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Everything posted by Uktena

  1. How many gremlin players. PS, I've been to your store. I got a speeding ticket after we bought some primer. Still, nice store.
  2. I think we all by and large remember that we are customers and not designers. We know our dollars, rather than forum posts are our votes. It's nice to have a forum where the actual developers read what we say (and hopefully steal the good ideas). My hope is to see more options in Wyrd model kits. I liked the idea of the multi part model, but due to the nature of the portrayed character (random pc) there wasn't much on the spruce that excited me. I think getting a minion or master kit with limb or head options would be really inspiring. My all time favorite GW kits are Empire Battle Wizard, Chaos Spawn, and Chaos Lord for Chaos Marines. They were just fun. When everyone was drawing up battle lines over the Colette sculpt (hat is best) this was all I could think of. It'd be nice to see Masters at the very least with alt. Parts. Edit: Maybe include gender swapped heads and alternative legs with pants vs. skirts. Make more people happy.
  3. My favorite games with Raspy involve a Golem pitching Gamin into enemy scheme runners and alternating between paralyzing thhe enemy Enforcer and casting December's Curse into the Gamin melees. In one match against Guild my opponent clearly took Assassinate, and Raspy spent 5 turns standing around being Armor 6. Good times.....(?)
  4. At Sh6 I wouldn't focus unless 4 dmg would kill the target outright. Two shots at min dmg is still 4 dmg, but two opportunities for higher damage flips and two opportunities for stoning/cheating crit strike makes two shots more appealing to me. I plan to use her to put some pain on Colette's robo stuff.
  5. Angel Eyes would be in every Nephilim crew I ever made except for that cost. She's amazing, but.....you know. Barbaros. (haven't seen her upgraydd card though....) On an unrelated note, Grimwell in a pine box taxi makes me poop a little.
  6. With regard to generally poor social skills, harassment, or outright attempts to molest others; I think there's definitely some projection going on with products made by this company on this forum. It's not as bad as it might be, in that it's mostly sigh-inducing rather than actually upsetting, and it's certainly not limited to this lonely corner of the internet. Unfair treatment of people due to race, gender, etc. is just wrong. Acting like a jackass when you think you can get away with it is childish. Crimes, such as rape or assault, are very obviously illegal. All deserve to be dealt with suitably. With this in mind, the players or observers bringing these problems to Malifaux (which I do not disbelieve exist, but have never experienced or witnessed myself, thankfully - you are all rock stars to me) have problems of their own. These problems are the root of their awful behavior, and they're going to have these problems regardless of whether or not there are 47% or 62% of the females in the game being subjectively attractive. No amount of design prevents these people from being asses. It's a question of "do our products attract a certain type of troubled individual?". I don't think so. In any case, I never feel like a tiny plastic model ever inspires or licenses any criminal behavior or social injury. My 2 cents. #takeadumponasoapbox
  7. When I run out of really desirable Prompt targets my activations with Colette become decidedly minion-level. If there's no great AP Sink for me due to bad placement or opponent skullduggery (pine boxes, Tara's stupid map holes, pigapult related injury, etc.) Then Colette is still good, but prompt is less interesting to spam.
  8. Gracie as pork flavored APC.
  9. Most tested Master for my friends and I in the Beta. Many of his games were punishingly brutal endurance trudges for all parties. I think that sort of play tends to arise from his style of high volume summon-cycle shenanigans. That said, I don't think it's unplayable or broken, just nice to go home before the store closes most nights. That's my opinion on why we don't see a ton of Hamelin play.
  10. You did a really good job on the tiny dude in the corner. It's hard to work with surfaces that small. Also Angelica looks boss too. Very clean.
  11. I think the model looks good! I'm in the camp where a model like this is just harmless fun. I don't see myself picking it up, I mean - it's still a Wastrel. I'm ok with beef/cheesecake, Wyrd. I don't look to tabletop wargames to inform my social behaviour or tolerances and I don't really feel obligated to project mine onto the models I build and paint. I don't feel more or less respected/respectful by/towards other people because of how the models are depicted.
