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Everything posted by RagingRodian

  1. I have had quite a few years where I didn't get any swag, not that it is the real reason that you go. Realistically, Gen Con isn't our annual miniatures show, neither is Games Day. It is Adepticon all the way! I seem to remember it just being a bunch of guys playing 40k at Ides of March that, when that fell apart, went on to do something even better.
  2. I checked out one of mine. It is just a flaming skull. Now that I think about it, it would be great for converting a Death Marshal into an undead one for a Tara crew.
  3. There is an easy fix for GW tournaments. First, admit that you are there to just have fun, winning isn't everything. Next, play a fun but losing game the first round. After that you get put into the "Cool Brackets", and have a blast playing against all the other non-gits at the tournament. If the plan fails, the worst that can happen is you win a bunch of games and take a prize of some sort home. Oh well, life goes on.
  4. Have you been using Hannah? How well does she work in games?
  5. I know this has been mentioned in other threads, but this is one of the few times where you could legitimately decorate an empty base and call it a Nothing Beast.
  6. I was a bit surprised that you are so fond of resin. For painting, you see master painters making masterpieces out of all three materials. Generally, I will give you that resin has the potential for excellent casts but it is very prone to miscasts and bubbling. I often find that I end up doing a mess of patching work on resins. You also have to wash resins before you do anything with them, and you have to be careful cleaning them because the dust produced is a carcinogen. Not to say that I haven't seen some good resin castings and models, but in my own experience resin tends to be the most expensive and most trouble to prep. All bets are off with Failcast. There is nothing good that I can say about that stuff.
  7. The characters get a cool back story, get naked, and then get killed off? Not that I won't be watching next season....
  8. The pictures look cool, but at this point they are digital versions of the art. We already know that Wyrd can make impressive looking renders. I am more interested in whether their process of making the models has improved. I am more interested in how the sprues look, how they look assembled, and what people's experiences with them will be. Are the new guys in way too many parts? What is the fiddly part factor? How thin are some of those parts going to be? Along those lines, will they be relatively easy to put together but break during use/packing (looking at you Howard)? Will the joins be at tiny spots on the models? How is the scale once they are assembled? Hopefully the Ronin and Viks scale issue sorted out well. It does look like the anatomy on the Ronin is still the same though.
  9. It may be that I am up past my bed time and I just missed it in the rules. I think I saw both that the model(s) must be untouched and in newish condition as well as seeing that you can paint and convert the model. Am I correct in assuming that if you aren't going to paint it, send the model in an untouched state, but if you are going to put it together make sure you paint it and make it look pretty- no halfway jobs?
  10. The funny thing is, at this point in my life it isn't material that is the first thing that pops into my head when I plan out my miniatures purchases. I think about whether I will actually do anything with the model or if it will sit in a box for who knows how long. I have been collecting and gaming with toy soldiers for about 25 years now. I remember buying Grenadier and Ral Partha models in lead, and having to order GW blisters in sleeves of 12 from England. 12 blisters at a time, and you didn't know what you were going to get- true story, the gentleman that first taught me 2nd/3rd edition Warhammer ordered a sleeve of the original Slaan....and got 12 of the exact same blister! Whoa....I am suddenly feeling very old.... I also have years of working in the industry under my belt, and anyone that works in the industry starts acquiring even more models. Now, I have boxes full of models, cases full of painted figures, I have more figures than I will ever paint/convert/whatever and I paint and model....a lot. I have them in lead, tin, plastic, resin, even a few odd ones in brass (no idea why they were made in brass...). I have a mess of models, even after selling boxes full of stuff around the time that I bought and moved into my current home. There is a point here, it isn't all "blah blah I am old and have lots of toy soldiers". The consideration I have now is "where do I put all of this?". I suspect I share this affliction with others on this forum! When I used to live out East it got so bad I had a whole bedroom stacked with boxes of hobby stuff- and I had to walk through paths in the room. I downsized, and I periodically clean/repack/reorganize, but I am starting to get back to where I have to struggle to keep miniatures from taking over too many of the horizontal surfaces in my home! Not exactly a materials answer, but a practical one. It is also why my wife can't go crazy buyinng holiday decorations and, if she buys a pair of new shoes I ask her if she is getting rid oof an old pair of shoes (she usually does). Lack of storage space sucks!
  11. While I don't think I can fairly answer the poll I would be happy to satisfy your curiosity. But...I can blather on at length when "talking shop". Is there anything or anywhere in particular that you would want me to start at?
  12. This really is a hard question to answer, there are too many variables. Who is doing the manufacturing? How much is the metal and how much cheaper is the plastic? How many pieces are the models and how much of a pain in the butt is it to assemble the pieces? Does the final model look like it will break if I put it in a figure case or shatter if it hits the floor? How big is the model? Is it a limited edition? Will I be painting it or just using it unpainted? Will children be handling the model? If I paint it and/or assemble it will it make it more difficult to resell the model later on? Given all of the factors involved, even just at a consumer level, I do get suspicious when people start saying "I hate metals" or "I hate plastic".
  13. Hmmm......three models, all Gremlins but only 1 is a Gremlin. Could this be what you have in mind?
  14. I am wonder if, instead of discarding the gun every time you shoot it, discarding it if you use the ram trigger would have been a good compromise?
  15. Those were done by an 11 year old? That is a talented kid!
  16. But Ophelia can already has a handy move ability with Ooo a Girl for free. That is pretty pricey to add another one that also uses up her (0) action, meaning she can't do both in a turn.
  17. Looking at GW and looking at Wyrd is like night and day for game balance and fixing issues. Unlike GW, Wyrd favors a balanced and clearly written game, rather than an unbalanced one used to drive miniatures sales. Looking at the faq/erratas for both companies, Wyrd's is mostly clarifications. Many of GW's are a train wreck.
  18. I am an Ophelia player, and I am not feeling a need to ask for my money back or file any claims. I do think that the cuddles were a bit much, but then again I haven't been relying heavily on the guns up until now so it shouldn't really throw off my game. The book was also starting to get into people's hands in mid August. It is more realistic to say that the FAQ came out after 2 1/2 months of people using the finalized rules, comparatively speaking that's not too bad. Nobody makes anyone buy the cards, you can just play the game with a piece of scratch paper and your book. I am pretty sure that an updated version of the upgrades will be in the box whenever Wyrd gets around to making a new boxed set for them.
  19. They look both evil and cute! Excellent! Are you priming the models first? It looked like you were painting right over the plastic in one of those WIP shots.
  20. Looking at the Threatenin' Gun now, I think it got over cuddled. Mind you, I didn't think it needed Cuddling to begin with, but now it looks a bit weak. You are going to consistently do comparable if not better damage with the Rough Riders and the Young Lacroix base pistols, you lose the built in Ram on shots, you have to discard it every time you use it (!), and she can't use it on herself any more. That seems like a bit much.
  21. I like them! I asked in your other thread but I don't think there was an answer. What material are you sculpting these out of?
  22. I realize that you are willing to pay whatever Wyrd charges for upcoming releases and that is fine, it is your money. However, a few people in this thread have discussed the pricing of the upcoming releases and there is no need to mock anyone for it.
  23. I wasn't finished yet, I was in the process of responding in detail.
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