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Everything posted by Fog

  1. Fog


    Thanks, we're keeping eyes out everywhere, but I live in a medium to large city, and the guy we believe it is (have him on camera even, though we don't have a name) seems like he's at least familiar with the gaming world, as he was trying to pawn stolen magic cards that day. I try to play several times weekly, and I've got a tournament I planned on going to next weekend. Best case, we recover the bag and the new stuff is raffled off at a charity event we're running in July. And honestly, I've seen these threads pop up before. I've never seen a"We recovered it! Everything is okay! " follow-up. I can stand still and hold out for a miracle or march forward and make the best of things. I don't think Ramos would stand still. He'd just build more spiders.
  2. Fog


    My Malifaux collection was stolen today. Over $1.5k plus in models stolen, fully painted. Years of painting efforts, gone. I've repurchased Ramos. Everything else can wait.
  3. Extraction - Ramos Interference -Ramos or Ironsides Headhunter - Colette Guard the stash - Ramos Collect the bounty - See below Turf war- Ramos Reckoning - See below Reconnoiter - Ramos Squatters rights - Colette Stake A claim - Colette For the primarily kill focused schemes, I find "whichever master you're most comfortable with" is the best answer. Everyone either murders enemies or boosts their teammates so there is no bad choice.
  4. Three things I would change: 1) Replace adrenaline on Ironsides with regeneration. It would stop people from trying to play her like a bad Mei Feng. They could,focus on her amazing board control, top tier buffing and support. 2) Change the Emissary. Every. Single. Thing. Our little wizard buddy shouldn't be an angry bull robot competing for the exact same spot as our four other amazing high cost beaters. Change his role, change his sculpt, have him be something intesting instead of overdone. 3) Give is Hoffman, or access to his robots. It's infuriating that everyone under the sun can take all our good toys and there is literally a guild M&SU member who nets us nothing.
  5. When I find myself thoroughly in control of the late game I'll go out of my way to melee with Ramos. It's comedy gold.
  6. I only need five of.these. Maybe six.
  7. I have the very unpopular opinion that the Arcane Emissary is Bad. I think it is especially so with Ramos. I feel it doesn't really offer much to the faction that half a dozen models don't already do, although his personal upgrade with some of them (Raspy, for example) is very good. With Ramos, you're bringing a 10 stone model whose upgrade only gives him the ability to benefit from Ramos's buffs when instead you could bring Joss, who's tankier, Langston, who is faster and killier, or the rail golem, who I'm not a fan of but has his strong points. Take this with a grain of salt, though, as I really dislike the design of the Emissary and that may be coloring my opinion (our cute little wizard buddy grows up into... a giant robot bull?)
  8. We'll have to agree to disagree. And that's one of the best parts of Malifaux. You can play what you want, the way that you want, and still do well.
  9. Joss with imbued protection, protection of metal, and Ramos giving out arcing screen.
  10. Langston is definitely a scalpel, not a sledge. If you don't have the right target, don't commit. Very little in the game should be able to alpha him, and if you're not abusing his mobility then you're losing out.
  11. I personally think Combat Mechanic is not worth the points. It's not worth it to heal a spider, Langston is either out of reach or dead, and Joss handles himself. I find in general actions used to heal need to generate a gross amount of healing (Johan) to be worth the opportunity cost. That could instead be a pair of electrical fire that finish off wounded models or kill something, swinging the game further in your direction. The brass arachnid doesn't need a ten of tombs, but a ten of any suit and an action to prime. I can get why folks might not like the resource expenditure, but a single reactivation on Langston is well worth four Stones IMHO. I'm also not sure where "swarms don't have slow" comes from. I do find it easy enough to swarm spiders turn four or five by having spiders otherwise finished with their goal find each other and join up. You don't need to summon three at a time to do it.
  12. Scheme selection is so huge. I've had to take a lot of lumps before I learned to stop and think about how the game is going to play out before picking schemes. Standing around refusing to kill models because I need them for distract or such was awful. Now, if my strategy is kill related I'll avoid taking things that require me to leave someone alive. And if they're feasible, I'll go for schemes that can score big points up front. You'll find that your games get to turn five a lot more reliably when you are up four to six points by turn two. If they don't, you've already got your points and it only hurts your opponent.
  13. It's good, too, when you NEED to force through severe on a hard to wound model.
  14. I refuse to link to the wiki because of the name. I'll tell people to google 'Malifaux wiki' but that's it.
  15. I've won a convention hh with Hannah w/ancient tomes, nothing beast w/void shield, and two void wretches. Lots of 3" reach, so many ways to bury, six attacks off your two main beaters, and some tricks with your fleas. Lots of fun.
  16. Hey, I've got an extra nightmare whiskey golem and a dayglowPandora I'd like to part with. I'm looking for rare, convention Fate decks, limited edition stat cards, specifically Ramos, Jack Daw and Hamelin, or worst case I'd be willing to sell for cash or trade for other limited models I can give away at local events. Feel free to shoot me a message.
  17. Coming up tomorrow! We've got seven preregistered and exspect more at the door. That should put us into a medium prize kit, with at least six prizes going out to attendees!
  18. It's perfectly clear now. I'm expecting four outcast players at our local tournament Saturday and I wasn't looking forward to having that fight four times.
  19. You cannot choose to *not* make a rat King. Tangled gives no room for choice. Rat activates, if there are three more rats then they voltron into a king. Activating things in the wrong order will force you to combine early, cost you activations and potentially hurt your second turn activation pool. That changes the activation order required (rat, wretch, summoned rat, hired rat, summoned rat) which isn't too big a deal for the first turn control but it makes controlling for second turn something you need to plan ahead to accomplish. It complicates matters and requires thought and effort to play. i definitely agree that the engine may be too strong outside of Hamelin, but I don't want people playing this wrong all across the country for the next few weeks. If I have to stare this down across the table I want them playing it right.
  20. If you're going for maximum individual kill power, I'd recommend the essence of power to kick Ramos up to cast 8.
  21. I definitely agree that if something goes wrong with the alpha it can put you in a difficult position. A lot of the time I don't use it, simply letting the threat of it curtail my opponent's game play. I love hearing "Langston threats how far? AND you can reactivate him? *muttered curse words, shaking head*" On top of that, having a backfield construct to pull to has gotten me out of a few tough spots. I'd never say that not running the totem is *wrong* but I hear people disparage it like it's completely worthless all the time, and I strongly disagree.
  22. Fog

