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Everything posted by Viruk

  1. Great initiative and I'll definitely get one if another auction is started.
  2. While it sounds good I'm afraid it's no longer possible: Hungering Darkness Originally Posted by Model Fix Errata: - Hungering Darkness should have the ability "Never Touch The Stuff: This model cannot gain the Brilliance Characteristic."
  3. Abuela is my favorite here - you got a perfect "evil granny" look on her.
  4. Some good examples of how small details can have a positive effect on the whole, the pipes look great and the lamps will look fantastic once you put them in their proper places.
  5. Nice start and since it's the first time I've seen this crew put together, I just have to say - wow, those sculpts are fantastic!
  6. The base looks great, you also put the Watcher in a very dynamic pose which will make him look even better once it's painted.
  7. That's a great looking crew, love the display base too - those pillars are amazing.
  8. Love the idea of Green Justice and what you've made so far looks very impressive.
  9. Looks nice, Gwynbleidd The only thing I'd suggest would be adding more terrain, some walls maybe a few buildings. The way things are right now makes it a good killing ground for crews that rely on shooting.
  10. Nice job with the videos, great to see some details on the new minis this way. I've subscribed to your yt channel and hope you'll keep on making more videos.
  11. Thanks for the comments guys, mucho appreciado! Here's another addition to my Neverborn crew - nTeddy. Painting him was fun too but it took me a while to get the fur right. Once again, I ended up working from brighter to darker colors and achieved the final effect with multiple washes/glazes and a few highlights. Now that I look at him, it's hard to believe that I actually started from light grey basecoat. There were two options of putting the model together, the other one with its left arm clasped around a terrified child. I chose this one as I have other plans for the kiddo. I like his slightly crooked posture as it goes well with the twisted look of Neverborn minis. I needed to work with Green stuff, particularly in the area around his left shoulder as the arm didn't fit there perfectly. I also sculpted additional fur around and above his claws (both on the hand and on the feet). Each claw had to be glued individually, so pinning them would be just too painful. In order to make them stronger, I simply covered them with GS and sculpted fur on top of it. My only concern is that he's much taller than the original Teddy and towers over him. In game they both count as HT3 models but they look like two entirely different individuals, not just two versions of the same thing. That being said, I still have to admit that I do like both sculpts
  12. You managed to show off its wild look very well. I look forward to seeing more!
  13. It looks excellent with the irregular shape of the the wood and great painting. I'd only suggest putting a mini next to a terrain piece when you photograph it to give a better idea of the scale.
  14. Cassandra's clothes already look great, can't wait to see the finished mini!
  15. A great looking crew, I love it! You used various nice shades of blue but managed to keep them looking coherent as a crew and the final effect is just fantastic!
  16. It turned out really nice, making the teeth less flat and more irregular in shape worked out really great!
  17. That's the song that immediately comes to my mind when I think about this master. My second master that I want to start using - the Dreamer with his best friend, Lord Chompy. I wanted to make LCB's skin look ugly and ancient. That's why I decided to highlight it this way, followed with several brown/flesh/purple glazes. The Dreamer was more straightforward as I just wanted him to be much brighter and "cleaner" than the rest of his nightmares.I also wanted to give him a little twist and placed him on the front of his base, leaving more space for his shadow. His base is only 30mm so there isn't really much space. Still, I tried to paint a very simplified, as seen by a child, image of LCB there. Here are two additional pics showing them from the bird's eye view. And to finish things off, here are two Stitched together.
  18. Haven't had a chance to work with Wyrd plastics yet but in my experience GS works well with any kind of plastic minis.
  19. Looks great, has a fantastic bayou feel to it. The larger surfaces (roof, walls) look excellent and the interior with all the details is even better.
  20. Nice idea for tying them with the green color, I do like the Irish theme. Keep up the great work!
  21. He looks great, the smoothness of highlights is quite impressive.
  22. Interesting idea for basing them, kind of a game within a game theme - I like it. The painting looks nice too.
  23. Looking forward to seeing some progress on Jakob as I haven't seen a painted version yet and knowing your skills we can expect something nice :Smug_Puppet2:
  24. Now that's an interestine way to make terrain. Maybe you could leave a single hand or foot protruding from the 'bark' to make it even creepier :Smug_Puppet2:
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