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Everything posted by Tawg

  1. I have a different question. Do you believe in playing games on full/actual terrain? Because I think that's super important and sets the mood/style for the game, it really makes things look good (Similar to how painting does). I don't know how organized Malifaux runs, but at my FLGS I have seen that the Warmahordes players exclusively play on felt-cut-outs to simulate terrain with no topographical impact on the board. Their instance being that the game they play has such tight ranges (14" is a LONG range for something, 8" is a decent ranged ability/attack), so they think they need to avoid the "fidgety"-ness of terrain that can displace or have models not standing on it cleanly. But I think that's grossly against the fun of the game, I wouldn't really want to play with no terrain, especially with painted models. That would feel so lifeless. As for your question, I agree with a lot of what has been said. I don't think tangible in-game benefit is needed to coerce players. I think extolling the hobby/artistic aspect of the game is enough. Perhaps have a dedicated painting/build event rather than always having play events, offer coaching/help to those who aren't as familiar or comfortable with the hobby. But I don't think that in-game bonuses are needed to incentivize. I also think it'd be awkward considering that the clear/colored plastic models are "Counts as painted" for all tournament intents, so what would you do with that, offer then the same bonus, or deny them because they choose an aesthetic that is different than painted? That wouldn't exactly be the most friendly thing to do with them, if they preferred that style.
  2. What is Warhammery exactly? I think the render looks pretty good though, I'd buy one if I ever planned to use it. Probably just because as it stands. The old design appears to have had a set of chained up corpses in it's general "chest" area, and the barrel w/ skulls seems to emulate that a bit. Although the old one looked more like corpses/zombies, and I think the plain bone/skull is a better look (Like it's been stripped to the bone by dust/ash). As for the barrel itself, I imagine this thing, as it looks, is rather much like a whirlwind or tornado picking up whatever it rolls over, so maybe there was just a barrel outside that got swept up?
  3. Yeah, I was looking at it a bit, and "Enclosed" is the only thing that messes with it. Although #8 (of General Abilities) is about Incorporeal rather than flying. But it discusses the "Ignore" vs "free" distances issue.
  4. But the plastic is so much cooler. Must admit that it was the advent of the M2E plastics that finally got me into Malifaux. Me as well. Misaki at the start of 1.5E, or what ever you want to call it. First models I thought looked well enough to interest me.
  5. Hold the phone, she can "jump over" anything? So say she's standing on the outside of a wall and a portcullis. So she can generally see though the door, but it's completely barred off, and a wall between her and her potential target. Positioning her target on the other side of that gate would, by your presented argument, mean she can leap any distance vertically as long as she ends at the same height, allowing her to make the first charge at a full 8" of movement, and 2" Rg. Target charged. But by the same logic, she would never be able to jump and LAND on that same wall we would be willing to allow her to jump COMPLETELY OVER? I mean, I see there needing to be rules and logic and all, but that seems a bit absurd. And I guess you could call this a corner case, but at the same time, if I simply followed the way you outlined the ability here, it would be fully legal for me to do that first charge over a full 2" thick 5" tall wall, as long as I can see through it (Sometimes even without seeing through it, as someone mentioned the Scout the Field upgrade with Outcast-Misaki). The whole Height issue seems like something that could stand to see a bit cleaner rulings. Considering we measure distances without absolute Cardinal directions (IE 2" is 2" any direction, not just north/east/west/south), why is measuring diagonal for vertical movement such an anathema to us?
  6. Granted this campaign is using the rules for Tournament style points, I hear that most campaigns are not hard to jump into mid-campaign. The system limits fights to the lower player (So people would be on equal footing) and there are in-built systems to gain bonuses for those who may be starting behind (Bonus Scrip for Campaign rating and such).
  7. I honestly had no idea there were Komainu planned for models. Also the Tengu pack looks amazing, I want them bad, plus Shenlong box. And I don't like Goblins at all, but the funny Wizard-set is probably the first that is really all that interesting to me. Looks cool. I don't really know how to respond besides this.
  8. I could probably swing a game in there, although I have to be out around 2pm cst at the latest. Skype's Travis M DeVoll if you want to try for a game tomorrow morning.
  9. Tawg

    My Malifaux

    A log of my works with Malifaux Minis.
  10. Up for a game in starting any time in the next three-ish hours, anyone down?
  11. I doubt it would influence them to a point where it becomes drastic. Considering it takes 2 AP, and only range 6", I think at that point, you're better off trying to hit him with the Yari instead. Unless you think forcing him to drop cards is more important than dealing 3 damage to him, you're probably going to find yourself attacking with the Yari more. More than likely.. although it does present more of an issue once Misaki or Misdirection are thrown into the mix, because then cards are much more valuable to stop Misdirects/Assassinations. So probably won't be doing it any time early in the campaign.
  12. I unfortunately don't have much advise on the crew-build you have there, but I can answer the other question! The remaining Soul Stones from Crew/Campaign start gen turn into Scrip, to a max of three. It's on page 5 of Shifting Loyalties, the very last paragraph.
  13. Seems legit. It's a bit over the top for me personally, although I'm sure it'd look better on a table with matching terrain (Hint-hint). What model does the Bar-bell guy stand in for? The Henchmen showgirl?
  14. Interesting. I'm considering having her as leader for a campaign starting up. Do you think her having Master Tactician will effect what schemes people pick when playing against me (At least, once they realize what it does/that she has it ) Because that would be an interesting side effect of having her as leader.
  15. Anyone around for a game about now? Hit me on skype: Travis M DeVoll
  16. Not something that needs to be observed, but if the other two 10T want to communicate which Henchmen they plan to use as leader, even if just between us, I'd like to see us at least not have the same Henchmen that are leaders. It could make things a bit stale (If we're all playing the same force essentially), and less fluffy. And if they are willing to, agreeing not to include the others' leader henchmen in their crew would be nice, though I understand that may be a bit restrictive and isn't part of the rules. Just for flavor.
  17. Well it's possible (And more likely perhaps) that FFG has either, better contract deals with printers (Due to large amounts of printed materials pushed for all their games, and being able to support it), OR FFG may just have their own in-house printing available, so they can do what they need when they need. Wyrd on the other hand is a bit smaller and providing less printed materials in general (Malifaux is certainly smaller than FFG's massive range of board games), which means they probably aren't on the same level. There are a few decks in my local store, I don't know if they are 1st or 2nd wave, but I could look at them, and if it's the one you're looking for possibly arrange something with you.
  18. Cool, picking up my Shifting Loyalties book tomorrow @FLGS Glad it won't be too much of a problem, I also would love to take the campaign system for a spin, especially since I really want to start a weekly group at my FLGS, so it would be great to have experience prior!
  19. Made myself a lair. Friend unexpectedly wanted to see a midnight showing, so I obliged. Plus it was an awful night at work, and close took way longer than expected. Not sure how late you stay up, but I'm finally around.
  20. I'll be around tonight, around 11:00 PM EDT, (UTC -4). Probably won't be anyone around, but if you're looking for a game and that time suits you, I should be available tonight (10th of September).
  21. I'd be interested in this potentially. I have Sat/Sunday/monday nights free, and all day Friday. Although I am also committed to Ten Thunders, which may be an issue if you want the games to all count towards the Nythera campaign/really want different factions. But if that doesn't matter, then playing for the sake of playing a campaign I would be totally in. I should have the Shifting Loyalties book by the end of this week (Hopefully, on order at FLGS), so I should be set with all the rules handy.
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