    Rat Bomb

    Zoraida can get Loco 12" upfield before he activates, then Trixie can get him another 12", then he can blow up twice. Activation control isn't too hard to get with gremlins. With Jack Daw you can give him 7" of movement before he activates, pop another 4" in from Lust (using her zero, and she's great to have on hand for many reasons, not just this trick) AND give him fast, plus his pulses gain an inch. It may not sound like much but it increases the area by a deceptively large amount. He can walk 4", then explode twice with a 5" aura for a threat of 20". Alternatively, if you can get him into a right proper position without walking, you can give Loco Armor +2 from a nurse (another all around all star tormented model), then have him explode 3 times instead. It's bad news bears. If you want Loco to be area denial instead of a nuclear missile then you can give him +2 Speed instead and have the bastard walk 25", or 31" if you pop oathkeeper. He's guaranteed to be in an obnoxious spot. If you want, you can rat engine and killjoy on top of that so that when Loco kills thrice his soulstone cost and goes out, Killjoy steps in to eat face.
  23. I can respect the choice to not bring the arachnid. It doesn't work for everyone. That said, if my opening hand allows for it and the strats and schemes are good, sometimes I'll put reactivate on Langston and Joss first turn. If I had the nut draw and I was able to summon three spiders, even better. Doesn't happen often, but it'll go like this: 1. Scrap walks forward 2. Joss converts model to scrap. 3. Ramos puts up buffs, summons 3 spiders. 4. Spider 1 5. Spider 2 6. Spider 3 7. Brass arachnid gives self reactivate 8. Brass arachnid gives Langston & Joss reactivate. 9. Joss punishes anyone playing too far forward, maybe using IE 10. Langston walks upwards of 20 inches. 11. Langston walks, charges or walks, flurries. Something dies. It's not guaranteed, but I find it to be pretty similar in effectiveness to the Killjoy bomb against most crews, even if you only summoned one or two spiders. Langston is even more likely to survive retaliation than Killjoy if your opponent wins initiative. You might not have the Viks or Leveticus bringing up the rear for a second wave, but Outcasts don't have an endless stream of spiders. I've lost using this tactic exactly twice--both times against Gremlins, against the same player, who had the red joker to cheat in to kill Langston first turn, then a second red joker to deal with Joss and spiders via blasts. It may not outactivate as hard as Ratjoy but it's similarly obnoxious.
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