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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Self healing walk 7 charge 9 armor 2 model that gets to attack and damage flips. can give to enemys df and wp duels. also 3 ap and cant be charged.
  2. The enemy model is engaged with 2 friendly models since he is engaging them. Now if the model you are attacking does not have a close attack then no since the day dream and the model just stare at each other.
  3. [quote name="necroon" post="748163" timestamp="1407357139" Honestly I don't think we needed another Teddy: We have a pewter, a Nightmare Sculpt, a Puppet Wars Sculpt (Or is it 5 puppet wars sculpts?), and a very recently release plastic one.
  4. Ahh I saw miss ery and thought it was a sorrow. Or candy just to torment me. But teddy is fine. I can do with more Teddys.
  5. Zoraida obeys golem. Golem now barrels faces things. Winning.
  6. No some people feel like they have taken Shenlong. But only by proxy.ing the models.
  7. I do that. It's what I do with my rifle man. Burning deathstar of 14" might take an Austringers some day.
  8. Mech rider 4 life. Goes with all Arcanists. ALL.
  9. I think you mean 7 wounds. Not 3. Suffers 3 damage of his 10. Otherwise what a waste I sneeze at him poop dreamer in a bad position now little boy crys moar.
  10. Can always use more friekorp. Also Tara lacks a hench(wo)man.
  11. I do believe you can cheat the damage flip Also (when applicable)
  12. you did deal severe(2) yep did you flip weak yep (2) see you dealt severe and weak and moderate. see how that could be read. mind let me be VERY CLEAR. i do not believe it works that way. but the wording could be said that way. if the wording said flipped severe moderate etc. would be better. dealt 2 winning right.
  13. I agree with you ausplosions but a counter argument is if they flip weak moderate or severe damage they do is 2/2/2 which is weak moderate and severe. So doing 2 damage is dealing severe or moderate. So flipping weak. Gives you slow and paralyze. Or we can go with flipped card is the effects it apply which is slow or paralyze. I still say if if you deal 0 you get nothing but severe was flipped so apply the additional effect. Would like an faq for this and Molly tbh.
  14. Should I use the Palm side next time? I don't lose pieces or complain about it. But other people do. Hence why I said it my comment. Gremlins specifically. I even added a winky face to let people know I was being humorous and completely non serious. Just like using Palm side making a reference to Seamus. More funny jokes and stuff. Oh and more winky
  15. Each finger on the gremlin is a separate plastic piece same with the teeth. Have fun with that.
  16. A lot is common senses/easy to pick up. Some interactions are wonky and counterintuitive. But if you have ever played 1.5 or 1 you would be highly highly confused. Was great once you understood it but beforehand eek.
  17. I was looking for her and she hid from me. But she does not need to be obeyed per say. She can declare that trigger v ironsides and It would paralyze her. Good catch.
  18. If by some way chance you could take a nurse or widow with ironsides. Just giving a hypothetical.
  19. Protection from the Blood: This model is immune to Conditions caused by enemy models and damage from p effects. If I had a nurse and used it on ironsides she would be paralyzed. If I had widow weaver and used exhale terror and fails the duel would also be paralyzed. If it's an action or ability on an enemy model then no paralyze. Terror included. Jack daws upgrade says The Lurking Fear: This model is immune to the Paralyzed Condition if it is applied by enemy models. Same concept. An enemy is causing the horror duel and subsequently the paralyze condition.
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