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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. It states 'whenever an enemy model is killed or sacrificed, the acting model's controller' ... so as Myranda/Levi sack themselves off it's not an enemy model so wouldn't count.
  2. We've always played it as A but looking at the wording I do think that B seems correct as it's 'has an opportunity to activate' rather than 'chooses a model to activate'. Most of the time I agree that it won't make any difference but interesting to note nonetheless.
  3. I played him quite a few times when I first got the box because he's cool and being able to bring back Izamu/Yin etc. is pretty nice/powerful. But as I played more he just seemed quite dull and as others have pointed out I couldn't see a time when I would take over another Master.
  4. I always take MY Favourite Shovel. The only thing that I would say in that list which is core is Mortimer. The rest of the stuff you can mix and match depending on the strats/schemes though Izamu is solid with Nico. I agree that it's a solid core with good variety to paint.
  5. Yeah, be careful of that. He could take that literally ... but don't worry, we can bring you back
  6. I played against Tara for the first time the other day and my opponent didn't take Karina. Didn't seem to have any negative effect.
  7. I agree, but as Diral points out, there's so much that doesn't make thematic sense in the game.
  8. Only if the model is taller than the elevation, otherwise the height it irrelevant. I think this is somewhat confusing. CapnBloodbeard is suggesting that only the difference should get added (so a Ht2 model attacking a Ht3 elevation should only need 1" Ml range). Though this makes thematic sense this isn't how it works.
  9. Hot on the heals of the Dead Marshals here is my Jaakuna Ubume:
  10. Yes, they would need to be base to base from the top down view. edit - grrre, Dirial'd!
  11. Quite possibly. RAW can certainly be argued that she would get the positive twist but I don't think this is as intended. Not the first instance of things being poorly written in 'faux though.
  12. Hmmm, Levi seems more clear cut because it states 'all duels'. I think that the Ca action which Sonnia benefits from positives from doesn't take place until step two of the action step when you perform the Ca duel. But you do have to declare the Ca action during step one so I can see why it's not clear. Personally I think they are two different duels and as Terrifying isn't a Ca ability she doesn't get the benefit. I can see how it could be viewed the other way. When is the next FAQ due!?
  13. Still a no for me because Terrifying is defined as a Wp duel and so isn't a Ca action. But I'd be interested in an official response. What's the similarity with Levi Myyra?
  14. Why do you think this? Surely a Ca action is an action that has Ca at the beginning of it, just like there are Ml and Sh actions (and Incorporeal tells us that these are defined actions). Also, why do you think it takes part during the action? If it takes place during the action why do we still have to take two duels? Horror is a distinct type of duel ('when a model is required to take a Horror Duel, it does so using it's Wp stat' - page 48 big rulebook). I don't think there's any ambiguity about it being a separate duel and as it doesn't use Ca Sonnia wouldn't get a positive flip to it (if you fail said Horror duel then you do not get to take the Ca action you were trying to take because you end your activation). Also Terrifying states that you take a Horror duel when you 'target' a model with Terrifying so you declare it as a target and then take the Horror duel before taking the action. edit: Found somewhere that it's even more clear: Resolving actions (page 37, big rulebook): 1. Declare action and spend AP 2. Perform Duels 3. Resolve Results At the end of section 1: 'Sometimes a target will have special abilities (such as Terrifying) that requires a duel in response to being targeted. These duels are handled now, after AP is spent and target are declared' (my emphasis). As the duel doesn't happen until step 2 of the action she doesn't get the positive twist to the Horror duel.
  15. It does say Ca actions though and a Wp Horror duel isn't a Ca action.
  16. You declare an action against a Terrifying model then have to take the Terrifying duel before your action takes place. And this is a Wp duel not a Ca duel so I don't think she would get the
  17. If Belles can't be used as a mitigator don't use Guild models in a Resser thread! McMourning excels at being in the thick of it. That's why you take him. And Belles are the obvious answer if you don't want him off without his crew (as they are for so many other Resser Masters). I run McMourning off on his own all the time and have never had any issues with his survivability.
  18. A Horror duel is a new Wp duel that results in a Ca action so I would say no.
  19. Hey .... that's not fair! Where's my props gone already!
  20. A damage flip is not a simple duel, it is just a flip.
  21. A lot of Dillinger Escape Plan, Fall of Troy, Touche Amore, and Comeback Kid for me recently.
  22. Interesting to see Samael getting some love when he gets so routinely panned on the forums!
  23. Can people provide some justifications for their choices? Haven't got Lucius on the table recently but would be interested to know how they synergy best with him.
  24. With the greatest respect Polish if McMourning is not doing well in your meta then the players do not know how to play him properly. Sure he benefits from a crew that can support him with poison but all those things are also good in their own right (Sebastian as a support summoner, aura to help against shooting and sacking off almost dead models for SS/card; Nurse for being awesome, Canine Remains for running schemes, Autopsies for schemes and ranged support, Flesh Constructs as tar pits). His ability to hand out consistent damage and get two model swings by turning them into Flesh Constructs or Canine remains is very powerful and ignoring HtW/Armour means he can comfortably take on most things. Df/Wp 5 do make him a little vulnerable but with the highest Wd count in the game, ability to use SS, HtW, being able to heal 5 wounds a turn from Ml attacks and 5" push when taking poison damage allowing him to push himself in and out of danger comfortably if he is regularly getting killed then people aren't playing him properly! TL; DR - he is comfortably a top tier Master able to do well in any strat/scheme pool.
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