can't wait to see the results!!!
  5. "Just like the Pied Piper, led rats through the streets. We dance like marionettes, swaying to the symphony of destruction" - "Symphony of Destruction" - Megadeth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***JUDGES!*** - Please visit my IP 2015 - Round 2 photobucket page for better/bigger/more/prettier pictures! http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/SpectreEliteGaming/library/Iron%20Painter%202015/Round%202%20-%20The%20End%20of%20the%20World%20As%20We%20Know%20It?sort=3&page=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though there are countless different versions of the story, for hundreds of years the Pied Piper of Hamelin has been a literary representation of the plague - not unlike the fairy tale version of the grim reaper! Who better than the piper to sound the song to bring about the end of mankind? The Piper is the commander of rats, avatar of the plague, and the taker of children. As the rats crawl out from beneath the earth and move to flood over the lands below - we will surely realize that this is the end of the world, as we know it. That lyrical verse by Megadeth was one of the first things that popped into my head as soon as I heard the theme for this round. I had been putting off this project for some time so I was more than happy to have an excuse to bomb through it. Wyrd Miniatures, as I'm sure you know, make a ton of references to pop-culture or real-world characters/themes. My hope was to take the Pied Piper reference and really sell it! Keeping in line with everything I hobby - this is a functional submission - I will use it as an overly obnoxious 50mm Avatar model... buuuuut the house is attached by a magnet and can be removed to be put on a 30mm base (with a cylindrical spacer for added height/weight) to be used as my master, as well! It is way sturdier than it looks, believe me. Expect to see this master at Gen Con! TRIVIA and DETAILS! I'm a sucker for detail and I like to put as much references and fun little details into my stuff, as possible. Therefore, I'd also like to draw attention to a few points of my submission that may be easily missed: - When the piper returned to the village of Hamelin to take the children, he wore green - as a hunter would. I have followed suit in appropriately nurgle-tastic fashion, as well as integrating some red/yellow and gold trim to keep him suitably "pied." - The coat of arms on the shield on the opposite side of the house is the actual coat of arms of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany. - The flag that is being flown is an inverse of the St. Georges Cross. This is the flag of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation from 1200 to 1350. The story of the Pied Piper is said to originate during the late 1200's. - "Rats, rats, rats! Hundreds, thousands, millions of them, and everyone a life." - a nice, conveniently relevant Bram Stoker reference!... okay, fine... Swarm of Rats, as well - for all you Magic geeks. - The middle tier of the model is basically a really blunt reinforcement of theme. The end is certainly nigh and that baby is what you can expect as a result! Of course, the idea is: Rats = Plague = No more people... just ask the 200 million people who died from the Black Plague in the 1300's! - Along with the obvious large cut-out section so you can see the rats in the base that will crawl up through the bricked passage and eventually erupt from the top - there are a couple other smaller cross-sections on the backside - I collaged in a couple small pics to better display the effect. I really tried to focus on scenery effects (water effects/mother-flocking and an interesting display base) and some freehand for this submission. Hope you enjoy!!!
  6. Strong theme and good detail with great theme! What printer do you use to print off those images so small and yet still look sharp and clean?
  7. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! I was really hoping for a Fallout entry and your's is perfect!
  8. I'm loving the size and sheer epicness of what you are pulling off here. Unfortunately, I feel you will probably end up taking a big hit on the technique portion of your grade because a lot of the scene is fairly flat and lacking detail. It feels like a lot more can be done with this. Still epic as f*ck though!
  9. Ugh... this reminds me that I still have to paint up my WH Skull Temple. :/ I like the idea - definently feeling the apocalypse.
  10. So yeah... don't judge but I'm nostalgia'ing the f*ck out of the Witcher soundtrack finishing up my IP submission. Man I miss that game. :/ I third for a dislike button, though I have a feeling my rep would plummet if there was one.
  11. F*ck you for being in the same round as me. >8) Best of the entire competition... ... so far. 10/10 PS - You wont take me alive and you damn sure wont devour me this round.
  12. I think it could use some boobs. It is much more simple in appearence than I originally thought it would be... but that's not neccesarily a bad thing.
  13. But... but... now you cant play with any of those models. Hehe. Im loving the dioramas - keep them coming.
  14. Not sure I understand the theme - am I missing a fluff explanation? I know that you are always one to say "too much blood" and I feel like I have to say that here. Maybe its not so much too much blood as it is just the placement. I have always found blood to be one of the trickiest things to pull off and is almost certainly one of the most unforgiving effects. I always suggest that people should look up different types of blood effects (or watch dexter? ) or cast off patterns and placement. Blood on teeth would not be a "thick pooling effect" - more of an uneven layering of runny patches of darker and lighter blood and some staining. I find the blood in this piece to be distracting. On the other hand, I really push for realism in paint jobs instead of vibrant "pop", contrasts, or sharp highlights or whatever you want to call it so take that comment for what it is or just disregard it completely. Judging from some of Crissy's paintjobs, I'm sure she'll love it though - good focal point and contrast between the old lady and the monster. That is a whole lot of yellow. Some of the features look a bit flat (robe and airbrush effect on the claws, in particular). Not my favorite of the stuff you have put out but a solid entry, none the less. Hope you make it to Round 3!
