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Linus Mcmold

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Everything posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. There is a lot going on this picture and there is a story behind it. It seems as if something unexpected had happened and they're wondering where their friend dissapeared. At least that's my take on it. Is that an imp with a camera on that pole behind the orc?
  2. I can't see what he's got in his net. Adorable diorama. Almost as if a childs doodle came to life (and I mean it in a good way).
  3. Very sharp looking. Nice NMM and a gem whatever the glass/darkness effect on it is called.
  4. So funny and cute. This particular pirate gremlin looks very devious and I love it. The chest and tentacles are adorable as well. Competent paintjob, very nice with its pastel colors and a great story without complicating it. The base and backdrop just complement the picture. The sea looks great even without the water effects.
  5. Wow! This is another of my favorite works. This is both adorable and very lifelike. Beautiful work! Everything looks great: apples, the cage, gremlin and the piggy. All were critical to tell a story and you did it wonderfully! Great looking base as well... but that goes without saying. ... This competition is making me migrate to Google Chrome. Opening bigger pictures sucks in Firefox and I've just realized I'm getting broken pictures for no reason.
  6. Very effective basework. Lovely hat too and a funny looking gremlin.
  7. Very naturalistic approach to your painting. I love it! Beautiful waterfall as well. I've been waiting for this entry since I've seen the concepts in your WIP gallery. It would have been a shame if it wasn't displayed here. I hope the next round will run more smoothly. Good luck!
  8. Great miniature pick. Also very hard to come by. Your paintjob complements his expensiveness and rarity. Those colors really suit him/it well.
  9. This one is a bit dark. She's like the reverse Goldfinger from James Bond. Nice paintjob, sick taste EDIT Lol, RollRaiderz posted a similar comment to your mini as me. I guess I was ninjad' for the first time...
  10. This small diorama tells a big story very well. Truly a cinematic setup and an epic shot with the camera. Love this one a lot!
  11. Gangster tot. He's up to no good. Now I can't help it but see him with a tommygun. Cool painting!
  12. Linus Mcmold

    Liquid Gold

    Great looking spill freehand. Beautiful painting overall and great deatails. Very clean and vibrant colors. The beer looks almost magical in its properties on this mini.
  13. I like how she's melding with the darkness as she's burning up. Good looking photo.
  14. Great looking setup you have there. Interesting pick for a treasure hunting hero.
  15. Lovely work on the Valedictorian. I especially like her canvasy wings. Great basework as well. Only that I can't see the theme in your work. But that's just me...
  16. I like your work on that pistol and that armor. Sword looks quite heavy for wielding in one hand, he must be a fool or very buff... EDIT I just spotted he has a hydraulic steampunk device. Sword makes sense. Carry on
  17. Lol. I would have never thought of scavange hunt for this theme. Great idea!
  18. Good thing he wasn't a jogging champion because running in golden shoes would be very painful.
  19. Such a beautiful paintjob. Impeccable skintones on your lawyer and very convincing cloth textures on his coat.
  20. Running along that railway must be a bumpy ride for his load. Willie has a great fool aspect about him. Good to see you're back into painting.
  21. The mountain and the spine light-up effect is very like Smaugs from recent Hobbit movies. At least that's what this picture evoked in me when I've seen it.
  22. Linus Mcmold

    ROUND 1

    The crystals (soul stones) are really cool looking. This crooked guy looks more like a geologist in this representation than a typical miner.
  23. Mr. dwarf looks very gruff. Beautiful mini and the paintjob does it justice. Very nice golden bars.
  24. @Viruk: That Goldilocks comment is golden. Is this the only Puppet Wars mini in the contest. She's very cute. Nice work on her dress too.
  25. Riddle me this, riddle me that... I don't know how the rest goes and I'm too lazy for the google search (something bat related). Your Riddler evokes the Jim Carrey vision of the Riddler than the more serious one I've seen elswhere. Which is a good thing. Your alleyway diorama is very pretty. Great work!
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