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Everything posted by valhallan42nd

  1. I'm assuming that if we Yanks find the time to get a team together, you'd allow us 'Muricans in?
  2. I think it's an issue of a heavy hitter's impact being multiplied by Ill Omens.
  3. It's not so much the initiative; it's the late turn Nekima activation followed by the early turn near-guaranteed Nekima activation removing at least two models without any repercussion or ability to redress the issue. The issue of "damage to the NB hand" is mitigated by Lilith drawing 8 cards + 3 for a stone. You can't just look at the initiative issue in a vacuum.
  4. There are only two models that do that, but if you play Neverborn and Gremlins, how many times do you see Doppleganger and Trixiebelle? Being able to cheat initiative is very powerful. Also, multiple "Expert Sleuth" discards is key to getting an excellent turn 2/3 Sonnia nukefest. There is no defense against Ill Omens. There should be.
  5. Give her a an upgrade that prevents cheating or modification of initiative for that turn for the cost of a scheme marker or corpse marker. Call it Eater of Omens or Discardable Moments.
  6. I'd try to find a way to make it so that two of her upgrade slots aren't automatically filled with (Whatever upgrade gives you pull the void) and (Whatever upgrade lets you unbury people). Those seem like auto includes to me, given what her key mechanics are.
  7. I think she looks like a housewife. Which, if I read the wikipedia article correctly (and that person's guess is accurate) might be exactly the point.
  8. Innnnnteresting. Commenting mainly to follow this line of thought.
  9. There are so many generic "print your own" or other title types out there already, though. I don't know if there would be a big enough market for Wyrd to warrant the effort.
  10. Papa Loco and a Tormented Lazarus are great anti-horde tech, as straight flips for damage and blasts is just fun.
  11. I dabbled in Ten Thunders. It seems like I always had just a few tricks shy of my opponent's own bag of tricks. Of course, I was playing against neverborn, and their trick is "Let's murder everything down to hard to kill, and then Black Blood pustule" so.... Yeah.
  12. I think it's more that people want to find out what the crazy hair silhouette is, and they all think that's the 10 Thunders one.
  13. Then I look forward to your conversions.
  14. They're showgirls. They're performers, very akin to ice skaters/dancers. They're wearing a showgirl costume.
  15. I want to equip her with a yard stick.
  16. Incorporeal is a weakness masquerading as a bonus. Everything that has incorp pretty much has half as many wounds as it normally would, so half damage to half wounds is... normal wounds. Meanwhile, casts do full damage to half wounds.
  17. I'd also look at taking Queeg for a henchman, and giving him Promises. Keeping him in 6 inches makes Lady J at for attacks, and his attack can push her for the cost of 1 damage, allowing her to use her greatsword damage more without needing to charge. ML7 + to attack/damage is just absurd.
  18. Jorogumo, who are Last Blossom, can also push 2 inches. It doesn't seem too much, but it can help clear a charge lane...
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