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Everything posted by Jonasty

  1. Sculpt is really cool and I'll obviously end up getting one cause Wyrd always gets my money. That being said, completely unnecessary model for the miss. 4th iteration of 1 model and still no models of certain others. I thought GenCon was supposed to be the exciting driver of interest in the product but this year is feeling extraordinarily "meh". At least this year is gonna be easier on my wallet than I was expecting.
  2. Eric seemed to imply via AWP on FB that the crew boxes they showed were the crew boxes available. So the "and more" is gonna probably be single model things. I'm hoping I'm wrong cause I was really hoping for Ironsides but we'll see.
  3. Yeah that's what I meant, that it's still ultimately a similar pose to one of the existing models. I know some folks who shelled out some dough for the NE LCB that weren't super thrilled. Glad I wasn't one of them lol.
  4. The GenCon releases look nice but overall I'm a little underwhelmed by them, specifically regarding the selection. In this instance I already own a decent amount of the original models and those I don't I wasn't as excited to see compared to others, which is my own issue obviously. The thing that is a little more disappointing is we've yet to see a truly new full crew release. Most everything that's come out already exists in metal and the GenCon releases this year are more of the same, barring a new totem model for some crews. And while the previous releases have offered updated and interesting re-sculpts, this crop as folks have pointed out are not even hitting that point as regularly anymore via VS and LCB. That's what makes it even more confusing because if all the redone plastics were the same sculpts as the metal it'd make more sense to me that we're seeing them first but clearly they're new sculpts so why the focus on redoing everything old first? I have no insight into the design side of things so there could be tons of behind-the-scenes things causing problems but it's just a little disappointing. (Although not necessarily to my wallet ) To be clear, I'm a huge fan of the game and really my complaint boils down to "Damn it Wyrd I'm not going to get to throw as much of my money at you this year" which isn't really a complaint lol. I was just hoping for some of the truly new things that really excited me in the beta to be out for me to start collecting.
  5. Eric indicated in A Wyrd Place on FB that there would be Wave 2 stuff at GenCon barring shipping/transport problems. He didn't say what or how much and obviously the "barring problems" qualifier is there for a reason but there should be some Wave 2 stuff for people to put their grubby little hands on. I'm hoping at least 2 crew boxes given the various teases of art/renders but other than that I've got no guesses.
  6. Ahh another day, another browse of the forums for GenCon updates. Let the obsessive refreshing begin.
  7. Monday?! Boo! Today! At least I've got Guardians of the Galaxy to look forward to this weekend.
  8. Technically as I've yet to play in a ranked event, I'm Null-ScoreJonah at this point. It was great to meet all these various posters and put names and faces to forum handles. (Although sadly I'll probably need a refresher at the next event lol.)
  9. Big thing I always suggest with new players is make sure you know your own crews rules down pat and don't try and start bouncing around between masters/factions until you're comfortable. Once you've got your own stuff cold, it becomes a lot easier to then track your opponent's abilities and review their cards during play cause you're not also worrying about what your own guys can do. I've played the game for a while now and while I know the general rules pretty much by memory, I'm one of the obsessive collectors and I'm at 17 Masters across all 7 factions. It's honestly just as hard sometimes to play the game for me cause I like to jump around and then end up forgetting what half my crap can do. It's usually why I focus on one crew or faction if I know I'm heading into a tournament or just want to stop my losing streak. It sounds like you're already seeing this given your getting closer in your match results so I would just say stick with it. The overall community is super cool. You don't get the same vibe from most Malifaux players as you might with other game systems.
  10. Yeah I'm hoping for end of week at this point. That'd be 2 weeks I think.
  11. Really hoping we see some of the new Master's boxes coming out. We've had a lot of the existing metals redone in plastic but we're still not seeing a huge number of the new ones released and I'm antsy to stop using proxies all over the place.