  12. Debate was a good format. Thin Lizzy is my new Cassandra.
  13. Lilith is a Control Master with a Beater's melee weapon in her hand. Her AP is best used setting everyone else up or screwing with enemy movement/sight. Colette is a straight Support Master. Edit: I always thought of Ironsides as a Support Master, but less for HPM and more for just DRAINING the opposing crew of any usability. It's hard to win if your scheme runners get sucked into a time wasting punch fiesta with the enemy Master. Also Hamelin and Jack Daw are a cross between tar-pits and obey Masters, except they Obey both me and my opponent to hate each other, our game, our lives, and fall into a deep despair that makes us send Hateful Darkblack dirty YouTube comments.
  14. Ophelia doesn't have access to Rotten Belles or summons, and there is a whole hiring pool she was balanced for! Not to say she isn't good, but she's the master I've faced the most and she's just good. Regular good, though. Not auto win good.
  15. The only time I've ever grown well was a game with Reckoning and Make Them Suffer in play. I knew my opponent would load up on Enforcers and Henchthings so Grow was within reach easily.
  16. Uktena is a mythological creature. It's an antlered snake. Thunderbirds or similar legends are typically credited with their extermination and they may serve to justify some early fossil discoveries. They show up in the Werewolf RPG as a totem and a playable character faction.
  17. Raise your hand if you would use more mercs that arent outcasts if you played the factions that offered them. I suspect some of it is just efficiency in purchasing. Players may prefer to fill out a Guild shelf at home before seeking Burt out as their sole Gremlin purchase.
  18. Uktena


    In your defense, not every opponent will be fielding the Ortegas.
  19. Just eyeballed the built crew for thus first time. There are some really great design choices on these! My favorite box so far.
  20. Isnt she like Justice in that her job is to tie up enemy models and pulverize a few before dying so her crew can win the game? Extra Df flips are good, but I don't think she necessarily needs to survive if her crew wins. Or are you finding she dies without accomplishing this task?
  21. I meant to include that asking for a Nightmare version was a great idea and I found that portion of this thread very productive. You'll find my "like" under the responses promoting this idea. FWIW I tend to agree with Fetid on most things.
  22. I live for the revealed scheme that nobody saw coming. Even when opponents score 3 VP off of me because they lured me into their Spring the Trap or Frame for Murder (Donough, if you're reading this /fist shake) I still clap and smile. Come to think of it...I wish it was me doing the surprising more often. Well, whatever. That's the best part of this game to me and I look forward to it every game.
  23. These kinds of threads kill me a little bit inside. I can totally get behind any conversations voicing distaste with models, rules, etc; even the ones I disagree with. I think being able to speak back to the creative team behind the product we pay money for is super important and particularly beneficial when they are open to input like Wyrd can often be. Petitioning them to change an already existing item in the inventory is just unrealistic and disingenuous. The key difference to me between a big thread complaining about things, and an attempt by the community to pressure Wyrd into taking a financial loss for something a vocal portion of the player base dislikes is the word "petition". One is I believe healthy for the production crew, so they can get a sense of what is and what is not working. It has led to some improvements in their modeling planning. The other just seems petulant - what makes sense about resculpting a brand new model for a minor size preference (not an issue - it is just a simple preference. The model looks fine otherwise). What are you expecting? That they would junk the Nekimas they've already made and waste who-know's-how-many thousands of dollars in labor, material, and design just to meet a minor preference? Would they buy back the ones they've sold? Give out an equal amount of free models to players who already bought one? The regular sized M2Nekima would just be on ebay tomorrow for half price and then Wyrd will really have taken a loss. There have been design decisions I particularly disliked just like the rest of you. There are even threads where I've gone in and loudly complained. I've never tried to apply pressure to the company to get my way because I'm not the only person playing and it just seems tasteless to me. Sorry for the rant, I don't like coming to the forums to be negative because I think it feeds back into the community, and it's threads like these that make me think that way.
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