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Everything posted by Doomikov

  1. Made me laugh a little when I saw it. Of course I am waiting for some one to be offended by it since we live in an ultra-pc world now. Takes me back to the kerfuffle over M2E Viks when Blood wasn't wearing a shirt but just had two belts across her chest. Luckily the White Knights came to her "rescue" getting her that vest that she ended up with. 👍
  2. Is The Dreamer flipping us the bird in the English style?
  3. I would like to think so. Been playing since the system was released and have been a part of every worldwide campaign so far to date. Bustles! My group of misfits is always up to the challenge of weird and broken mechanics. My personal favorite was the Paladin/Sorcerer in Pathfinder that could turn you into an evil outsider with a touch and then use Smite Evil to end your now evil existence. He never used it on someone that didn't deserve it though. I mean he was a Paladin after all. Yes. I enjoy breaking rules in any game I play. Then again I just enjoy breaking things in general. I think my group and I could give some some feedback on any game breaking rules. As for what systems I play, the list includes: Through the Breach, Pathfinder, Starfinder, D&D 1st-5th editions (yes that includes the abomination that was 4th), World of Darkness, Savage Worlds, Shadowrun My play group is pretty reliable. There are between 5-7 people normally. As a group we have been playing RPGs for a little over 15 years now.
  4. Sorry to rain on the Charm Warder parade but Yan would lose disguised at end of turn. Pg 61 of the little rule book states that," Unless otherwise specified, all Conditions are removed from a model at the end of the Turn."
  5. @Nukemouse Ok so I was just messing around in that game just to see how high I could get it turn 1. I setup Shenlong, a peasant and the 2x akaname in such a way that a scheme marker fit perfectly between them all. After initiative the peasant interacted summoning another peasant in btb with the marker. Slow peasant activates and gains poison from Tanuki's aura, 0 action to focus, provide for temple on other peasant giving poison. Non slow peasant activates and gains poison from Tanuki's aura, 0 action focus, provide on other peasant, then goes for a walk. 1st akaname activates stealing non slow peasant's poison and gaining poison from Tanuki's aura for a total of poison 3, vomits poison onto shenlong twice for poison 4. 2nd akaname does same thing on slow peasant to give poison 8. Shenlong activates gains poison 9 from Tanuki's aura, pushes one akaname with marker and then double walks. Sensei Yu pushes other akaname and entire engine moved up the field. Way too much time and attention put into it but was fun for a casual game. I think at one point Shenlong had poison 12, which I immediately used to stumble twice before Charging in with a reactivated Lone Swordsman to clean house.
  6. So I was playing the Bayou Smuggler with its last play test iteration. Just got my copy and they changed them a little so you can't get quite as many cards but it is still a viable card draw engine. I think the most you can get is 4 an activation instead of 6. Still good though. I was messing around with this the other day with 2x Akaname. I think turn one ended with Poison 9 on Shenlong. Pairing that with the new upgrade though was pretty fun. Almost always had the poison for an extra DF.
  7. Just going to throw this one out there since I actually think its mildly abusive and might need a cuddle. Two (or one honestly) Bayou Smugglers + either a Katanaka Crime Boss or Lotus Eater. Smuggler hits an opponent within 6 of a KCB or LE with The Swap. Possible outcomes include the following: You fail and they didn't cheat so nothing happens. You fail but the opponent cheated means you draw a card. You succeed and the opponent did not cheat and does (or doesn't) put down a card. Depending on the two, one or no cards placed on the table nets you cards. Either result nets you cards because of the KCB or LE. You succeed and the opponent cheated and does (or doesn't) put down a card. Once again you get a card from the Smuggler cause they cheated. THan as above you can manipulate for more cards. So at worst you get 0 cards, at best 6, on average I have been pulling 3. Now if you manage to put down enemy scheme markers with this all the Smuggler has to do is start walking around placing those scheme markers near the KCB or LE to draw free cards just for walking. I have run this in Misaki to see how annoying it is and I was able to draw 5 cards in one Smuggler's activation and only cheated once. Nothing like a 10 card hand for Misaki on turn 2. Full hand plus new limited upgrade meant lots of blasty goodness. Now with any of our masters this is powerful, but that brings us to Mr. Jakob Lynch. This man does not need help drawing cards. I ran 2 Smugglers and a KCB with him and his new upgrade Cheating Bastard so I could always cheat last. The massive amount of card draw plus choosing to cheat second almost the entire game resulted in a very not fun game for either player. The reason being I was able to craft my hand every every turn and always had an answer in hand. The KCB and Huggy loved having a severe in hand since they was pretty much always on a straight damage flip from either fragile or models having Brilliance. I use to run a modified Melbourne Shuffle in tournaments but that pales in comparison to this as Lynch won't need to keep his aces in hand for Lust + Torakage and its only two models versus the 4 I ran for that. Just my two cents though.
