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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Guslado

    MR T

    MR. T!!!!! I pity the fool who messes with this model. Really great, unique take on the theme.
  2. Great on so many levels! I love how the riddle on the wall looks!
  3. Guslado

    ROUND 1

    Very cool model, I really like how you did the soul stones. Try using multiple lights when you photograph your minis in the future.
  4. Glad to hear that the competition got you painting again! Next step: keep up with the painting!
  5. Wow! Really great model! Impressive marble! Do you have a listing of your method of doing the marble anywhere? I would love to see how you did that.
  6. I really like the letter you wrote as a caption. Great job!
  7. Guslado


    Great interpretation on the theme. Nice job!
  8. Guslado

    Liquid Gold

    Very smooth looking colors. Great job!
  9. Very cool diorama! Also really great photography! Great job!
  10. Guslado

    Fool's Gold

    Tells a great, dark story.
  11. Really great use of the theme. Looks great!
  12. Very cool subterranean look. This model really tells a story.
  13. Really like the diorama as a whole. Very dynamic and it tells a story.
  14. I love it! Really fun story and really great paint job!
  15. Really great execution on the paint job! Cool mini!
  16. This is a really fun diorama with a great paint job. Looks like it was a lot of fun to do.
  17. Great story! It really ties it together well.
  18. So cool! I love the moving door. This one really tells a fun story. Great job!
  19. I hear leprechauns are magically delicious!
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