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Everything posted by noob

  1. The highlights on her dress and the shadowing on myranda's face are impeccable!
  2. Reminds me of "Do you want to play a game?" Two people, one room, strings being pulled and it looks like only one is coming out alive. I like it.
  3. A lovely day for the nanny to take a stroll in the park
  4. Such an expensive diorama... the Hanging Trees and Carver... Very well done and ascetically amazing though Love the lighting on the trees.
  5. Someone is going to lose more than his pants ....
  6. Boil, boil, toil and trouble!
  7. Teddy Bear = Comforting penguin = Terrifying Teddy Bear penguin = Psychiatrist Fees
  8. The detail on the wings....awesome sauce. Oh, and you highlighted those sculpted fishnet stockings perfectly!
  9. Hmm, this reminds me of a movie I once saw... Independence Day! lol jk, very nicely done.
  10. I tip my had to you, sir. You have picked up the gauntlet and won the bout!
  11. Zoraida in the past and future...but opposite what one would believe.
  12. Haha, where is the gentleman's hanky to wipe up his cut?
  13. Very Drizzt feel to this entry. I like it
  14. Haha, I like the rhyme you came up for this one!
  15. noob


    It's AWESOME that Wyrd does this little extra to help support those who stock their goods :)
  16. Rathpex, where did you get those tan tile bases?
  17. Updated mine! Everyone check out my shiny spreadsheet!! *loves spreadsheets*
  18. Details of the Tournament are as follows. https://www.facebook.com/events/382950325236206/ Location: Louisville Game Shop Time: 1:00 PM, 13 June Crew Size: 35ss, Single Declared Faction Round Length: 90 Min Cost: 8$ Prize Support: Crew box of choice for winner and participation goodies. 3 Round Event (4 Rounds if we have 16+ players) There will be round specific Strategies and Deployment: Round 1 - Reconnoiter, Flank Deployment Round 2 - Stake a Claim, Standard Deployment Round 3 - Reckoning, Close Deployment *Round 4 - Squatter's Rights, Corner Deployment *If we have 16+ players There will be a 45 min break for food between rounds 1 and 2. Wyrd declared proxies are allowed. Other proxy decisions are left up to the EO. Bring the appropriate models for what you want to play. Crews do NOT need to be fully painted and based. Please reference the Gaining Grounds rules located here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/52-gaining-grounds/
  19. Greetings, everyone! I will be running a Henchman Hardcore tournament on the 6th of June at HKG in Elizabethtown, KY. https://www.facebook.com/events/1058742940821003/ Since this is the first event of its kind at Hard Knox Games, I will be adjusting some of the rules: Each participant should have a crew list prepared at the time of registration so that I can look it over. One crew list for the duration of the event (no adjusting the crew/upgrade makeup between rounds). The Crews will be led by a Henchman and 20 Soulstones worth of models/upgrades. Each crew MUST be comprised of four models (1 Henchman and 3 other models of your choice). No more and no less. And Soulstones not spend on the purchase of those three models and upgrades for the crew are lost. (The Henchman Cache value is your starting Soustone amount) Each round will be have a max playtime of 45 minutes. Time starts as soon as player tables and matchups are anounced. I am adding 15 min to the default 30 to allow time for questions/clarifications during gameplay. For every round: Strategy - Turf War Scheme - Assassinate Deployment - Close There is NO painting requirement for this event, though models must be completely assembled and on their respective size base. Players may proxy up to 2 of the 4 required models for the tournament. The proxies need to be on the same size base as the model that you are proxying for. COST: $10.00 Entry PRIZE SUPPORT: Store credit in relation to the number of participants for top three finishers as well as a nice little token of appreciation to all participants from the EO!
  20. Hey Everyone!! I will be running a demo event at HKG in Elizabethtown, KY on the 23rd of May! Details are at the following FB event page! https://www.facebook.com/events/1422237501428950/ noob
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