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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. What a great theme! I'm impressed.
  2. Keep up the good work! And your dogs don't look like you hated painted them. They're pretty sharp.
  3. Your Hanged look especially nice. And yes, washes automagically make everything look better than you expected. Keep up the good work!
  4. Hey, I like Spawn Mother! Though, there are a lot of good models in the 8 pt bracket. I don't know much about Weaver Widow, but does she really beat out Ice Golem? He's pretty much 9 points of disappointment.
  5. Washes are formulated to have low water tension and flow into all the nooks and crannies of your mini. They bring out a lot of detail with little effort. They can also act to shade a mini slightly. Citadel washes are very good for any level painter, but even more so for beginners. I highly recommend whatever they call the flesh wash nowadays and the darker brown one. I make my own washes with a flow release, but I don't recommend on trying that right away. The warning label on the bottle pretty much told me that I'm fooling with dark forces beyond my comprehension, so yeah... Citadel washes are good.
  6. Yeah, I started out with GameColor when I started to paint, and I didn't like how thin it was either. It's not bad paint, but it's probably best when not used as a base coat on black primer. I would try white primer, or a thicker line of paints for your base coat. I use Citadel paints since they're very thick and I can always thin them down.
  7. What brand of paint are you using?
  8. Sweet! It's about time someone did HD justice. Nice work!
  9. Yeah, had the same trouble myself. I ended up using some greenstuff to make a little structure to hold the arm in the socket. I thought about pinning myself, but I think the arm is just too small. It took me a few tries to get it to stay, but I have to report that my old lady arm hasn't fallen off going on like 2 months now.
  10. I prefer to see melty faces on death marshals, but really sweet paint job just the same. They're really striking.
  11. I wish they sold liquid greenstuff by the gallon. It's perfect for areas like Yamaziko's sleeve. I know some people would rather gouge their own eyes out rather than give GW money, but liquid GS is a really good product.
  12. Sell your wife and then spend the money to buy a new crew. Problem solved!
  13. Pinning is a good habit to get into if you're assembling metal models, especially if you're putting them on scenic bases. My FLGS carries pinning sets. I use the GF9 drill, but I really hate the stupid thing. The mandrel doesn't grip the drill bits well enough, and tends to slip. I haven't found a better option for hand-drilling yet, so I'm still using it. The nice part about it is that it comes with the perfect gauge wire to make the pins out of. You can also use a Dremel tool or something similar, but while much faster, is dangerous and difficult. I have done both hand-drilling and a Dremel tool, and I recommend hand-drilling over that. Once you have your holes drilled, just cut some pins out of wire, and glue them into the holes and greenstuff as needed. It makes a significant difference in the sturdiness of your models. Like all prep work, it's tedious, but it's worth it, in my opinion.
  14. Hey, nice tutorial! I don't have a wooden plank appropriate crew to base, but it's a neat technique.
  15. #2 looks more convincing to me, but I don't think you can go wrong with #3 either.
  16. Nicely painted! Your second batch of photos do it more justice than the first. I really like the poker chip motif, as well.
  17. You really set the mood well with your color choices. They look fantastic all together.
  18. I definitely see what you're saying in those pictures. I think that there is some liberty taken with proportions in the name of artistic stylization. That said, I think that the Willie/MissT example is way disproportionate. I'd have to see how they look with their crews and on a tabletop before I pass judgment, though. It might all work into the new look, you know?
  19. I noticed that you use the Deadfall set from WWG in some of your photos. Mind if I ask what you think of it? How expensive or time consuming is it? I'm not sure if I want to make a desert board or just use print tiles.
  20. You could always try to remove the mold lines with a shot gun. Youtube exists for a reason! Anyways, just be patient and you'll get better with plastic. I grew up putting together models planes and tanks, so I guess I learned the fundamentals early in life. Use very little glue, and be certain of exactly where you want things to go.
  21. They are nicely painted, but having nipples randomly showing through on models where it doesn't make sense is just creepy and tacky. I mean, how would you feel about a Freikorps crew with penises randomly showing through their pants? I like the idea with the cloak, though. I really like the alternate Raspy model, but I was personally traumatized by trying to paint that cloak.
  22. Esthetically speaking, I think the original "The Hanged" models are the best. Don't get me wrong, the trees look great, but the originals are some of the coolest models in the range. If I played Ressers, these guys would be my first blister, for sure.
  23. I got a Hanging Tree, and while it's a very nice model, I was surprised how much smaller it is than what I was expecting. It's exactly the height of a Citadel Wood tree. From the photos, I was expecting something 50% bigger than that. I think it's mostly due to the fact that the Eric and Nathan models are much slighter than the old metal models, and then make the tree look comparatively bigger. It's still a really nice model, and I'm not displeased with it... though if I had known how big it really was, I probably wouldn't have bought it. Seeing it side by side with a Citadel Wood tree, you can definitely see that it's a higher quality sculpt by a long shot, but not so much that they can't be put on the same board together.
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