  8. Wouldn't mind seeing a new sculpt for Lynch. He's my favorite master and the current model does not show him off as the southern gentleman/charmer he is. Also wouldn't mind seeing a new Mei Feng as I have lost count of how many times she had broken off her base. Though the model I would most want to see get an alt sculpt is The Lone Swordsman. I remember being so excited to see his sculpt back during the open beta and than being so disappointed when I saw the art. I pictured more of Jubei from Ninja Scroll or Jin from Samurai Champloo. All the armor just didn't scream lone swordsman. Current model feels like he is getting ready to lead a unit of ashigaru into battle in The Other Side.
  9. Neither Yu nor the Emissary or auto-takes for my lists. I know I'm in the minority here, but I grab Sun Qiang first (proxy at the moment) and then decide what master I am taking. That old man does more heavy lifting for me than any other model. I have had several games where he has scored almost every point from both schemes by himself. Having the ability to take out of activation interacts is very powerful.
  10. So it says that the alt sculpt witchling handler is sold out on my order. This happened to me with Dufrense and Barbaros so I'm just checking now to make sure I'm still getting the model despite what the cart says.
  11. For the Scion of the Void my buddy used a Void Sorcerer from the game Shadows of Brimstone. Just kinda lucky that it is essentially the same model and that we play that game because I would not spend $40 for a proxy. http://flyingfrogproductions.mybigcommerce.com/shadows-of-brimstone-masters-of-the-void-deluxe-enemy-pack/
  12. Well I figured since Yu doesn't actually have the stalk action that Misaki could take walk actions after either of the stalked models takes a walk or charge action.
  13. Quick question about Yu and Misaki's stalk since it's been brought up here. Since the action states "until this model takes this action again" it's possible for both Yu and Misaki to put the stalked condition on two separate models right? This means that Misaki get bonuses against two models instead of just the one.
  14. I've been running the same Lynch list pretty much every time. Lynch W/ Woke Up w/ a Hand, Wanna See a Trick, And Endless Hunger Huggy Graves Tannen Sue 1x Stitched Together 1x Beckoner 1x Wastrel and either 1x 10T Brother or 1x Oiran in which case Huggy gets Hidden Agenda Lots of card draw, couple of movement tricks, aside from Huggy and Lynch you've got Sue, Graves and Stitched for damage, and you've got a pocket healer with the Wastrel. I've not run into too many problems other than having no idea what my opponent is playing (first game ever against Levi was fun).
  15. Ainous gave me a problem as well. Had two in cart and said they were sold out. Concluded my order then saw this post and went back in and ordered two and paid for shipping twice essentially. Only concern is that it shows Dufrense and Barbaros in my first order despite it being under $300 because of missing Ainous. Will they still be included despite having two orders because webstore wasn't working properly?
  16. The nice thing is if you sleeve your cards like I do, they will still fit in the binder slots as they are designed for sleeved MTG cards.
  17. I've been using an Ultra Pro Binder to store my cards. Keep in mind all I have is the entire 10T and Gremlin factions, and 2 or 3 crews each of Arcanists and Outcasts. This is the binder I use: http://www.ultrapro.com/product_info.php?products_id=3415&osCsid=uqk0skq7c2sf6f37692rue1ld1 Fits nicely in my backpack or mini case as well.
  18. Well we aren't in Toledo, but up in Monroe, MI a group of us play ever Friday at Our House Games.
  19. Friend just saw the monks and said, "Those look like the monks of Barter Town. Who runs Barter Town? Ten thunders run Barter Town."
  20. Are you allowing wave 2 stuff? And if so are we using latest update?
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