  15. Another game to get into? I think I'm gamed out... pass but thats not to say it doesn't look fantastic.
  16. Loving your terrain big time, my man. Hillside is fantastic. I'm a lot like you I think... who cares if it sucks to play on as long as it looks fantastic!
  17. Its funny... I was looking at the rules for the actual Hanging Tree terrain piece in game. No way the big one is fitting on a 50mm base. Maybe just measure distance from the slab against the tree?
  18. I pin everything - after a while you get used to it and pretty good at knowing where to pin and what angle - I pin plastic models too! (.50mm is perfect - i can drill metal with .50mm too). When I assemble metal models every single seperate piece gets pinned and greenstuffed. Sounds like a lot of work but when you get used to it it really isnt that big of a deal and comparable to puttinng together plastic models with high piece counts (and which still need seams filled anyway:( ). I've done a lot of metal modelling though...
  19. See that's just it - everyone says that Malifaux is one of the best balanced tabletop games... if that's true then why doesn't Guild have any prostitutes? Better fix this asap before people start complaining.
  20. Alright, I've been really tied up lately with IP and haven't really come back to this discussion for a while. I recently got a PM asking for a "generic daw list" and after a bunch of thinking I think I've come up with two solid (and similar) lists that are a good base to start with... from these lists (depending on your style of play) you can swap out for other effective models as you see fit (will make recommendations). I hope Valhallan pops in to comment on these and make suggestions of his own as his list at Adepticon was very similar and I haven't seen too many other Daw players have such a concise solid list - most go for big huge costy models in which you end up with a pretty weak list, overall - imo. List One - Standard Tarpit Daw - 2SS -T&T - Writhing Torment - Injustices x3 LL Ama Librarian Jaakuna -Creeping Terror Sue Drowned Guilty - You shouldn't run into too many situations you don't have an answer to with this list when playing it in a denial manner - you might find it lacking a bit in particular circumstances. Daw should never run with less than 8 mode count - you can really bully Daw with activations. Now for the generic jerk list: List Two - Aggressive Tarpit Daw - 5SS - T&T - Writhing Torment - Injustices x3 Malifaux Child Ama Jaakuna -Creeping Terror Nurse Drowned Guilty Hanged This list can really lock your opponent down with good target selection and shouldn't suffer by being too overspecialized either. Lots of models in this list people aren't going to like going against. When it comes to swappig models out your biggest questions will be: 1 - Librarian vs Nurse - Librarian is the safe and always good choice, nurses are better when you are doing schemey pools and need more speed and shenanigans but can be totally lackluster in some matchups. 2 - Guilty? or Crooked/Drowned? - Matchup dependent. Other than that - Ama is good to swap out for Rusty Alyce and some other good considerations that immediately come to mind are A&D and Johan. Worry more about denial and lockdown and not so much about killpower. Try out the lists and let me know what you think. That is all for now.
  21. @spectre - That terrain piece is literally just sand, glue, foam, and cork - That's it. To create rock/ground texture I spray the shit out of it (weaving in and out - like closer and further away, I mean) with aerosol then put thicker basecoating on it to fill in the foam holes which just makes it look indented. I find that you really need to get close to it to get good texture but you have to be careful not to get paint pooling - luckily foam will suck up much of the paint. If you don't want texture in your foam go 3:1 white glue and water and cover the whole thing - then you can aerosol it with no fear. I find that having a bit of water with the glue will make it seperate a bit so some areas aren't as well protected as others but that's fine because a little bit of texture isn't a bad thing and looks natural anyway.
  22. SpectreEliteGaming


    Like I said before... I love the Willies... no homo.
  23. @adran - I'm not 100% sure net-lists really exist in Malifaux, I'm not even sure how you got that from what I said. Even after you compile a list of "top-models" you still have to utilize them properly. At Adepticon I saw every Levy player playing him very differently and I had a fairly different list for all 5 rounds. Also, I've said before that I'm pretty sure, if you generalize the factions, that arcanists seem to be the most solid faction over all - not really "net-wisdom" just personal opinion. I'm not seeing what you mean by relying on internet wisdom unless you just mean the gathering of information through discussion on message boards and listening to podcasts? This game really only has the internet to exchange info and, well, maybe 5 people in all of Canada actually play Malifaux so I'm forced to consider a lot of discussion to fill in the blanks, as it were. :/ I was really just trying to illustrate my goal of pushing the power boundaries of any game I play and gremlins seems like a great faction to do it with, nothing more than that.
  24. As the proud owner of two shiny fully painted plasty-hunters... the only gripe I have is that stupid tiny harpoon and... speaking of tiny... why the hell are these guys on 50mm bases? It's true... this game was ingeniously made to make you want every damn master in it. Sometimes its better to just accept the way things are and not to question it.
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