  12. Wow yeah that seems kinda messed up. If someone wants to add them back to the wiki that'd certainly be a viable tactic since other masters can't do that. Overall intent is still there though so not a huge concern.
  13. Just an FYI, I updated a line in the Dreamer's PMF wiki regarding burying Dreamer to bring out LCB in the Tactics section. It mentioned using this to remove conditions and then gave examples. Specifically it listed distract and cursed object. I removed those and swapped in Burning and Poison because those schemes specifically state that those specific conditions can't be removed except by the specific action granted by the scheme. Not sure if there are similar issues with other condition removing verbiage for other models but something to be aware of when strategerizing for models.
  14. Wish I could play but the schedule doesn't look good for the rest of the weekend. Looking forward to running the GG tourney on Sunday though, can't wait to see the cutthroat matches!
  15. Question on the Agrellan Earth, how do you keep it from flaking and chipping? Does varnishing the base seal it in and prevent problems? I've tried to use that paint but it flakes away on me and I'd love to attempt these bases if possible.
  16. So I was scanning through briefly. Is there any update on a possible iOS availability date? Excited to help test this out once it's available on my iPhone.
  17. Thanks for the catch PB, missed that aspect of it. Wow, that's an incredibly awful combo right there then. Gonna have to try it out in my next Dreamer game.
  18. I'm totally going from memory here so someone please jump on me if I'm wrong but how are you summoning teddy at all with dreamer? Discounting suits, I thought it was Ca 6 trying to hit TN 10 + the SS cost of the model. If teddy is cost 11, then you need to hit TN 21 which is impossible even with the red joker. Widow weaver is the only model I believe can summon teddy and even then you need a ton of markers to do it. Think you might be misreading the dreamer card.
  19. I'm still holding out hope that I get my town set but I also caved into realism and bought a bunch of stuff from Sarissa Precision. Wow, their stuff is amazing. If this PO Boys stuff ever works out at least I'll have it as my "traveling" terrain set and then I can have my permanent at home set now too.
  20. Yep, I'm fingers crossed we get some kind of release for GenCon.
  21. Lots of good suggestions here. One thing I dealt with as a Dita player in a game last week was Teddy which was a pain in the ass. And thinking about it, a lot of Pandora's schtick as well would cause the same thing. My opponent parked Teddy in melee with a couple of my models and then just grinned at me when I started looking to Obey my own models. He was more than happy to let me fail a Wp duel within reach of Teddy's Feed on Fear (?) ability. I can see this also really playing out with some Pandora Sorrow/Poltergeist action. This isn't to say that Obey is the game breaking ability to worry about in an Ortega crew but when 3 of their themed models (Dita, Enslaved Neph, and Abuela) have it, it does hamper their tactical options.
  22. Had a question. If I go through my credit card company and somehow get my money back and then this turns out to be a legitimate set of circumstances and the terrain actually is real, do you think I'd still get my order? Does anyone know if the person is notified in these instances where you're getting your money back? I've been trying to give this whole situation the benefit of the doubt, maybe I'm a little too naive but I'd like to think this will all work out. That being said, the reality is slowly eating away at my happy thoughts so it might be getting to that time where I try to recoup my losses.
  23. Winter League Final results Congrats to Ian for winning the whole enchilada last night in his finals game against ArmyMatt! Leveticus carried the win over Lilith's brood! A big thank you to everyone who participated in this event, it seemed to be a lot of fun for folks and we saw a good amount of interest. Kudos to Alex for turning his league games into such an amazing narrative throughout, which was the whole point of running a Story based league. I look forward to running something again for folks in the future. If you have ideas on what you'd like to see, feel free to let me know. Final League Results 2014 Winter League Champion Ian running Leveticus 2nd Place Army Matt running Lilith 3rd Place Alex running Misaki
  24. You and Clousseau are correct. Puppet Wars (like Malifaux) is very specific with the language so abilities that refer to Rips need to have Rips happen, vs abilities like the convict gunslinger's which Tears Apart.
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